Speaking of ‘Deplorable and Dangerous’

FBI Director Wray pushes back on threats following unprecedented raid on Trump [More]

Channeling his inner Hillary, is he?

Why not? He’d channeled his inner Blumenthal before he was even confirmed.


Be very suspicious of anything you hear in the media attributable to anonymous sources. The supposed leaks from unidentified persons supposedly with knowledge are either FBI/DOJ whispering in the ear of reporter-scribes which may or may not reflect reality, or people who don’t have actual knowledge, or sources who exist only in the imagination of the reporters. It’s all an unreliable web of deception. [More]

The best gaslighting uses coordinated narrative talking points.

[Via Michael G]

Eric Trump tells DailyMail.com what REALLY happened in FBI raid: President’s son says 30 agents REFUSED to hand over warrant… [More]

At that point you notify them on camera you are calling the sheriff.

[Via bondmen]

The only way to fight back is to make the kinds of people who’ve weaponized and undermined the American state suffer for their actions. They’ve arrested their enemies, revived obscure rules as pretexts for partisan attacks, and raided their opponents’ homes, and they won’t be sorry until they’ve felt the same pain. [More]

Or worse.

[Via Michael G]

‘Militia Violent Extremist’ Latest in History of Smears against Constitutionalists

Demonizing gun owners who believe in the founders’ intent of the Second Amendment is nothing new for our government. I’ve been following such attempts for years. [More]

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

File This Under ‘WTF?’

Hospital employee arrested after 39 guns, ammo found in office closet [More]

I can’t really find anything about the guy aside from this story, but the bottom line from what’s been reported is he’s facing years in prison, he hasn’t hurt anybody, and if the stuff was his, unless and until he abuses others with it, it’s his birthright to have

Could be he’s a lunatic. Without due process before disarmament, we can’t legitimately tell.  And New Jersey “Only Ones” aren’t exactly the benchmark to use…

[Via bondmen]

J6 2.0?

EXCLUSIVE: Veteran Calls For Sunday Protest at FBI Headquarters in Washington DC to Protest the Out-of-Control FBI and its Actions Against President Trump [More]

As long as everyone is under no illusions and aware they will be photographed and identified and held criminally responsible for excesses and provocations and vilified in the media as “white supremacists”…

You know, the opposite of what happens at an Antifa/BLM riot…

[Via bondmen]

Shall Not Be Infringed EXCEPT

The Biden Administration Defends the Federal Ban on Gun Possession by Medical Marijuana Users [More]

What about crack smokers?

So when will Nikki Fried be prosecuted?

And, since they cite the historical precedents, when will the confiscation raids to disarm Indians and Catholics begin? They do realize both groups mostly vote Democrat?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Clamming Up Enough

‘I ended the discussion’: Richmond Police Chief Smith says he will no longer talk about alleged mass shooting plot [More]

That’s unacceptable.

An honest overseeing government would give him the choice to either spill or take the Fifth. An honest media would demand it. As would a  citizenry “guard[ing] with jealous attention the public liberty.”

What does that tell us about Richmond?

What does this?

[Via Mack H]

Due to ‘Appallingly Weak Gun Laws,’ No Doubt

Nine killed in Kansas City metro last week, including five Sunday. Here’s what we know [More]

It’s a Bloomberg City run by anti-gun Democrats?

In fairness, Giffords gives them an “F,” so if it really is the guns like they say, you’d expect to see that reflected in higher Republican and NRA member violence rates, right?

Unless Democrats are lying, and their policies are what make this inevitable and predictable…

[Via bondmen]

No Doubt Due to Georgia’s ‘Lax Gun Laws’

Bloody Sunday in Atlanta: Argument at baseball game turns DEADLY when one person is shot dead and five more are injured – including 6-year-old left in critical condition – while shooting across town claims life of another child, 4 [More]

Lemme guess: “Gun Sense Candidate” Abrams and Warnock supporters?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Stir Crazy Enough

Another former Loveland police officer will spend time behind bars for her role in the violent arrest of a 73-year-old woman with dementia. [More]

Anybody see anything about roughing up mentally incapacitated old ladies on the disqualifier list?

And I wonder if they could get a job protecting Phil and the Borough Council…?

[Via bondmen]

A Bit of the Old (MK) Ultraviolence

A convicted burglar was arrested for murdering an elderly couple, a mother and her 15 year-old daughter then taking to Facebook to claim they’d been controlling his mind by using telepathy.  [More]

So he was a prohibited person?

And not to add to the conspiracy craziness, but what’s up with his creepy video, and why does it suggest some kind of poor deepfake CGI…? Anybody else get that vibe?

[Via Steve T]

On Whose Authority?

[T]he issue that was being examined is to what extent a regulatory agency, a part of the administrative branch of government, would adopt, interpret or establishment by rules or regulations policies which Congress did not adopt and which Congress did not clearly and specifically delegate to the agency to adopt. That question is at the core of the legal issues involving the ATF’s regulatory bans… [More]

Call me a naive dreamer, but I still hold on to a fleeting fantasy that someday, ATF will be forced to surrender my property back to me. That’s why I got a stock I had no use for except to claim and defend my right to own it.

[Via Jess]

The Genius That is Phil George

“By adopting this ordinance, the Borough Council will make it clear that our public buildings, such as our schools, our library and our community center, should be free from the dangers of unlicensed, poorly trained or troubled gun owners, while accepting our law enforcement officers who are doing their duty.” [More]

Because everyone’s safer with “Only Ones“!

And speaking of duty

[Via Jess]

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