Machine Gun Charges Against Sheriff Recall Earlier Incidents and ‘Only Ones’ Elitism

But whether the top cops are innocent or guilty of charges is beside the real point gun owners should be concerned with. The militarization of police is what opens the door to exclusivity and enables corruption. And you’d better believe the officials and the deputies/officers they command would arrest any of us if they found us non-compliant with a “gun law.” The “Only Ones” hypocrisy reeks. [More]

Nice work if you can get it. The problem is, without a badge, you can’t, and therein lies the crux of police as “Only Ones.”

New SWAT Shooting Video and DA Recusal Raise Investigation Conflict Concerns

It also brings up fair questions about just how impartial any investigation can be without full disclosure of relationships between all parties involved in Klopefer’s shooting and subsequent actions. [More]

What assurances do we have that all personal and professional relationships have been disclosed and will not affect the outcome of the investigation?

Report Says NRA ‘A+’ Rated McCarthy Raising Funds for Giffords-Endorsed Fitzpatrick

That makes it fair to ask why Kevin McCarthy, the beneficiary of an A+ rating and endorsement from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund, is reportedly going out of his way to raise major bucks for someone who is undermining everything about the Second Amendment we’re told he believes in. [More]

At the very least, we ought to find out if the reports are true.

Block Allegations Point to Favoring Criminals Over Legal Gun Owners

As far as gun owners are concerned, it couldn’t happen to a “nicer” leftist billionaire. That Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter and current Principal Executive Office and Chairperson of Block, should be reported as an enabler of criminal transactions while discriminating against lawful commerce in firearms is just another contradiction between what anti-gunners say they want and what they actually achieve. [More]

Help criminals and discriminate against gun owners? It’s good to be a woke elitist!


Dave, like so many others you are in error concerning Heller’s statement on the M-16. Scalia wrote that anyone who say’s M-16s and the like can be banned have de facto separated and nullified the prefatory clause “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,” from the operative “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

“It may be objected that if weapons that are most useful
in military service—M-16 rifles and the like—may be
banned, then the Second Amendment right is completely
detached from the prefatory clause.” [More]

He’s leaving out the big “but” that immediately follows:

But as we have said, the conception of the militia at the time of the Second Amendment’s ratification was the body of all citizens capable of military service, who would bring the sorts of lawful weapons that they possessed at home to militia duty.

Previously qualified as:

We therefore read Miller to say only that the Second Amendment does not protect those weapons not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, such as short-barreled shotguns. That accords with the historical understanding of the scope of the right…

I’ve posted this here because if I’m to get my other work done, I don’t have time to get embroiled in comments on AmmoLand, and besides, I get my say in the article and comments are for the readers.

And point of order

Government Has Known from the Start There is a Right to Own Machineguns

“You see, if we made a statute absolutely forbidding any human being to have a machine gun, you might say there is some constitutional question involved.” [More]

Now, what are all those “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” in Congress going to do about it?

Rounds’ ‘Bipartisan’ Betrayals Undermine His Second Amendment Actions

It’s going to take more than pheasant hunting and a travelers’ bill that’s going nowhere to offset helping Chuck Schumer create a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens. [More]

If wearing orange was all it took, we’d have no better pals than the Demanding Moms on “National Gun Violence Awareness Day.”

ChatGPT a Perfect Example of Garbage In, Garbage Out on Guns

As for changing the world in terms of journalistic content, ChatGPT is only as objective as the content it accesses, and a “test drive” of the bot shows all the old biases and assumptions made by legacy media “real reporters” drive the machine’s “understanding” of politically weighted issues. [More]

Cram buzzwords and talking points into one end and guess what comes out the other.

LAPD Introduces ‘Ghost Gun’ Snitch Line in Futile & Dishonest Show of ‘Doing Something’

The horse and pony show press conference is a tacit admission that California gun laws, the ones garnering “A” grades from the prohibition lobby for being the “best” in the land, aren’t working. So the confiscators say they need more. They always will. It will never end until the totalitarian-minded have it all, and then they’ll turn to what they want next from those under their heels. [More]

It’s not like Chief Moore and his oath-breaking boobs have Clue One as to what would really work– or would be allowed to implement it by their Democrat masters if they did.

LASD Gang Charges Underscore Threat of Enforcers Being ‘Only Ones’ with Guns

“There is at least a half dozen, and possibly more, Deputy Gangs and Deputy Cliques currently in the Department, primarily at patrol stations,” the report elaborates. “They include the Executioners, the Banditos, the Regulators, the Spartans, the Gladiators, the Cowboys and the Reapers.” [More]

Sounds like the most dangerous gang is the LASD because they’re the ones empowered by “law” to enforce citizen disarmament diktats…

Lawmaker’s ‘Common Sense Gun Reforms’ are Both Senseless and Deceptive

She’s established up front she has power. She spends the rest of her screed demonstrating she does not have the wisdom or integrity to wield it responsibly. [More]

Brought to you by stupid voters engaged in chronic citizenship malpractice…

Communist Sympathies in Line with Bass Affinity for Citizen Disarmament

Who better to trust to “control” our guns than politicians with a history of communist radicalism? [More]

These are the domestic enemies the Founders warned us against.

Biased Ruling Supporting Semiauto Ban Enabled by Sham Confirmations

Who but someone willfully deluding herself, a liar, or both, would deliberately ignore that the militia is comprised of citizens “capable of acting in concert for the common defense [and] bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time”? Its function was — and still is — to field citizen soldiers. And these citizens bore arms that were suitable for that purpose, “ordinary military equipment” intended to be taken into “common defense” battles. The militia did not assemble on the green bearing torches and pitchforks. They came with the intent to match and best a professional military threat. [More]

And worst of all, this robed … thing … was confirmed by a Republican majority Senate.

DOD Suicide Report Long on ‘Gun Control’ But Short on Who’s at Risk and Why

How lumping the good in with the bad and the healthy in with the troubled, ignoring politically inconvenient realities, and mandating increased restrictions on the fundamental rights of all demonstrates excellence, dignity, and respect is not explained. Such “equity” seems a curious way of saying “Thank you for your service.” [More]

Is a politically self-serving report that ignores the basics and tells servicemembers they’re not trusted really the best way to help those in serious pain and immediate need?

We’ll Always Find Reasons Not To

…if you cancel a card, your credit score takes a hit. So….don’t like the card’s policies? Don’t use that card, just retire it to the back of your wallet, or even shred it, but don’t cancel it. [More]

For what it’s worth, I had a card I never used and after a few years the credit card company canceled it.

The thought strikes that if this concern is enough to not even take a small action, what chance is there for larger actions when there’s a larger price to pay?

Merchant Codes Show for Gun Owners It Doesn’t Pay to Discover

But if the merchant codes don’t go to the SKU (stock keeping unit) level and identify specific items purchased, some may question what the big deal is. For that, look to the proponents of the codes and how they have announced they intend to use them. [More]

The rope-selling “capitalists” don’t seem to realize what historically happens when their usefulness is up.

‘Bipartisan’ Gun Controller Fitzpatrick Shows Why Being “Republican’ is Not Enough

And based on supporting candidates like party switch-hitter Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, Tom Ridge, and Brian Fitzpatrick, a critical mass of Pennsylvania Republicans is demonstrably willing to throw gun owners under the bus in exchange for the false promise of “less government.” They’re the useful idiot “bourgeoisie” the Democratic Socialists are counting on being asleep. This also explains why disarming them is such a priority. [More]

With “Republicans” like Fitzpatrick, who needs Democrats?

Attempts to Exploit MSU Shootings Run into Inconvenient Truths

Besides, a “gunman” (note the implied pejorative – “Scumbag Murderer” is much more apt) intent on slaughtering human beings is not likely to be deterred by “gun laws,” and this one was no exception. [More]

The killer may not help advance their narrative as much as the gun-grabbers were hoping for.

NC Shooting Highlight Dangers of Swatting & ‘Red Flag’ Responses

What these actions don’t mitigate or excuse is the police opening fire on him immediately after he emerged unarmed from his trailer with his hands raised and his wife directly behind him. [More]

So will the State Bureau of Investigation and the DA aggressively pursue this, and if not, why not?

‘Expert’ Explanation for Why California Still Has ‘Gun Violence’ Misses the Obvious

To paraphrase Democrat strategist James Carville’s slogan about the economy, it’s the criminals, stupid. [More]

They’re going after the wrong thing. Not that the useful idiots will notice.

Slow Going Ahead

I’ll be out all of tomorrow and have much to do behind the scenes today.

I’ll try to get to some of the email tips sent since yesterday later this afternoon, but no guarantees. My priority will be on publicizing articles I expect to be published on AmmoLand and Firearms News, and on working on a couple of new ones I’ve started drafting.

Please hold off on further correspondence until Thursday, because chances are I won’t be able to do anything with it. Also, don’t be surprised if comment moderation is delayed more than usual.

Demand for ‘Commonsense Gun Laws’ is the Road to Citizen Disarmament

We’ve seen the same list before and we know that citizen disarmament has always been and remains the goal. [More]

Right out of the “progressive” totalitarian apologist playbook: Dust off the same old sh!+ and present it as new–all the while masking what you really want and counting on a critical mass of useful idiots to believe it’s for their own good.

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