We’re the Fauxnly Ones Qualified Enough

Do you think anyone who works for the government—not just the police—should be able to pull you over and detain you? And if a government employee who was never granted police powers assumes these powers unilaterally and clearly violates your constitutional rights, should you be able to hold them to account? Or should they be allowed to get off scot-free through “qualified immunity” merely because they work for the government? [More]

What’s the county engineer’s name?

[Via Michael G]

Predator Empowerment Zones Disputed

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in federal court challenging the new concealed carry statute in New York State that, among other things, prohibits concealed carry in churches. [More]

The Democrat authors of that legislation evidently didn’t feel six seconds gave murderous attackers enough of an advantage.


And here’s another case:

The Second Amendment Foundation scored a victory in a ruling by a Tennessee Appeals Court panel striking down a gun ban by a public housing authority in the community of Columbia on the grounds it violates the Second Amendment, citing recent Supreme Court language in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

Just Like in the Good Old Days

New Jersey lawmakers want to solidify the state’s standing of having some of the toughest gun laws in the nation by requiring people to have liability insurance for concealed carry and add to the list of places firearms will be banned in public. [More]

I guess the historical understanding here is Democrats intend to resume the economic discrimination against armed minorities they invented in the Black Codes…

[Via Jess]

Truer Words

Stop being shocked when mainstream liberals express their desire to see their political adversaries not only censored by a union of state and corporate power but also imprisoned. The crux of American liberalism is authoritarianism. [More]

Actually, the more impulsive ones just come out and admit they want you dead.

[Via Michael G]

Unlimited Potential

CNN Sounds Alarm: SCOTUS May Wipe Out Gun Control ‘Nationwide’ [More]

Only if we think of Bruen as “a good first step” and realize that we can’t take it for granted that the courts are going to save us… especially noting how Democrat strongholds, with guns to back their moves up, are deliberately thumbing their noses as they pile on new infringements.

[Via bondmen]

Let the Tyranny Continue!

New York’s new gun law will remain in effect for now after a federal appeals court on Wednesday agreed to temporarily reverse a lower court’s order blocking the law’s central provisions while a legal challenge by a gun-owners’ rights group proceeds. [More]

The city knows it’s breaking the law. The court knows it’s breaking the law.

Funny, how the only people that can go to jail are the ones breaking an illegal law…

[Via Jess]

So Much for ‘Let the Punishment Fit the Crime’

Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly $1 billion to families of Sandy Hook massacre victims [More]

I’ve never particularly been a Jones enthusiast– I know Mike didn’t much care for him but I was on his program once and was happy for the opportunity. That said, what you or I think of the guy is irrelevant to this, the most absurdly disproportionate, dangerous, and un-American verdict order I have ever heard of. That it would be countenanced in a U.S. court shows how serious the power structure is to shut down forbidden speech.

How many of Jones’ “millions” of followers committed an illegal act? How many “threats” were actually sentiments? How many transitioned into actual meatspace attacks?

And as long as I dragged Mike’s name into this, he knew what it was like to be blamed for the actions of others.

Who does the Jones verdict and sentence chill and discourage? Who is turning cartwheels?

Time was the left at least pretended to be all about free speech. That’s for the benefit of the useful idiots and to accelerate social degradation — until there’s the confidence that masks can be dropped, as just happened with this order.

A Nation of Lawlessness

Mayor Eric Adams signed legislation Tuesday establishing how the city will make Times Square a gun-free zone even as the state law underpinning the policy was overturned in federal court. [More]

Just to be clear: They will prosecute you for not complying with their illegal edict. And if you resist, they will kill you.

This is tyranny that merits being met with all force necessary to overthrow it and to punish the criminal usurpers imposing and enforcing it.

Not that New Yorkers will. Instead, the full forces of both the state and the feds will be brought to bear against anyone rising up to resist it. And any who believe in the Constitution’s limited delegation of powers and the Bill of Rights will be branded “anti-government” and a “seditious conspirator.”

I wonder when Tucker’s going to have this incompetent, megalomaniacal bastard back on…

[Via Jess]

What Else are ‘They’ Lying About and Why Should We Trust Them on Anything?

In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. “Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated. The world needs to know. Share this video! [Watch]

So mob participants and inciters like that moronic hatemonger Howard Stern wishing the unvaccinated dead and urging hospitals not to treat them are going to apologize and beg forgiveness?

Los Angeles Democrats Unmasked

Calls for Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo to resign continued to mount on Monday, as the fallout from an incendiary leaked conversation radiated through the city…  Martinez said Councilmember Mike Bonin handled his young Black son as though he were an “accessory” and described the son as “Parece changuito,” or “He’s like a little monkey.” And she referred to Oaxacans in Koreatown as “little short dark people.” Speaking about Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón, Martinez said, “F— that guy…. He’s with the Blacks.” [More]

Gun-grabbing, open-border Marxists all, just like the useful idiots who vote for them…

Point of Order

Indeed, the government’s seditious conspiracy charges against Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, and several of his associates for their alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots puts the entire concept of anti-government political expression on trial. [More]

As I keep pointing out:

No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or the violation of the Constitution thereof, shall be entitled to be a member or associate member.

There’s a huge difference between being “anti-government” and “anti-regime.”

[Via bondmen]

Blaming the Victim

Car thefts have skyrocketed in St. Louis in recent months, with city leadership threatening lawsuits against Kia and Hyundai for an alleged defect that makes certain makes of the cars easier to steal. [More]

That these kleptocrat morons are “city leadership” tells us all we need to know.

[Via Steve T]

Tyrants Haunted by Ghosts

The Department of Justice’s Statement of Interest informs the Court that the United States has serious concerns about the proliferation of untraceable firearms easily assembled from firearm parts kits and unfinished frames and receivers. [More]

Well, yeah. If we don’t know about them, how are we expected to confiscate them?

[Via Jess]

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