NYT ‘Sugarcoats’ on Hunter Biden as New Secret Service Gun FOIA Comes Up Empty

In one fell swoop, The Times has reversed its position not just on “background checks,” but if you think about it, on “red flag laws,” too. It’s evidently OK, if you’re the Democrat president’s son, to commit a felony and lie on the federal form because most of the time nobody gets prosecuted for it. And when you’re distraught to the point that those closest to you feel compelled to throw your gun away because you might kill yourself, nothing says “therapy” like buying a gun and going to the range! [More]

And if the Secret Service truly wasn’t involved, don’t you think voices a lot bigger than mine ought to be asking “Who were those guys?”

Virginia VCheck Outage Points to Unacceptable Vulnerability for Gun Purchases

“All gun sales, even private ones, were stopped dead in their tracks until that system came back up. If it took a month, then gun sales would have been stopped for a month.” [More]

But don’t worry– rights weren’t “denied.” You just couldn’t exercise them.

Anti-Gunners Should be Careful What They Wish For

Ah! The understanding at the time was that parents would have a say in what their dependent children could or could not do! So, according to this, there were no Founding-era laws saying a boy or girl couldn’t have a gun if the adults raising them wanted them to. [More]

Remove predators from society and leave our guns and our children alone? The parasites, control freaks, and groomers aren’t gonna like that one bit…

In Denial

Reagan was well into Alzheimers when he supposedly made the AK-47 statement. I’ve always had a gut feeling that statement was made under instructions from Nancy after his brain was pretty well fogged.

(Comment under my recent article)

First of all, I addressed his Alzheimer’s in my poll results link. I’ve been hearing that desperate excuse-making for damn near 20 years now.

There’s no “supposedly” about it. Reagan made the statement in Feb. 1989 at the University of Southern California in a 78th-birthday event widely covered by the media (go to 43 minutes in). You tell me if he sounds senile. His official letter announcing he had “recently been told” he was afflicted with Alzheimer’s was written in Nov. 1994.

There’s Nothing New about California Republicans ‘Snubbing’ Gun Owners

So why should California Republicans (and those from other states where they think they can get away with it) do anything more than give lip service to gun owners, assuming they even need to do that? After all, they’ve been getting away with serial betrayals for years. [More]

What incentives do they have to change if they continue to get away with it?

Totally Unsurprisingly, Brazil Begins Gun Bans Ahead of Lula Inauguration

In the meantime, returning to the leftist playbook, look for Brazilians who question the election and defy tyrannical disarmament to be attacked and marginalized as extremists, criminals, racists, and “deplorables,” just like here. And just like here, they’re picking a fight to the finish with people who are proud of their heritage, vested in freedom, and not likely to grovelingly surrender their birthrights to their moral inferiors. [More]

History repeats itself. And in more ways than one.

Gun Owner New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Increase Involvement and Effectiveness

I’m going to share some of them again here, in no particular order, in the hopes that one or more of them will apply to the particular talents, interests, and/or inclinations of everyone reading them. [More]

Feel free to add your own– just be sure to DO them. And Happy New Year.

FFL Persecuted for Years by FBI and ATF Left to Fend for Himself

In light of Bruen and its “historical understanding” benchmark, it’s difficult to see how an honest legal analysis could continue to support ATF’s vindictive vendetta against Albert Kwan. [More]

What a prolonged and tyrannical outrage. The question now is, does anyone besides a handful of us care?

Buffalo Provides Real-Time Example of Insane ‘Progressive’ War on Guns

In this case, with people dying, there’s no question police were desperately needed elsewhere. But it’s in these times of disaster when people left to protect themselves are most justified in doing just that against predators. [More]

When seconds count, you’re on your own.

Machine Gun Charges Against Small Town Police Chief Point to Larger Issues

Nice work if you can get it. The problem is, without a badge, you can’t, and therein lies the crux of police as “Only Ones.” [More]

Special exemptions make it easy to forget your place in the food chain.

Hunter Biden Ally Should Worry About ‘Gun Crimes’ of His Own

“Paranoid” Media Matters founder David Brock had bodyguards and an “executive assistant [who] carried a handgun to public events,” including in Washington, D.C. At the time of the report, that was illegal, meaning he could not have been “lawfully carrying.” Evidently, “progressive” elites believe “gun laws” they demand for the rest of us do not apply to them. [More]

Legal bullying to chill exposing corruption doesn’t work on people who welcome the attempt to try.

Calculated Destruction of ‘Gunwalker’ Evidence Shows ATF Cover-Up Ongoing

That ongoing legal actions require evidence to be preserved and that ATF, the agency that stonewalled investigations and retaliated against whistleblowers now seeks to be the agent of its destruction, is a good circumstantial indicator that its priority remains one of covering up. [More]

There can be no “reform.” These corrupt bastards will never back down unless they are forced to.

Reports on Secret Service Response in Hunter Biden Gun Investigation Omit Key Point

Once more, the story missing from other reports that no one else is yet talking about: If the Secret Service has “100 records totaling over 400 pages,” why did they tell me — and by extension, the court — under penalty of perjury that they had none? [More]

How do you get away with lying on an affidavit? We may be about to find out. And the media won’t care.

‘Progressive’ Bank Developing ‘Department of Precrime’ ‘Snitchware’ on Gun Owners

For some reason, the IT term “GIGO” (Garbage In, Garbage Out) comes to mind. That and Priscilla Sims Brown sitting at her desk in a trance asking, “Magic 8 Ball: Should I report this purchase to the feds?” and then acting on its response. [More]

Who knew Amalgamated kept a trio of precogs in a tank over at HQ?

AP Continues History of ‘Scrubbing’ Truth on More Than Guns

It’s not like Congress can’t protect identities when there is a legitimate reason while retaining the power to compel testimony under oath. To assume Schiff and fellow Democrats are the only ones who can be trusted is an obvious political move to keep claims from being verified while the freedom of citizens hangs in the balance. [More]

The press being watchdogs was supposed to mean for the people, not for the ruling elites.

Murphy Floats Defunding Police Who Won’t Violate Second Amendment

What Murphy is doing is extorting law enforcement that refuses to waste resources enforcing edicts that clearly violate the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling, like the Oregon sheriffs who have gone on record as refusing to go after Measure 114 magazine ban defiers. And not just them, but also on non-Democrat-dominated political jurisdictions, as exemplified by the growing number of “Second Amendment sanctuary” cities and counties (what lying, race-baiting Democrats smear as “Civil War Flashpoints”). Add to that states that not only won’t enforce infringements, but that have enacted their own laws to override them, and are fighting in court to have them upheld, like Texas suing ATF “for unlawfully prohibiting firearm silencers.” [More]

If only the Founders had foreseen the potential for centralized tyranny and established a federalist system with delegated and reserved divisions of power… oh, wait…

California Firearm Purchase Delay Evokes MLK ‘Justice Denied’ Quote

If the California DOJ won’t let Ed buy a gun, what’s to say they’ll let him keep the ones he already has if their misidentification persists? It’s not like they don’t know what he has and where he lives. That alone, along with the propensity of state disarmament enforcers to violently descend in the middle of the night, makes calling attention to his plight a matter of personal safety. [More]

Nothing says “shall not be infringed” like “How do we know you’re not a criminal?”

Schumer ‘Amnesty’ Exposes Self-Defeating Blindness of ‘Single Issue’ Gun Owners

Start with the fact that Schumer’s stated goal, “get a path to citizenship for … however many undocumented there are here” will create an overwhelming number of new Democrats. Anyone who disputes that is deliberately ignoring all observable demographic realities. Even the terminology he employs is a calculated deception. It’s not a “path.” With the numbers involved, we’re really talking about a superhighway. And guess who pays the tolls? [More]

Dismiss this observable danger at your peril. And dismiss anyone who does.

Support for Jeffries Signals Hard Left by Democrats after Midterms

With a radical like Jeffries on track to be the House Democratic Leader, look for even more outrageous efforts to subvert the right to keep and bear arms than even Nancy Pelosi (who at times tried to keep a lid on the next generation), was able to propose. [More]

The real question is will he be radical enough to where even Clown World Republicans know better than to “compromise” and cave?

‘Roadmap’ Latest ‘Commonsense’ Ploy to Advance Citizen Disarmament

What makes 97percent’s “roadmap” all the more insidious is that the organization is (at times) successfully employing a “divide and conquer” strategy by claiming to represent both “responsible” gun owners (as if opponents are irresponsible) as well as “bipartisan” (that is, RINO) interests. We’re essentially talking Fudds and Democrat gun owners, who place faith in centralized government disarmament diktats and hostility to “deplorables” above uninfringed freedom for their countrymen. [More]

In the third and final installment in this series, we look at the gun owners who are helping make the grand disarmament deception possible.

‘Roadmap’ Latest ‘Commonsense’ Ploy to Advance Citizen Disarmament: Part Two

Let’s now look at the four “policy” infringements the 97percent group wants to see imposed under the force of law. [More]

This is Part Two of a three-part series exposing a group of “kinder, gentler” Astroturf gun-grabbers employing a divide-and-conquer strategy that low-information gun owners may fall for without an intervention by those who can see through the weasel words.

‘Roadmap’ Latest ‘Commonsense’ Ploy to Advance Citizen Disarmament

But let’s go to the “study” and see what gun owners will have to give up in order to achieve the “benefits” of “could” and “has the potential,” assuming they’re not just ignoring factors they have no solutions for and aren’t just making sh… uh… stuff up. [More]

Part One of a three-part series: Let’s unfold this “roadmap” and see where it leads.

Under Oregon’s Measure 114, ‘Common Sense Gun Safety’ Means Shutting Down Gun Sales

“December 07, 2022 (Wednesday) will be the last day to purchase ANY firearm without a valid Oregon Firearm Purchase Permit.” [More]

The useful idiot dilettante billionaires bankrolling this abomination don’t care whose livelihoods are destroyed or whose rights are usurped as long as this wins them “progressive” accolades for being enlightened and benevolent. It’s not like they have to worry about what “those people” want.

Former CIA Officer’s Enmity Toward ‘Right Wing’ Americans Shows Agency Priorities

He is presuming to apply terror rules against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil for, in the case of gun owner advocates, exercising our First Amendment-recognized right to defend and promote our Second Amendment-recognized right. [More]

If “progressive” spooks have their way, “conservatives” being “canceled” will take on a whole new meaning.

Republican ‘Commitment to America’ Must Not Take Gun Voters for Granted

These people run for office because they represent themselves as leaders for championing the beliefs of their constituents. That means they’re expected to lead, and if they don’t know how there are plenty willing to help and navigate them through all the specifics and questions and pitfalls in arenas they’ve been fighting in for years. [More]

If they’re too chicken to bring up hot-button issues before they’re elected, what makes us think they’ll champion them afterward?

McMullin Knows a Thing or Two about Betraying Constitution

When McMullin makes accusations about betraying the Constitution, a dispassionate conclusion would be someone who knows how to do that like a pro is projecting his penchant for betrayal on others for obvious reasons. [More]

It really says something about this moron’s arguments when the best rebuttal to them comes from Pee-wee Herman

On an unrelated note:

Those of you who noticed the site was down all day, I kept getting 504 Gateway Timeout messages– I did all the things I knew how to do on my end, which isn’t much: clearing the cache, restarting, cussing loudly, but ended up calling HostGator tech support who were able to identify that the IP address for the site didn’t match and they did a fix. I don’t know how that happened. That was hours ago and the site is just getting back to where I can access it more often than it times out, so I was able to get in, approve comments and post this promo for my latest AmmoLand article.

Per normal, unless something YUGE happens, I don’t plan on doing updates over the weekend (I will be working on articles behind the scenes and spending a day on the leaves that bury the yard every year around this time). Hopefully, the situation is resolved and any news link tips received Monday won’t be a wasted effort.

Knock on wood.

Giffords’ Rose Parade Publicity Spotlights Anti-Gun Media Saturation

They presume undermining “the security of a free State” by disarming their countrymen will result in safety, even though they can point to no such outcome after decades of trying. They also just gave Kelly’s political campaign a favorable-by-association media boost that will be seen by millions, but conveniently won’t set off Federal Election Commission in-kind contribution alarms. [More]

Astroturf groups get millions in free publicity to spread their lies, while the establishment media ignores, blocks, or shuts down the truth about the right to keep and bear arms every chance it gets.

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