Why Does It Seem She Knows a Thing or Two about ‘Going Down’?

The View Co-Host Joy Behar Claims Crime Is “Going Down” Under Biden [More]

For some reason, this question just popped up in my mind: What would you say to a friend who told you his wife watches The View and doesn’t want a gun in the house?

[Via bondmen]

Livin’ la Vida Loca

We’ve lost track of the paradoxical fact that you can’t have freedom without law. Not only that, but you can’t have law without punishment… We also seem to think that we can have rights without responsibilities… But we are under the impression that we can have prosperity without production… [More]

“Progressivism” is a culture-killing delusion.

[Via bondmen]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Responsible’ Is

To amend title 18, United States Code, to require licenses to acquire or receive firearms, and for other purposes. [More]

You know, just like “a historical understanding” validates…


2% chance of being enacted…

So Kim’s doing it just to get his name in the papers.

You’d think a guy with his background would be aware of the Roof Koreans

That and of the evils of communist citizen disarmament…

[Via Jess]

You’ll Just Have to Take her Word for It

Pelosi ‘won’t release home-security footage,’ Dems demand GOP take blame [More]

So then how do we know if what we’re being told are lies and conspiracy theories really are?

The DSM has already found a new use for “baseless”


U.S. Capitol Police had live video feed at Pelosi home but didn’t notice break-in [More]

And, of course, they can’t say anything…

A Detail in the Paul Pelosi Attack Story Makes No Sense [More]

Just one?

[Via Michael G]

Fox affiliate in SF retracts report that Pelosi and the suspect were found in their underwear. NBC News retracts report there were 3 people in the house. Politico retracts a third party opened the door to let cops in. Now the media calls us names for BELIEVING them. [More]

Rotting from the Head

The FBI is asking a U.S. court to reverse its order that it produce information from Seth Rich’s laptop computer. If the court does not, the bureau wants 66 years to produce the information. [More]

That every elected official and every major news organization is not unrelentingly screaming “WHY?” tells us what we need to know.

[Via bondmen]

Snitch Nation

When Your Neighbor Turns You In – Authoritarian societies depend on people ratting each other out for activities that were recently legal—and it’s already happening in the US. [More]

Funny. Wired wants us to believe the danger comes from proponents of limited Constitutional government.

Not a word about any of this… or cancel culture, struggle sessions, or SWATting gun owners

Calling All Seditious Conspirators

In the mid-19th century, a pro-slavery minority — encouraged by lawmakers — used violence to stifle a growing anti-slavery majority. It wasn’t long before the other side embraced force as a necessary response. [More]

So the people fighting for a Bill of Rights culture and a central government bound by the chains of delegated authority are the new slavers…

Orwell’s got this one.

[Via Michael G]

Releasing the Krakens

Critics of the law take issue with some of those provisions, including ending cash bail; prohibiting judges from considering a defendant’s previous behavior when determining whether he or she is a flight risk; allowing a 48-hour period between the time a defendant on electronic monitoring leaves home without permission and the time authorities can charge that person with escape; and new police training policies without additional funding for departments [More]

What needs to be said besides “Pritzker“?

It’s not like he’ll be affected.

[Via bondmen]

Teach Your Children Well

The Chicago Teachers Union has long been quite open about its purpose. It sees itself as the vanguard of a national movement, led by unions like itself, that is textbook Marxism. [More]

And they vote Democrat for a reason.

Hey, it’s not like they have other priorities to focus on… (just in case you want to know why “we need” to import H-1B visa holders…)

[Via bondmen]

First Do Harm?

St. Louis pediatrician explains how to talk with your kids about mass violence … “This might be going online and finding organizations that promote school safety, that promote sensible gun legislation that promote things that will make kids feel that they’re doing something to prevent this ever happening again,” he said. [More]

Convince them you’re a pu$$y who can do nothing to protect them?

Goats have kids. I called mine cubs.

[Via bondmen]

Getting the Lead Out

Oahu’s only public shooting range closed indefinitely as probe into possible lead contamination begins – The city confirmed nine of 10 staff members at the shooting complex who were tested have lead levels above the normal range. Two additional staff members declined to get tested. [More]

Define “above the normal range.” Why bring in a military berm, and what does “right next to” really mean?

Forgive me for suspecting anti-gun environmentalcase chicanery at work.

[Via bondmen]

Dean’s List

Obeidallah tweeted, “As a lawyer Im going to do research to see if @elonmusk in any way lied on his application for US citizenship,” the commentator declared in a tweet. “I’ll be making a FOIA request for his immigration application. If he lied anywhere on application we will move to strip him of US citizenship. Stay tuned.” [More]

Fine. Let’s check the ingrate’s parents’.

Anyone bringing prosperity and championing free speech must be shunned as the vilest of racist fascists. Funny, the immigrants he doesn’t object to.

Just Call Him Racist and Be Done with It

After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, there was a reported dramatic increase in usage of the N-word on the platform — the Network Contagion Research Institute said the term saw a 500% increase on the platform. [More]

A percentage without numbers is meaningless.

And look who they work hand-in-hand with. No political agenda there!

And there’s more than one way for government to get around that pesky First Amendment!

Elon Musk’s Twitter roils with hate speech as trolls test new limits [More]

“Trolls”? So, as with all hate hoaxes, it’s the accusers, not the accused?

Those against free speech are resorting to sabotage by smear.

This is Intentional

Police told Fox Los Angeles they cannot do anything about the situation unless someone is blocking a sidewalk, active driveway or business. [More]

No property taxes, no permits– the city could shut this parasite down in a heartbeat on those and on health and safety violations if it wanted to.

The question here is why doesn’t it want to?

The Guttenberg Press

Gun Safety advocate Fred Guttenberg calls Josh Hawley ‘a liar’ [Watch]

The first lie is that Fred advocates for gun safety. He advocates for citizen disarmament, and the MSNBC apparatchick daughter of a South Korean refugee welcomed into this country to enjoy its Constitutionally-mandated recognition of freedoms is overtly part of the team now undermining them.

It’s helpful seeing Fred take the mask off though and resort to logically fallacious ad hominem attacks. It puts the lie to his insistence with his 97percent partners that they’re all about dialog and coming together with gun owners. (And guess who else partners with them.)

I’m sorry for his horrible and unimaginable loss, but it’s not my fault. My natural human sympathy does not mean I will remain passive when he and other surviving family members attack my right to protect myself and my loved ones.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Why Not Just Hang Him and His Supporters and Be Done with It?

MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares Trump Could Be Charged With Manslaughter [More]

Noting Trump is an avatar, so could every J6 defendant, and probably everyone who has expressed doubt about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election.

Let’s cut to the chase: These neo-Soviets from the IDAK school of government want all opposition gulaged or exterminated.

They’ll just need your guns first.

[Via Michael G]

Mixed Signals

Michigan man gets life in prison after kidnapping, sexually assaulting Lubbock teen … By law, 14-year-olds simply cannot consent to sexual contact with adults. [More]

Some would disagree.

Besides, I thought “Minor Attracted People” were another victim group discriminated against by hateful Christian Nationalists…

And what about Drag Queen Story Hour?

Besides, all the cool school boards say sexualizing children is “progressive.”

After all, aren’t puberty blockers a human right?…

Don’t you think it will be easier if we just surrender to the inevitable?

[Via Steve T]

UPDATE: If it’s good enough for the military

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