Never Say Never

The level of GOP opposition indicates the bill is unlikely to advance in the evenly split Senate, where it would require the support of at least 10 Republicans to defeat a guaranteed filibuster. It’s also not clear if the measure has the support of all 50 Senate Democrats. [More]

Forgive me for wondering what kind of new incident would be enough to make it happen.

[Via Jess]


I see the emails, social media messages and news tips are backed up from Friday night. After doing my Firearms News article promo, I’m just getting re-started here now because I spent the morning writing an AmmoLand piece on the “Republicans” who voted for the “assault weapon” ban I expect will be out before too long.

Oh, and first I had to deal with the aftermath of yesterday’s large family gathering we hosted. Where’d that crater in the backyard come from, and why are there bullet holes in the basement?

Bottom line– I’ll get to what I can. But I sure wouldn’t mind a slowdown on inputs.

Thank you to those of you who take the time out of your busy lives to reach out and guide me to interesting and important stories I might otherwise miss. I appreciate your understanding.

Proposed Banking Merchant Category Codes Latest Backdoor Ploy to ID Gun Owners

The software would know “prohibited person” status? How? Are banks now going to tap into NICS and perform after-the-fact “background checks”? How is such data sharing with private parties authorized by law? [More]

Rope-selling phony “capitalists,” that is, embedded Marxists and economic fascists, are banking on disarmament.

Meanwhile, Over at Stupid Party Central

Inside the secret Manchin-Schumer deal: Dems shocked, GOP feels betrayed [More]

What kind of dumb@$$ Republican would feel betrayed by what any rational observer would expect? And do they really think Big Tech is going to support anyone but Democrats with their newfound welfare largesse?

[Via Mack H]

And yep, long past time to jettison Mitch.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Premium Enough

The Minneapolis Police Department’s “buyback” program allows organizations, sports teams or neighborhoods to buy extra overtime police patrols. But the program has been criticized as inequitable and further stretching the department’s resources at a time when some less wealthy neighborhoods say police are totally unresponsive. [More]

So will the 911 dispatcher tell callers their plan doesn’t cover that because the extra bodies are servicing rich white Democrats?

Or just let them be surprised…?

[Via bondmen]

Everybody in the Whole Cell Block Was Dancin’ to the Jailhouse Rock

Twenty-eight female prisoners at an Indiana jail claim in two federal lawsuits that they were subjected to a “night of terror” after they were attacked and sexually assaulted by male inmates who had allegedly bought a key to the women’s wing from one of the jailers for $1,000. [More]

Just in case there are any questions about what to expect when the government is in total control…

[Via Jess]

This is CNN

A whirlwind few days in Washington have upended perceptions of Trump’s political and legal jeopardy related to his attempted coup after he lost the 2020 election. [More]

Has he been charged? Has he been tried? Has he been convicted?

Yet CNN just concluded for millions dumb enough to turn to it for news that Trump attempted a coup.

Yet the guy caught dead to rights on camera threatening to stab a campaigning Republican is an “alleged attacker.”

Rhymes with ‘Bunt’

2022 Congressional Baseball Game: Democratic Rep. Linda Sanchez flips off Republican lawmakers [More]

I guess the Democrats couldn’t send a wannabe assassin this time. You know, someone who exemplifies the type of unhinged mind it takes to vote for anti-gun Democrats like Sanchez

That she wasn’t immediately ejected from the game, as a young child would be in T-ball, tells us much about behavior standards for Democrat “adults.”

I don’t know what’s funnier– them losing 10-0 or Sanchez needing a pinch waddler.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The new party, called Forward and whose creation was first reported by Reuters, will initially be co-chaired by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Christine Todd Whitman, the former Republican governor of New Jersey. They hope the party will become a viable alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties that dominate U.S. politics, founding members told Reuters. [More]

Spend that money! I see the greater hit on Democrats afraid of the Bolshevik wing, and I’d say Yang and Whitman are not exactly opposites attracting.

Sounds like they all deserve each other, and on the plus side, once they join, the media will no longer be able to characterize Vichycon talking heads as “conservative.”

[Via Mack H]



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