So, there’s no right to set a broken bone? No right to an ambulance? No right to heart surgery? No right to, say, atorvastatin? We can outlaw any medical procedure because there no right to one? You see, you don’t understand the nature of rights, or the American system of government. Under our system, people are free to conduct themselves as they like, be who they like, live as they like, however they want, as long as their actions don’t injure others. The government curtails that freedom only when it must, to protect others, and then only in the narrowest way possible consistent with that protection. That’s what freedom is. [More]
Apparently, the right to be free against being dragooned or robbed to service or pay for the above isn’t part of his (?) understanding of the nature of rights or the American system of government.
But thanks for the lecture on what freedom is.