Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

“Last night in Queens, a memorial for a teen lost to gun violence turned to horror when gunmen opened fire on the crowd, including several young people who are now hospitalized. This cannot be our normal…” [More]

No, it’s not OUR normal, Kathy. But it’s pretty unexpected (oops) for a significant segment of YOUR consituency.

As is blaming it on “gun violence”…

Classy joint sure to attract all the right people, no…?

[Via Steve T]

Rochester First: News You Can Wipe With

New gun safety legislation signed into law [More]

Great narrative talking point PR release masked as “news,” “real reporter” Jamie Deline! And nice trick burying the tepid non-rebuttal at the very end to make it seem like both sides weighed in.

Well, you can pay the rent this month, but I really didn’t see anything here that Gemini or Chat GPT couldn’t do cheaper.

The Age of Reason

New York Set to Restrict Social-Media Algorithms for Teens [More]

That’s not the parents’ job…?

It’s instructive to see what else doesn’t require parental cognizance:

Parents—once viewed as the natural authority figures in their children’s lives—now find themselves largely spectators: locked out, lied to, and gaslit in a national effort to secretly gender-transition children in public schools behind their parents’ backs.

When Democrats say “For the children,” watch out …

Send in the Clowns

Told ya. Trump’s just an avatar.

When they say he’s not welcome, they’re saying anyone who’s not in their tribe is not welcome.

That’s the definition of an ignorant provincial bigot. And what they don’t understand, they hate.

Bolting the Barn Door

New York makes it easier to get an abortion than to adopt a baby thanks in part to Hochul admin edict, critics say [More]

Dealing with the wrong end of this, aren’t we? Who doesn’t know how babies are made?

The rest is just expecting someone else to deal with choices made by others.

You know, the Democrat agenda.

No civilization can endure when such burdens are forced. And that’s kind of the plan…

[Via Michael G]

Dishonorable Mentions

Per WarOnGuns Correspondent Andy M via email:

Of Democrats that NRA endorsed who later back stabbed them and us… Kathy Hochul. Who also was adored by your old pal Jacob reiper who used to run political action at nysrpa. And one more to add!Fw: Add Sen Bob Casey to your list…

Maybe someday I’ll spend time compiling an actual list — but it would also have to include Republican traitors like Brian Mast, Fred Upton, and more…

Casus Belli

The state was appealing the lower court’s decision against Governor Kathy Hochul’s quarantine camp law. The law granted power to the state to seal anyone in an apartment or take them to a camp without evidence of infection or exposure, without due process, and with no termination date. In other words, the law was totalitarian. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist seditious conspirator would oppose that…?

It does help clarify who the SAFE Act is supposed to help keep safe…

[Via GP]

Better Than BOGO!

Legislation (S. 3436/A. 5835) Exempts Applications for an ERPO from Requiring an Index Number Fee … Since the new legislation was enacted in June 2022, the number of Extreme Risk Protection Orders has increased by ten times. [More]

Kathy Hochul just made revenge affordable for all!

That’s OK– the government is still saving plenty of money by not requiring a trial first before pronouncing a sentence.

[Via Jess]

Food for Thought

A restaurant diner legally in possession of a handgun watched the incident unfold, and intervened by drawing his weapon while giving Padron commands to stay on the ground and let go of the knife. [More]

All in Kathy Hochuls’ New York…

But wait a sec– we’ve been told gun owners are bloodthirsty white supremacists just waiting for someone to blast away and that those of us who haven’t killed anyone just aren’t murderers yet. So what’s this guy doing actually deterring violence?

Anybody know if Applebee’s has changed its policy? I haven’t had much incentive to go there and check for some time

[Via Jess]

Stay Tuned

Accordingly, upon due consideration, it is hereby ORDERED that the motion for a stay pending appeal is GRANTED and … Appellees’ motion to expedite the resolution of the matter is GRANTED. [More]

So the infringements will continue but we’ll hurry up about making a decision?

Here’s the original Antonyuk v. Hochul complaint for those unfamiliar with the case. Just to give you an idea of how full of sh… uh… beans the other side is, check out this bit of lying, hoplophobic hysteria from Brady president Kris Brown:

New Yorkers, like all Americans, do not want their supermarkets, public squares, and child care centers turned into bullet-riddled crime scenes.

Where haven’t lawful concealed carriers done that?


Removes the national rifle association from the list of entities authorized to grant certificates as instructors in small arms practice [More]

Can it get more in-your-face that this is about the politics of destruction than this? Among other things, this seems like a blatant punitive violation of the First Amendment. Then again, why would that slow down someone who believes they can get away with eviscerating the Second?

But OK, just make sure none of the “authorized” instructors got their certifications from NRA. Then again, those imposing this won’t mind if a shortage means New Yorkers can’t get permits– they’re no doubt counting on it.

Maybe the Moms can do the training from now on. They claim to be “commonsense gun safety” experts.

Any gun or ammunition supplier who arms New York state enforcement entities is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

This, of course, is one more nose-thumbing at SCOTUS and its Bruen decision. It won’t stand unless we get court packing in the years it will take to go through the challenge and appeals process, and meanwhile, the state will have unlimited resources while the plaintiffs will have to scramble and compete for them.

What a POS Sean Ryan — and anyone who voted for him — is.

[Via Jess]

Blame to Go Around

The mother of a 30-year-old Buffalo woman who was killed by her estranged husband told The Post that Gov. Kathy Hochul was just as responsible for the brutal slaying as the man who pulled the trigger. [More]

Not to give Hochul a break or anything, but it appears there were also some all-too-common poor choices in play here, and I wonder if Keaira imprinted off of Tammy in her man-selection acumen and if they both were Democrats.

[Via Michael G]

The Red Queen

Hochul touts “red flag” gun seizures as polls show crime top concern for New Yorkers [More]

It’s instructive how she minimizes concerns over pandering to a key Democrat constituent bloc by turning a blind eye to effectively addressing real crime, opting instead to go after citizens who have not been tried for or convicted of anything.

[Via Jess]

Spoiler Alert

Law enforcement arrived at Zeldin’s home to obtain security footage of the incident from their home cameras, he said. He added that his daughters were “shaken” by the incident and that crime has run rampant in the state of New York. [More]

Unlike Hochul, he doesn’t blame the guns.

Now he’s within 3 percentage points of her, which just weeks ago seemed impossible.

And guess who is polling at 3% and what his position is on “vibrant immigration” with “two Ellis Islands on the Southern border…”?

I don’t suppose he’d care to take a little challenge

[Via Michael G]

Times Square Gun-Free Zone Plans Leave the Obvious Unmentioned

Take that to mean you can’t have a permitted gun with you in a private automobile, either. The entire city is being turned into a “patchwork quilt” designed to make it impossible to travel within its limits without violating the law. [More]

By ignoring the Supreme Court’s decision with impunity, this has effectively become not just a real insurrection, but a sanctioned secession.

And What’s to Stop Her?

Hochul is saying she will comply with the Bruen rulings by making it more difficult to acquire a concealed handgun carry license. In other words, “I, Kathy Hochul, will comply with the Bruen rulings by not complying with them.” Huh! [More]

This will continue until rights enforcement slaps cuffs on her and all her co-conspirators.

Besides which, the DSM has dumbed enough constituents in “our democracy” down enough to be on her side.

[Via Jess]

She’s Got Hers

In celebration of New York’s new gun control law taking effect on September 1, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul claimed: “This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over.” [More]

I know someone who would not only disagree with that from personal experience, but in private he’d call her a name that rhymes with…

Funny. Her security team hasn’t disbanded.

[Via bondmen]

Gossip Line

Kathy Hochul: Talking to Your ‘Neighbors Online’ Now Part of Firearm Background Check [More]

I don’t suppose you’re entitled to see what they said, and maybe use the transcript in a libel suit? If so, do they need to be warned that anything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law?

[Via bondmen]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

‘Good moral character’ requirement in NY concealed carry law has racist roots, 2A groups say [More]

All disarmament has always been about the ruling majority keeping a beaten minority submissive and obedient, enslaved, or dead.

[Via Jess]

Sensitive, Aren’t We?

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on July 1 signed a law that criminalizes the concealed carry of guns in airports, houses of worship, Times Square and other sensitive places, prompting a swift legal challenge. Gun Owners of America is one of several plaintiffs who are urging a federal judge in Syracuse to block the New York law before it takes effect on Sept. 1. [More]

Not satisfied with a patchwork quilt of “gun-free zones,” Hochul & Co. are going for a Rubik’s Cube.

I see Stephen Stamboulieh got ink.

Tyrants of Color

Newly-signed NY law says toy weapons must be white, bright colors, or ‘translucent’ [More]

They can be white but they can’t be black or brown? Another brand new “progressive” idea, I see…

So will they be able to raid and throw you in the slammer if you picked up a vintage Johnny Seven OMA or Mattel Tommy-Burst Detective Set off of eBay? I don’t suppose anyone would be interested in exploring why we used to be able to play with these across the land without provoking a hysterical SWAT response…?

And on the flip side, do you think Kathy knows about Furious Mike?

[Via Jess]

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