Mike DeWine on ‘School Safety’

Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to each school. [More]

So why couldn’t you say the same about cities, and do away with preemption?

Besides, this is misdirection: The true issue is that of a free citizen’s unalienable right to arm himself. Since when are local bureaucrats legitimately qualified and authorized to dictate that?

And why did this come in via email, necessitating posting on my placeholder site, instead of being published in “News Releases“?

Blacks Discriminated against on Guns, But Not by Rights Advocates

The slander that “conservative” gun owners are racist and want to deny rights to minorities is an old, tired talking point that’s been proven false many times over the years. [More]

The violence monopolists project their own pathetic, hate-filled paranoia on those who advocate the full exercise of rights by all peaceable people.

A Call for Naked Tyranny

Highland Park shooting: Harris calls on Congress to ban assault weapons, ‘end this horror’ of gun violence [More]

That’s because she’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by  undermining “the security of a free State.”

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections [More]

That’s because he’s a tool and a traitor bent on aiding enemies foreign and domestic by undermining “the security of a free State.”

As is any enforcer just following orders.

Speaking of Sick Marketing Ploys…

When the Second Amendment has been effectively nullified, there’s nothing to ultimately stop the same thing from happening to the First.

But what else would we expect from this self-serving wretch?

[Via Jess]

Commie Police Statist Spits on Independence on Independence Day

Philadelphia shooting: Democrat mayor rips Second Amendment, says only the police should have guns – Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said the US should be more like Canada [More]

Because the “Only Ones” have proven over the years just how right he is, right?

I mean, Jim Kenney said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Just what the hell was it this subversive swore an oath to when he assumed office?

As for being like Canada, armed citizens refusing to bend to tyrants were the “only ones” who kept that from happening or we would have been.

A Black and White Issue

News audiences are clearly meant to associate white pro-gun protesters with a dangerous and probably organized national race-hatred movement, while black pro-gun protesters either don’t exist or are a fringe movement not worth covering. [More]

Well, there are certain requirements if you want to be a “real reporter,” and if you can’t parrot a narrative and keep quiet about what’s not, you have no place in the business.

[Via Michael G]

Affairs of State

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State [More]

Yeah, about that:

Speaking of free states, while the power to raise armies is the purview of the Congress, state defense forces were established by some (17 plus Puerto Rico), but not all states, to be deployed within a state. The State Guard Association of the United States exists “to advocate for the advancement and support of regulated state military forces established by state governments,” [but] don’t look for teeth to match the mission statement. The last two defense force units, the Ohio Military Reserve and the Tennessee State Guard, were the last units trained for deployment with issued weapons, but no more. The Tennessee Guard’s role is now to provide unarmed support to the National Guard during deployment, with organized firearms-related activities are limited to marksmanship competitions. What was once the Ohio Military Reserve, formally a military police unit, was reorganized to provide emergency management support and of late has been assisting food banks during the COVID-19 scare by packing, transporting and distributing food and serving meals. State guard units are examples of the organized militia.

State-level swamp creatures sucking at the Washington teat have no interest in principles of federalism. And it’s not like most of the citizenry understands or cares.

[Via bondmen]

A Balancing Act

Supreme Court hands Biden victory, allows end to ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

Thanks, Roberts and Kavanaugh! You just set things up to ultimately undo all the good done in Bruen and most gun owners will never make the connection because the “gun rights groups” refuse to acknowledge it.

I Confess This One Troubles Me

Ninth Circuit Panel Sends California “Assault Weapons” Ban Challenge Back to District Court, so the District Court can reconsider it in light of the Supreme Court’s new Bruen precedent. [More]

I don’t see where “self-defense” alone will cut it without a strong core purpose argument.

I do see this:

The firearms that the law in question prohibits are, in virtually every state of the Union, exactly the sorts of lawful weapons in common use that law abiding people possess at home for lawful purposes; and exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty should such cause be necessary.

Here’s the case history thus far.

If this goes to SCOTUS, and it probably will, we’ll see if any briefs expand on that, and then if the high court will hear it.

The Short Answer

Repeal the Second Amendment: ‘No one has the absolute right to own any weapon they want’ [More]

No. Your move.

The shorter answer is two words and starts with “F.”

Some morons aren’t worth trying to educate on Cruikshank and Heller’s recognition of a preexisting right because you know they’ll just move on to the next idiot objection.

[Via Mike F]

Speaking of Serious Misfires

The Supreme Court’s gun ruling is a serious misfire [More]

This from a Vichycon stooge who advocates:

Gun control advocates who want to square their policy preferences with the Constitution should squarely face the need to deconstitutionalize the subject by repealing the embarrassing amendment.


Republicans Better Off Losing by Landslide

Funny he should mention “The Second Amendment is the only one in the Bill of Rights with a preamble” without acknowledging the Bill of Rights itself has a Preamble that makes clear what Founding intent was:

“THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

It has “restrictive clauses” against the government.

[Via Mack H]

Some Good News and Some Bad News

California Attorney General says “effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license.” [More]

These weasels always have big “buts”:

Don’t “Back the blue” or ATF or…? So much for “respect for the law.” How is being against fetus butchering or drag queen story hour for preschoolers “respect[ful] for the rights of others? If you’re against “sanctuary” for illegals (hell, if you even call them “illegals”) or “critical race theory” school curricula, and BLM Marxists, how is that an “absence of racism”? Plus, we all know anyone smeared as a “white nationalist extremist Nazi” is the greatest threat to “our democracy.” Just ask the U.S. Department of Justice!

Page 3 shows all the arbitrary and politically -exploitable “good moral character” outs they’re sending signals to impose, so look for delays and denials that will take more drawn-out court cases to wrangle out.

I wouldn’t be calling the “Supreme Court victory” a slam dunk just yet. If there’s one thing leftists are good at, it’s weaponizing the law against their enemies while ignoring it themselves.

[Via several of you]

AzCDL: Save $$$, Renew Your Membership Now!

Received via email:

As mentioned in the May, 2022 AzCDL newsletter, for the first time in our 17 year history AzCDL dues will be increasing on July 1st. We have managed to hold the line on dues for the better part of two decades, but even AzCDL is not immune to the ever more damaging impacts of Bidenflation. If your membership is up for renewal this year, you can save money by renewing now. New and renewing memberships purchased before July 1st will be at the current price. [Click here to renew your membership before the price increase.]

A Few Questions Not Asked

The executive order addresses the training of law enforcement… [More]

As long as we’re waxing on about valuing the Constitution, providing for the security of a free State, and the Second Amendment and all, how about the militia? Who will have access to school “annual risk and vulnerability assessments”? What due process protections will keep BTAM from morphing into the Department of PreCrime? And I trust there will be appropriate penalties to keep Rave from being used by triggered leftist indoctrinators to report “microaggressions”?

And forgive me if every time I see government promising to deliver something “at no cost” I check to make sure my wallet’s still there. The school or district may not be charged, but the people paying for them certainly will be.

That none of these were raised in this fawning “report” says much.

‘Staunch Supporters of the Second Amendment’

The U.S. Senate voted Tuesday to advance a new bipartisan gun control bill in a procedural move that saw 14 Republicans support firearm restrictions. [More]

What did anyone expect? Courage and principle from career poltroons?

I can’t wait to see the superlatives NRA will use when describing them in its next endorsement.


And Now a Word from the Rope-Selling ‘Capitalists’

Edelman CEO on gun safety: 2nd Amendment ‘is just kind of an excuse for delaying’ [More]

Says the multimillionaire heir to a propaganda empire notorious for Astoruturf campaigns.

You “believe in the Second Amendment” my…eye.

You and the rest of you Dick’s.

The pitchforks are coming, overprivileged douchebag.

[Via Jess]

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