Use Your Imagination

We at the Colorado State Shooting Association (the NRA’s state association) have obtained a draft copy of the transparently tyrannical “Assault Weapons Ban” that politicians are preparing to introduce in the Colorado State House… It’s as bad as you could possibly imagine. [More]

I dunno… I can imagine pretty bad, and with the lessons of history, who needs to?

But as long as we’re invited to imagine, I’d like to fantasize about how deliberately undermining that which is “necessary to the security of a free State” could be a capital offense.


David Cardenas, a gun owner who was headed to the target range at Shore Galleries, said he supports the assault weapons ban, although it won’t affect him because he doesn’t own them. “I’m glad they did it,” said Cardenas, a Chicago-based artist. He said the ban would prevent people with mental illness from purchasing the weapons. “So I think it’s a step in the right direction.”[More]

Hence my cautions

If I owned Shore Galleries, I’d tell him to get the hell out.

[Via Andy M]

Washington State Pile-On

The Assault on Our 2nd Amendment Rights [More]

I could spend time quibbling with that characterization, but the priority here is understanding the areas of attack:

  • HB-1240 has a long list of weapons that will be banned under this legislation.
  • HB-1178 – Concerning local government authority to regulate firearms.
  • HB-1143 – Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB-1144 – Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB – 1240 – Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.

They’re all over at the above link, plus Washington Gun Law details them out and points out the urgency for action. [Watch]

[Via Jess]

If at First You Don’t Succeed

It looks like Roxanne Persaud is trying to resurrect her bill to limit ammunition for “assault weapons.” (There’s nothing I could find about this yet on her website or social media feeds, or the NY State Senate’s legislative search feature.)

Remember when she tried in 2015 for “rational ammunition control”– with Tucker pal Eric Adams at her side raving about “blood-soaked carnage” and “When terrorists seek – and succeed – to take advantage of our loose laws to murder innocent people”? And how, after attempting to pass an edict so enforcers could use up to lethal force to eviscerate the right to arms that she played the victim and called NRA’s announcement picture (above) a threat proving NRA is dangerous and violent?

That’s just what Americans who won’t surrender their birthright need– a refugee from Guyana dictating to them what they may and may not own. I wonder how her native land’s prohibition on homosexuals acts would play with her current constituents — and if she’s so damn “progressive,” why she’s not leading the charge for reforms there?


Senate Bill S929
2023-2024 Legislative Session
Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons [More]

[Via Jess]

Stroke of the Pen, Law of the Land of Lincoln

With the stroke of his pen, Governor JB Pritzker made Illinois the ninth state to ban assault-style weapons. [More]

No surprise there.

So how soon until we see that challenge we’re told groups are “gearing up for“?

UPDATE (Via President Non_Fudd)

IL State Police sent this out to all IL FFL’s last night

And if you disobey, they’ll be happy to bring up to lethal force to bear to ensure that you comply.

Not all agree:

More at Mom-At-Arms.

And Don’t Forget to Thank Them

Today, January 9th, the Colorado Legislature begins the 2023 legislative session. As in 2022, the Legislature can expect to see both pro and anti-gun bills introduced this year. Anti-gun lawmakers have drafted their gun control package bill, falsely titled the “Mass Shooting Prevention Act of 2023.” The draft bans many commonly used firearms Americans choose to defend themselves and their families with. Proponents, however, fail to explain how disarming law-abiding citizens will keep them safe from criminals who do not obey the law. Please use the link below to contact your legislators asking them to please vote NO on gun control. [More]

Yeah, that’ll be persuasive with subversive totalitarians who want to completely disarm and enslave you. Why not send them a picture of a limp d!ck so they really respect an alternative point of view?

Looks like this came out a couple of days too soon, but then again, adding more demands and restrictions is what the freedom haters are all about.


The bill defines assault weapons so broadly that it would ban almost all semi-automatic weapons. It would ban almost every handgun used in self-defense and concealed carry. It would ban almost every rifle used for home protection or competition shooting. No more Glocks, AR-15s, or shotguns with a magazine and those are just a few of the many guns this bill could ban. [More]

Yeah, I’ll be saying “please” to those evil m***********s.


Colorado Democrats aim to ban entire class of semi-automatic weapons [More]

It includes an embed of the bill.

[Via cydl]

State Semiauto Bans Try to Accomplish What Feds Cannot (Yet)

Blue states are attempting to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and federal law to go after “assault weapons.” [More]

My latest piece…

But don’t worry. No one is trying to take your guns.

Muster Call

A federal lawsuit supported by the Second Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition has been filed in New York, challenging that state’s ban on so-called “assault weapons.” [More]

I’ve been arguing not to forget “core purpose” in 2A actions, so I find this a good add:

The firearms at issue in this case are the sorts of bearable arms in common use for lawful purposes that law-abiding people possess at home by the millions. And they are, moreover, exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty, should such be necessary.

Fear Isn’t the Reason

Will Phobias About AR-15s Keep Schools From Adopting This Innovative Product? [More]

Seeing that it’s about citizen disarmament and not about “commonsense gun safety,” I think it’s more like the antis would rather see children die than have to give up a successful weaponized narrative.

[Via Michael G]

Unsettled ‘Science’

Did the assault weapons ban of 1994 bring down mass shootings? Here’s what the data tells us [More]

There IS no reliable data, you agenda-driven junk science dope, which doesn’t stop you from getting everybody stirred up when you know full well most will never read your screed down far enough to see this admission:

It is also important to note that our analysis cannot definitively say that the assault weapons ban of 1994 caused a decrease in mass shootings, nor that its expiration in 2004 resulted in the growth of deadly incidents in the years since.

The only “compelling state interest” here is a disarmed citizenry enabling a totalitarian monopoly of violence.

Well THERE’ a Shocker

Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont: AR-15s ‘Should Not Be Allowed in the State of Connecticut’- Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) is weighing a push to end or repeal a grandfathering clause in a gun control bill in order to force residents to hand over any AR-15s. [More]

Now ask me how sorry I feel for those who registered theirs via obtaining a certificate of possession.

[Via bondmen]

Trust Me, He Knows

Who Wants to Tell California AG Bonta that Access to ‘Weapons of War’ as a Check Against Tyranny is a Core Tenet of the Second Amendment? [More]

Why do you think he and his masters are so bent on destroying it?

I just wish more 2A lawsuits would focus more on the Militia, and how ignoring that facilitates more infringements.

Psychological Lawfare

The federal lawsuit was filed Monday by Everytown Law on behalf of Sandra Torres, the mother of Eliahna Torres, who was fatally shot on May 24 at Robb Elementary along with 18 other children and two teachers. The lawsuit also includes the gun store that transferred the rifle to the shooter as well as police officers and agencies that were on site that day. [More]

Why would those who get away with eviscerating the Second Amendment with impunity give a damn about the First?

There’s no one’s grief these evil, blood-dancing bastards won’t exploit.

Doesn’t Everytown filing this when they know PLCAA is in play constitute a frivolous action designed to extort a settlement for which they could be countersued? It almost seems like a form of insurrection…

[Via Jess]

About That New Democrat Rush on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

I’m seeing an increase in commentators warning about this, what with Biden trolling for headlines.

Back when Rhode Island Red David Cicilline introduced it, the prognosis was a 6% chance of passing.

In its HB 1808 reincarnation, it’s 12%.

Note all 212 cosponsors are Democrats.

Anyone who says that’s not an issue is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

[Via Jess]

What We Do and Don’t Know about the Colorado Springs Maniac

What we know about the suspect in the Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub shooting [More]

We don’t know if he’s one of those haters they’re presuming he is and then extrapolating that to apply to the rest of us. The photo suggests otherwise, at least in terms of being one of those “white supremacists” we’re told are the greatest threat. Where are the photos of him? Did he or did he not use social media, and if so, got links, or are we once again seeing those being taken down?

By the same token, we also don’t know if he’s just another self-loather.

We DO know that, aside from a renewed “ban assault weapons” blood dance and the not wholly unexpected revelation that he’s been on police and prosecutor radar before for bizarrely violent behavior, the left is also exploiting this to make people afraid to criticize real “all ages” red flags being waved with the potential to provoke low-hanging fruit.

Everybody and their brother in the “gun rights” world are going to be writing about this so I’m going to hold back and wait for more about the @$$hole to become known. At that point, I’ll decide if I have something to say that I don’t see anyone else bringing up.

At this point, I’ll use this post throughout the day as an aggregator if something comes across the transom that’s relevant and new.


The gunman who allegedly killed five people at a Colorado LGBTQ club is reportedly the grandson of a Republican California lawmaker who compared the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol to the Revolutionary War. [More]

Hoo-boy, here we go. Funny, that much they can find out.

[Via bondmen]

A Common Factor

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Delaware’s recently-adopted ban on so-called “assault weapons” on the grounds the legislation—known as House Bill 450—violates the Second Amendment. [More]

Show me a “commonsense gun safety” bill that doesn’t.

Just Singin’ and Dancin’ in the Blood

Within hours of police arresting a suspect in the fatal shooting of three University of Virginia football players, the White House called for an assault weapons ban even though the suspect was alleged to have used a handgun in the killings. [More]

It’s not like anyone ignorant enough to vote for them will know.

[Via Jess]

Doubling Down

So, I’m not going to change — as a matter of fact, you know there’s some things I want to change and add to. For example, we had — passed the most bipartisan, we passed the most extensive gun legislation, anti- — you know, rational gun policy in 30 years. And — but we didn’t ban assault weapons. I’m going to ban assault weapons. They’re going to try like the devil [More]

Flesh out what confiscating them will look like, Joe.

[Via Jess]

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