Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

Internal Documents Show FBI is Worried About White Supremacist Teaming Up With Islamic Extremists [More]

Yes, they never stopped.

As Vanderboegh reminded us, racism is collectivism. Constitutionalists judge people as individuals. That’s why we have no use for DEI and the struggle session pressure to bow down to it.

The FBI is advancing the Garland/Wray “greatest threat” meme by doing what they always do: Conflating to smear non-leftists as violent racists.

Hey, use what works.

I’m sure there’s a nexus between foreign and domestic MVEs. I’m also sure that if you look at the homegrown kind, you’ll get a nice mix of low-hanging fruit and embedded CI/provocateurs.

[Via Jess]

The Mask is Off

Our executive director, Olivia Troye, will be joined by Joshua Horwitz and Shannon Frattaroli from Johns Hopkins University, which just launched a national red flag law resource center with the U.S. Department of Justice – as well as Christopher Carita, a former detective from the Ft. Lauderdale, FL Police Threat Response Unit, who will speak about his experience with red flag laws in a state leading the nation in usage [More]

I’m just here for the ratio.

This former Pence aide is proving to be even more ineffectual than the last figurehead.

I may do another article…

One Down…

“Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed has been sentenced to 18 months in prison after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter last month in the 2021 shooting death of Halyna Hutchins. [More]

Time for a new career since “prohibited persons” can’t touch guns on movie sets. Just ask Pokey Poke.

Now, what about the “gun safety advocate”?

[Via Jess]

Running Interference…

Received via email:

MoveOn has raised almost enough to launch our ambitious plan to take over the front page of The Washington Post with hard-hitting ads calling on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from a case that could determine whether Donald Trump can be criminally prosecuted for his crimes.

Aren’t there obstruction/interference laws against this?

On the plus side, it’s not like throwing $ at WaPo is going to change any minds…

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions…

California law bars non-residents from carrying a gun. Does that violate the Second Amendment? [More]

No one who is not a prohibitionist would even ask.

Or as Democrat Roger Taney wrote when horrified at the prospect of Dred Scott being considered a citizen:

“It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State … and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

Wait… that last link is from Oath Keepers…? What are racist Nazi rightwing insurrectionists doing defending rights for all…?

That’s One Solution…

Pass a bill guaranteeing qualified immunity and let’s talk. Can we also do it to these domestic enemies? And these…?

Or, how about this as an alternative?

As a side note, look at all the indignant leftists screaming about rights. Funny, how subjective they are when it comes to freedom of political expression.

Gun Store Owner Defends Approval of Biden Background Check Rule

One would think a Federal Firearms Licensee would be in tune with gun owner reasons and sentiments for Second Amendment absolutism, especially one whose website advertises “we specialize in Paramilitary weapons, military weapons, pistols, etc.” And one would think he would be aware of and responsive to mounting criticism from gun owners angered by his public statements, evidenced by comments under the WJAC article, but especially, on his Facebook. [More]

A bloviating gunkapo finds out pretty quickly his 15 minutes of fame weren’t worth it and is now trying to cover his tracks.

A Plan Comes Together

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

And still, no “single issue” deflector or open borders “libertarian” will take my challenge.

Stopping the Violence

No one was shot, although every one of those animals deserved ito be — and what it took was an armed citizen. Hey, can they bust him for having a gun?

Why do Democrats force good, productive people to live like this?

And why do good, productive people vote Democrat?

[Via bondmen]

Back for More

Officer Jonathan Diller, 31, was shot by a man identified as Guy Rivera, previously arrested by the NYPD 21 times according to police sources [More]

What ever happened to “Three Strikes and You’re Out“?

Oh, yeah, Democrats wrung their hands over some chronic and habitual moron who stole a slice of pizza, complained about “overrepresentation,” and morphed the public’s demand to fight violent crime by passing a federal “assault weapon” ban against that only stopped the “law-abiding”…

Maybe that’s what we need here: Another “commonsense gun safety law”…

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Insurrection and Seditious Conspiracy

Palestine activists block Brooklyn Bridge, Golden Gate and roads to Chicago O’Hare airport in coordinated attempt to bring America to its knees [More]

Follow the money. Then apply RICO prosecutions. How is someone physically preventing me from going where I choose not a coercive attempt at hostage taking that justifies responding with a continuum of force until they stop?

The way I see it, if I block a stranger in public, he has every right to knock me on my @$$ and keep going– and we know it’s often not that simple. Why should what applies to the individual not apply to the collective?

And what about civil remedies? If held up by a mob, sue participants by name if known, or as John Does…? And name financial backers in class action lawsuits.

[Via Michael G]

Since When Do They Have to Know What They’re Talking About?

Does Vice President Kamala Harris know what existing gun control laws are? Apparently, not. [More]

She doesn’t need to.

The prohibitionists aren’t really interested in “background checks.” It’s all just another step on the way to the end goal. The DSM is neither interested in nor qualified to educate those it works so relentlessly at deceiving. And forget the information gatekeepers doing anything but punishing “wrong thinking.”

It’s not like anyone dumb or corrupt enough to vote for Kamala is going to question or correct anything she says.

It’s why I constantly chide to share links. If we don’t do it, no one else will.

In the Image of Its Creators

When it comes to AI, be afraid, be very afraid [More]

Broken” is being polite AND naive.

How is it you couldn’t peacably carry a concealed self-defense gun in a National Park without prohibtionists filing a lawsuit demanding an environmental impact study, but the elitists can impose this, tens of millions of “migrant” invaders, clot shots for all, and more — just because they want to and they can?

‘Our Democracy’

California sues beach city over voter ID law backed by majority of residents – Republicans are dominant in Huntington Beach with nearly 54,000 registered voters versus 41,000 Democrats [More]

No one really thought it was “OUR democracy,” did they…?

When Uniparty politicos use that term, they’re referring to themselves.

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