Doing the Job Hamas Wouldn’t Do

An Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available. [More]

Pediatricians are in the vanguard of woke agenda “medicine,” to include, of course, subverting RKBA.

[Via Henry Bowman]

The Heart of the Matter

A new study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology revealed that male transvestites taking feminizing hormones are 93% more likely to suffer heart disease than other men. Female transvestites taking testosterone are 63% more likely to suffer heart disease than other women. [More]

So, the athletics issue may resolve itself…?

And did the study account for children as well as adults?

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of ‘Settled Science’

“I suspect that it is a real finding and a major safety concern,” he said. “And they’re pushing the product on human beings. That is an anti-human approach … an anti-human policy.” [More]

Perhaps being black will shield him from all-out Russell Branding/Elon Musking, but then again we’ve seen Democrats have no compunctions about Clarence Thomasing.

I’m slowly making my way through Bobby Jr’s. book and what an excellent and well-documented eye-opener. I just wish he’d apply the same critical standards to “climate change” and guns. (UPDATE: Looks like they want to get rid of him the old-fashioned way.)

And this just in from Michael G:

Biden Administration Desperate to Erase Memory of Covid Mandates [More]

They’re priming their base to disbelieve charges and resist crimes against humanity tribunals.

About That ‘Settled Science’…

Wenstrup Reveals New Allegations that Dr. Fauci Potentially Influenced CIA COVID-19 Origins Investigation [More]

I’ve just started RFK Jr.’s book under the assumption that even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.

I wonder how soon they’re going to pull a Russell Brand on him…

[Via Ron W]

Casus Belli

The state was appealing the lower court’s decision against Governor Kathy Hochul’s quarantine camp law. The law granted power to the state to seal anyone in an apartment or take them to a camp without evidence of infection or exposure, without due process, and with no termination date. In other words, the law was totalitarian. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist seditious conspirator would oppose that…?

It does help clarify who the SAFE Act is supposed to help keep safe…

[Via GP]

At Facebook Value

As it turns out, the Biden White House relied on foreign “disinfo” activists to pressure Facebook to censor Americans. Worse, it turns out the group supposedly targeting disinformation had their facts wrong. Facebook knew it, too. [More]

Those must be the “community standards” they keep dinging me for violating…

[Via Michael G]

Proof of Efficacy

First lady Jill Biden tests positive for Covid-19 [More]

Everybody ready for the next planned mass panic with forced shots?

How many times have she and Joe caught it now? The thought strikes this may be the excuse needed to give them cover to get him out of the way.

Also note the “testing protocols that anybody who meets with the president does indeed get tested.” I wonder if that includes sniff victims.

I also wonder, with such complete monitoring, how they have absolutely no idea whose bag of coke it was that got misplaced in the White House…

We’re the Only Ones Questioning the Science Enough

Seattle police say its part of a pattern of black teens targeting Asian victims in the area [More]

But Craig Harvey says “Stop Blaming Black People for Anti-Asian Hate,” and he’s a “Working Scientist“!

A reality of nature is predators pick easy prey, and the lack of preparedness and situational awareness I’m seeing here tell me that’s just what this guy was.

Odds are he voted for this.

[Via bondmen]

Scientific American Still More About Political Propaganda Than Objective Truth

“This may entail substantial changes to the American Constitution, or its interpretation, or wider weapons bans than the one that expired in 2004. [More]

Anti-gun agenda “science” = junk science.

Of Course You Realize This Means War

President Biden said Friday he plans to request additional funding from Congress for the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they previously received a vaccine or not. [More]


Your move.

I need a beer

Unless it’s Bud Lite, in which case, drink up, everybody!

Your Masters Have Spoken

Appeals Court: No First Amendment Right to Religious Exemption From Vaccine Mandate [More]

You must let us experiment on your children or we will take them from you, and if you resist us, we will kill you.

More souls for Moloch, just like the Founders intended.

One of the judges is a Trump appointee, once more underscoring the importance of vetting these bastards before handing them a gavel.

[Via Michael G]

Touching on a Sore Spot

Syphilis Emergency Looms in the US… [More]

Not among normal people it doesn’t.

They pull the same crap with the “gun violence epidemic,” taking numbers reflecting behaviors of an identifiable aberrant subsection of the population and making it seem like it’s a problem we all share, and in a way it is: Responsible people who don’t engage in high-risk stupid behaviors end up paying for the actions of those who can’t — or won’t — control themselves.

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