We’re the Only Ones Self-Reporting Enough

A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Handling of Its Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead Up to the January 6, 2021 Electoral Certification [More]

Brought to you by the same people who “exonerated” Eric Holder for Project Gunwalker…

Oh, but the OIG is “independent”…


[Via Antigone]


BREAKING: DOJ IG claims 26 FBI informants were in DC on Jan 6. (Guarantee this is not accurate) At least 17 committed offenses for which other J6er have been federally charges. No CHS was charged. [More]


I’m sorry, their take is ‘undercover assets were inside the building, but the FBI didn’t deploy them,’ because that really is going to sell after years of lying about Trump.’m sorry, their take is ‘undercover assets were inside the building, but the FBI didn’t deploy them,’ because that really is going to sell after years of lying about Trump. [More]

My immediate thought on reading that…

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Treason

The Biden administration is using its final weeks to haul a massive amount of border wall materials away from the southern border to be sold off in a government auction, an apparent effort to hinder President-elect Donald Trump’s effort to secure the border, The Daily Wire has learned. [More]

The same people who want our guns want more illegal aliens. Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Let’s hope “The Scouring of the Shire” really happens.

[Via Michael G]

The Pursuit of Excellence

Mike Waidelich’s Legacy in Combat Shooting [More]

I generally don’t feature guns or training here because I focus on rights and leave hardware and use aspects of 2A advocacy to those competent to present it.

In this case I’ll make an exception. Author Bob Jewell, who I corresponded with and met over a decade ago, contacted me and let me know about his piece in USCCA’s Concealed Carry, and I think enough readers here will both learn from it and appreciate it as a tribute to the memory of a man and his achievements.

This is Your Brain on Guns

San Quentin program targeting root causes of gun addiction celebrates first graduation[More]

They’re not against the Second Amendment but guns are an addiction.

Good grief.

I suspect Lt. Guim’Mara Berry has drunk the Kool-Aid, but do you think the warden actually swallows the coil extruding from his mouth or does he just say it because it’s a paycheck and his masters have team player expectations?

Which of the 12 steps is blaming the inanimate and absolving yourself of personal choices?

Get back to me on this after the “graduates” have hit the streets. I wonder what would happen if one of them paid gushing Damon Connolly a visit.

[Via Jess]

Don’t Sweat the Details

“I really want y’all to remember D’Angelo for who he was and not what happened… [More]

But what happened is exactly what the prohibitionists will use to force lock-up-your-safety edicts on the rest of us.

And what does it mean, “Police don’t know where the child found the unsecured gun”? Did they ask the person urging everyone to forget about “what happened”?

If these people did journalism, we’d have the backstory.

Fighting Fire with Slide Fire

Today, Gun Owners of America announced its support for a lawsuit brought forth by Slide Fire Solutions against the U.S. government, which challenges the 2018 ban and unconstitutional confiscation of bump stocks under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. [More]

If any others want to come forward and file complaints, I’ll attest to this, with signatures to prove who I met with:

I asked if anyone else had come to reclaim their property and was told I was the only one, that others had forfeited theirs, and that one business that had made stocks wrote the loss off on taxes.

[Via Jess]

The Wrong Question

By persuading the public that non-citizens, particularly illegal immigrants, do not enjoy the same inalienable rights as law-abiding citizens (a fact refuted by the Constitution and every credible legal scholar in the country), the Deep State is leading us down a road in which all rights are transitory. [More]

True, but by getting us to chase a red herring they don’t have to worry about the answer.

[Via bondmen]

Blinding Us with Science

St. Louis Board of Aldermen begin hearing on police technology [More]

Translation: They have no clue on what to do so they’re just going to throw money at stuff constituents dumb enough to vote for them don’t understand anyway, but it looks like they’re actually doing something proactive.

“ShotSpotter”… good grief.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Negligent Enough

A San Antonio police officer has died after his service pistol accidentally discharged, according to Chief William McManus. Officer William Kasberg was preparing to enter a state-mandated ALERRT training and was gathering his items when his weapon accidentally went off, striking him, according to SAPD. [More]

That’s twice they’ve blamed the gun.

That seems to be longstanding SOP.

[Via Lane]

Cancer Continues to Metastacize

How Washington State Wants to Disarm You in 2025 [Watch]

Nothing will change until this happens:

Imagine now the Department of Justice under an actual Second Amendment advocate, and what it could do fighting infringements and prohibitionist lawfare waged by states with unlimited tax war chests in tandem with Astroturf prohibitionist groups funded by antigun elites. Right now, the costs to defend against these innumerable assaults on all levels are borne by gun rights groups and members of mostly modest means who can only support a fraction of what is needed. That equation could be turned on its head.

Think Pam Bondi will go for it…?

[Via Jess]

The Icon We All Need and Deserve

University of Pennsylvania prof praises CEO-killer suspect [More]

Any word from the well-heeled capitalist alumni who are financing Marxist subversives to indoctrinate future generations? And who decided letting her into this country was in American interests?

Would it be OK if we encouraged the low-hanging fruit out there to start taking out academic commies, or would that get us shunned, unemployable, and potentially prosecuted?

[Via Michael G]

Up for Discussion

The case of Snope v. Brown has been distributed for the Supreme Court’s conference for December 13. Previously styled Bianchi v. Brown, the cert petition challenges Maryland’s “assault weapon” prohibition which the Fourth Circuit upheld en banc earlier this year… Now for a deeper dive. [More]

Stephen Halbrook confirms, among other things, what a f-ing idiot “Reagan Republican” Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III is.

[Via Jess]

First Do No Harm

Arizona Department Of Health Calls For Removal Of Guns From Family Homes [More]

Because there’s no difference between your and my homes and those lived in by morons, reprobates, generational welfare parasites, drug abusers, and criminals…

I wonder how many more children would die in no-knock enforcement raids against those who will not surrender their rights, or home invasions by private criminals of those who complied. Not factoring that in should get Mary Ellen Rimza delicensed for malpractice.

We know where the buck stops for this tyrannical and asinine opinion.

Arizona Democrats voted for it.

Daily Defense Redux

Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with … David Codrea on the NYC shooter updates as the story continues to evolve. Other topics include JayZ and gun grabbers, and continuing discussion of the anti-rights freaks in MI trying to pass a law allowing firearms to be sold in MI only of they meet government regulated and approved colors! [More]

Here’s an aspect of the NYC assassin story we talked about:

Family of UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect didn’t report him as police ask what they knew during manhunt [More]

Exactly what I asked about two days ago…

And here are the Jay-Z and gun color stories ICYMT.

Jay-Z Rape Allegations Illustrate Double Standards for Anti-Gun Elites

It’s interesting that the rape is alleged to have been committed at an MTV party, and a bigger corporate shill for a decadent totalitarian monopoly of violence you will not find. [More]

For starters, #BelieveWomen is suspended and unlike many of the gun laws they demand, he’ll get full due process.

Daily Defense

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