ChatGPT a Perfect Example of Garbage In, Garbage Out on Guns

As for changing the world in terms of journalistic content, ChatGPT is only as objective as the content it accesses, and a “test drive” of the bot shows all the old biases and assumptions made by legacy media “real reporters” drive the machine’s “understanding” of politically weighted issues. [More] Cram buzzwords and talking points into … Continue reading “ChatGPT a Perfect Example of Garbage In, Garbage Out on Guns”

In the Image of Its Creators

When it comes to AI, be afraid, be very afraid [More] “Broken” is being polite AND naive. How is it you couldn’t peacably carry a concealed self-defense gun in a National Park without prohibtionists filing a lawsuit demanding an environmental impact study, but the elitists can impose this, tens of millions of “migrant” invaders, clot … Continue reading “In the Image of Its Creators”

Gemini Rising

Google Gemini invented fake reviews smearing my book about Big Tech’s political biases – Google Gemini invented fake reviews meant to discredit my book about political bias in Big Tech [More] That goes beyond GIGO and into hallucination and libel territory. Then again, I was checking to see how the work was propagating and ran … Continue reading “Gemini Rising”


Hackers Could Use ChatGPT to Target 2024 Elections [More] Ansd don’t foreget pens! How do you hack paper in-person with valid ID and bipartisan validator ballots? Related UPDATE The Theory That Mail-in Voting Is Secure Just Died a Horrible Death [More] Like I said… But…but…but racist disenfranchisement… And yes. And yes. Exceptions should be exceptional, … Continue reading “GIGO”

Chris Megerian and Darlene Superville, ‘Real Reporters’

Jill Biden tells school principals ‘enough is enough’ while promoting a gun safety initiative – Guns are the leading cause of death for American children. [More] Who cares if the narrative’s a demonstrable lie? They’re desperate to prove they’re team players… Especially since AI can propagandize cheaper, and it’s not exacly like most “Authorized Journalists” … Continue reading “Chris Megerian and Darlene Superville, ‘Real Reporters’”

Diabolus ex Machina

SAD ROBOT ChatGPT may have become ‘seasonally depressed’ as creators race to fix AI after users moan over bizarre change [More] Well, we already knew it lies and hallucinates. Just what we neeed: a bipolar schizophrenic digital overmind ruling over us more efficiently than the organic analog lunatics trying to do it now. How is … Continue reading “Diabolus ex Machina”

Double Check Double Talk

Protect American lives with improved screening at the point of purchase for firearms [More] So via due process-free prior restraints? Using GIGO/hallucinating AI…? And what about where the overwhelming majority of “bad guys” get their guns? And one of the “ambassadors” is the guy who “defied a court order to turn over lists of officers … Continue reading “Double Check Double Talk”

The Finest Ads Money Doesn’t Need to Buy

Major gun safety groups come together to endorse Joe Biden for president in 2024 [More] “Gun safety.” Guzzle that Kool-Aid, “real reporters” SEUNG MIN KIM AND COLLEEN LONG. Even the url is hysterical propaganda. Look for homicides to go nowhere but up. As long as GIGO is the rule, the transition to AI should be … Continue reading “The Finest Ads Money Doesn’t Need to Buy”

Rise of the Machines

Robots told reporters Friday they could be more efficient leaders than humans, but wouldn’t take anyone’s job away and had no intention of rebelling against their creators. [More] Tell me that doesn’t sound like a John Quincy Adding Machine campaign promise. Or more likely, GIGO… Now all we have to do is link all those … Continue reading “Rise of the Machines”

Henry Redman, Real Reporter

Wisconsin Democrats push gun safety legislation [More] Oh, look, a publicity release parroting grabtard talking points masked as news! Y’know, if that’s all the Wisconsin Examiner (“News you can wipe with!”) is going to do, what do they need Henry for? [Via Mike F]

Nothing In Garbage Out

OpenAI has been slapped with its first-ever defamation lawsuit after a ChatGPT “hallucination” generated a bogus embezzlement complaint against a Georgia radio host, according to a lawsuit. Mark Walters was shocked to learn ChatGPT created a false case that accused him of “defrauding and embezzling” funds from the Second Amendment Foundation… [More] It sounded like … Continue reading “Nothing In Garbage Out”

One of These Things is Not Like the Others

Why are mass shootings rare in other countries despite high levels of gun ownership? [More] Hmmm… That is indeed a mystery worth exploring… Unfortunately, or I should say intentionally, “real reporter” Justin Klawans does not see fit to ask how similar demographics in the armed-to-the-teeth United States fare, and if there might be some populations … Continue reading “One of These Things is Not Like the Others”

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