San Pedro shooting: Suspects sought after 2 killed, 6 injured by gunfire at Peck Park- “Something like this happening in my backyard, I’m five minutes away from this park, is shocking,” said one community member. [More]

I’ll bet Sharon Tate thought she lived in a pretty safe neighborhood, too.

Besides, who would expect violence at an event attempting to broker peace between rival gangs?

[Via 1Gat]

We’re the Only Ones Incentivized Enough

House Judiciary Committee: Whistleblowers Say FBI ‘Pressuring Agents’ to Reclassify Cases as Domestic Terrorism – “For example, one whistleblower explained that because agents are not finding enough DVE [domestic violent extremist] cases, they are encouraged and incentivized to reclassify cases as DVE cases even though there is minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification.” [More]

In other words, not meeting the quota is career-limiting? And do top guys get “Always Think Terrorist” Leathermans?

All on Christipher Wray’s watch. Seems some of us were just telling Don Jr. to say “Thanks!” to his Dad for that.

And some of us were sounding alarms before that.

[Via Michael G]

If Wishes Were Fishes

Celebrity YouTuber cites Supreme Court gun ruling in bid to dismiss machine gun charges [More]

I’m not seeing how the most effective arguments can be considered with zero mentions of “militia.” That makes me wonder about the Second Amendment law track record the attorneys have achieved.

Don’t get me wrong: I think “shall not be infringed” and “every terrible implement of the soldier” should be all you need to win, but I wouldn’t take that into court unless I had a lot more behind it.

I’d like to see some qualified voices weigh in on the viability of the motion and the risks of establishing any precedents that could complicate future efforts if it fails.

[Via Antigone]

A Superior Observation

[T]he Court is unaware of historical precedent that would permit a governmental entity to entirely ban a type of weapon that is commonly used by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, whether in an individual’s home or in public. The Court also notes that the Town’s justifications are somewhat undermined by the other subsections of this very provision. Specifically, subsection (b)(1) provides that “[a]ny person holding a valid federal firearms license from possession of any firearm authorized pursuant to such license” will not be subject to the prohibition of 10-9-40. The following subsection, (b)(2) likewise exempts any “firearm for which the U.S. Government has issued a stamp or permit pursuant to the National Firearms Act.” The National Firearms Act, referenced in the latter subsection, provides for permitting such firearms as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, machineguns, and silencers. Each of those weapons is arguably even more deadly than the semi-automatic weapons that the Town of Superior seeks to ban, yet these provisions would permit individuals to possess, sell, or otherwise transfer them. [More]

Let’s see if any of the NAGR critics are willing to grudgingly admit they’re doing good here.

[Via Antigone]

A Team Effort

On Monday, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) filed a motion for a preliminary injunction against the Biden Administration’s “Ghost Gun” and Gun Registry Final Rule, which will go into effect on August 24. Today, GOA and GOF were joined by the Attorneys General of 17 states in the filing: Arizona, West Virginia, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

I’d give you a link but at this writing, it has not yet been posted on the Press Center page. I’ll update when I have it and as I have time.

Those Who Remember the Past…

WarOnGuns Correspondent Jess asks via email:

David, Is that something that ATF actually ordered? If I was Leatherman, I’d have sent ’em a sample alright, but with a small change. At either end of the line “Always Think Forfeiture”, I would have also engraved a hammer and sickle!

They tried but the order was canceled after Congressman Bill Sali, (R-Idaho), raised objections.

But big John Kerry supporter TimLeatherman would have loved to fill the order.

A Vote Delayed…

Democrats delay votes on police, gun control legislation Package included bills on a new assault weapons ban, to reinstate some civil liability for gun-makers and on grants for police [More]

That means there are Democrats afraid to vote for it because it won’t play in their home districts. I need to find out who those are. There could be a real left-against-left exploitable weakness here.

[Via Jess]

That Feminine Touch

Child rapist and murderer lauded as ‘feminist’ and ‘advocate’ for LGBTQ Rights – Trimble has been recently celebrated in left-wing media as “a transgender woman, feminist, and activist.” [More]

And a real role model for girls everywhere! Hey, any chance of a furlough for library story hours?

What kind of hater would be against that?

[Via Michael G]

A Plan Comes Together

This, as you know, is the measure that will virtually end the sale of firearms in Oregon. As expected, the deck was totally stacked. The only statement even considered was the one drafted by the proponents of the measure. [More]

Funny, how “majority rule” in “our democracy” is more and more starting to look like a dictatorship…

Doing the Jobs Government Won’t Do

By the end of this week, the cable network will have lost its presence in some 20 million homes this year. The most recent blow came from Verizon, which will stop carrying OAN on its Fios television service starting Saturday. That will starve the network of a major stream of revenue: the fees it collects from Verizon, which counts roughly 3.5 million cable subscribers. In April, OAN was dropped by AT&T’s DirecTV, which has about 15 million subscribers. [More]

Who needs government censorship when its economic fascist apparatchiks have the Deep State’s six…?

And is anyone else getting a lynch mob inciters vibe here?

And I still maintain that there is a way to strike back.

[Via Mack H]

Tangentially-related UPDATE

Republicans think a “red wave” is inevitable in November. But the Democrats still have one big advantage: the ever-tightening grip of Big Tech censorship, which will be used to prevent undecided voters from encountering even the most mainstream conservative news in the runup to the next election. Republicans will have a strong message — but what if voters are prevented from hearing it? [More]

So much for election interference. So much for “insurrection.”

[Via Michael G]

Media More Than Happy to Help Republicans Blow ‘Red Wave’

“Losses in Ohio, Georgia, and Pennsylvania would almost certainly doom the GOP’s chances of winning the Senate.” [More]

Democrat media megaphones are ready, willing, and able to amplify and exploit self-inflicted wounds as the Stupid Party continues to demoralize its base.

Trust the ‘Science’?

Images in the paper that were supposed to show the relationship between memory issues and the presence of Aβ*56 appeared to have been altered. [More]

Fraud, eh? And damn the consequences? So does this mean we should be suspicious of every finding that supports a political agenda where some people stand to make out big?


“Climate change”?

“Gun safety research”…?

Daily Defense Delayed

As I was prepping this announcement yesterday my wireless keyboard crapped out on me. It was time to replace it anyway, as fully half the letters had been eroded off the thing from so much use. I had to go out after dinner to get a new one and after much cussing figured out by myself that getting it to work was much easier than the Chinese instructions made it seem, so in this case, a Daily Defense delayed is not a Daily Defense denied.

Go here to listen to our conversation.


“I told her we prefer ‘gun enthusiast,’” Nagel said. “She said she prefers ‘gun nuts,’ and she works for the ATF?”

Scott found nothing in the shop’s books other than a few minor clerical errors. There were no missing firearms or other significant problems.

“She said she was going to put us in for revocation, and that it may change as it goes up the chain, but that was her recommendation,” Nagel said. [More]

She sounds like a hook-baiter.

Tyranny enforcers haven’t learned a thing since King George “sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people.” I wonder if Republicans don’t blow it in November if House Oversight will subpoena her.

[Via Jess]

No Comment

Daniel Defense did not respond to multiple requests from The Washington Post for comment. [More]

Why should they give you @$$holes the time of day, when the only reasonable conclusion would be you’re setting up a hit piece?

You just had to stick “the maker of the gun used in the Uvalde shooting” into the subhead, didn’t you, WaPo?

How unsurprising.

[Via Jess]

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