Who better to trust to “control” our guns than politicians with a history of communist radicalism? [More]
These are the domestic enemies the Founders warned us against.
Notes from the Resistance
Who better to trust to “control” our guns than politicians with a history of communist radicalism? [More]
These are the domestic enemies the Founders warned us against.
Who but someone willfully deluding herself, a liar, or both, would deliberately ignore that the militia is comprised of citizens “capable of acting in concert for the common defense [and] bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time”? Its function was — and still is — to field citizen soldiers. And these citizens bore arms that were suitable for that purpose, “ordinary military equipment” intended to be taken into “common defense” battles. The militia did not assemble on the green bearing torches and pitchforks. They came with the intent to match and best a professional military threat. [More]
And worst of all, this robed … thing … was confirmed by a Republican majority Senate.
How lumping the good in with the bad and the healthy in with the troubled, ignoring politically inconvenient realities, and mandating increased restrictions on the fundamental rights of all demonstrates excellence, dignity, and respect is not explained. Such “equity” seems a curious way of saying “Thank you for your service.” [More]
Is a politically self-serving report that ignores the basics and tells servicemembers they’re not trusted really the best way to help those in serious pain and immediate need?
…if you cancel a card, your credit score takes a hit. So….don’t like the card’s policies? Don’t use that card, just retire it to the back of your wallet, or even shred it, but don’t cancel it. [More]
For what it’s worth, I had a card I never used and after a few years the credit card company canceled it.
The thought strikes that if this concern is enough to not even take a small action, what chance is there for larger actions when there’s a larger price to pay?
But if the merchant codes don’t go to the SKU (stock keeping unit) level and identify specific items purchased, some may question what the big deal is. For that, look to the proponents of the codes and how they have announced they intend to use them. [More]
The rope-selling “capitalists” don’t seem to realize what historically happens when their usefulness is up.
And based on supporting candidates like party switch-hitter Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, Tom Ridge, and Brian Fitzpatrick, a critical mass of Pennsylvania Republicans is demonstrably willing to throw gun owners under the bus in exchange for the false promise of “less government.” They’re the useful idiot “bourgeoisie” the Democratic Socialists are counting on being asleep. This also explains why disarming them is such a priority. [More]
With “Republicans” like Fitzpatrick, who needs Democrats?
Besides, a “gunman” (note the implied pejorative – “Scumbag Murderer” is much more apt) intent on slaughtering human beings is not likely to be deterred by “gun laws,” and this one was no exception. [More]
The killer may not help advance their narrative as much as the gun-grabbers were hoping for.
I was busy writing up my take on the MSU shootings and just submitted the draft to AmmoLand.
What these actions don’t mitigate or excuse is the police opening fire on him immediately after he emerged unarmed from his trailer with his hands raised and his wife directly behind him. [More]
So will the State Bureau of Investigation and the DA aggressively pursue this, and if not, why not?
A SWAT team firing on an unarmed man with his hands in the air isn’t newsworthy? [More]
There are plenty of unanswered questions. Why aren’t the “real reporters” asking them?
To paraphrase Democrat strategist James Carville’s slogan about the economy, it’s the criminals, stupid. [More]
They’re going after the wrong thing. Not that the useful idiots will notice.
“Most counties experience no murders, a smaller set where there are a few murders, and then a tiny set of counties where murders are very common.” [More]
Guns aren’t the problem.
I’ll be out all of tomorrow and have much to do behind the scenes today.
I’ll try to get to some of the email tips sent since yesterday later this afternoon, but no guarantees. My priority will be on publicizing articles I expect to be published on AmmoLand and Firearms News, and on working on a couple of new ones I’ve started drafting.
Please hold off on further correspondence until Thursday, because chances are I won’t be able to do anything with it. Also, don’t be surprised if comment moderation is delayed more than usual.
NRA Elections 2023: LaPierre Wins – NRA Members Lose [More]
Sorry, I’ve tried caring but I’ve got to focus my energies on where they have a chance to nudge.
I’ll keep letting them service my life member magazine subscription.
We’ve seen the same list before and we know that citizen disarmament has always been and remains the goal. [More]
Right out of the “progressive” totalitarian apologist playbook: Dust off the same old sh!+ and present it as new–all the while masking what you really want and counting on a critical mass of useful idiots to believe it’s for their own good.
The Fifth Circuit judges who ruled favorably were influenced by arguments formulated and advanced by two of its principals, firearms designer Len Savage and attorney Stamboulieh. [More]
Untangling the web, one sticky thread at a time…
Is this the way we want the police to act? Does this make you less likely to “back the blue” and more likely to consider law enforcement the violence arm of those who would rule? [More]
Watch the video and decide for yourself.
In one fell swoop, The Times has reversed its position not just on “background checks,” but if you think about it, on “red flag laws,” too. It’s evidently OK, if you’re the Democrat president’s son, to commit a felony and lie on the federal form because most of the time nobody gets prosecuted for it. And when you’re distraught to the point that those closest to you feel compelled to throw your gun away because you might kill yourself, nothing says “therapy” like buying a gun and going to the range! [More]
And if the Secret Service truly wasn’t involved, don’t you think voices a lot bigger than mine ought to be asking “Who were those guys?”
“All gun sales, even private ones, were stopped dead in their tracks until that system came back up. If it took a month, then gun sales would have been stopped for a month.” [More]
But don’t worry– rights weren’t “denied.” You just couldn’t exercise them.
Ah! The understanding at the time was that parents would have a say in what their dependent children could or could not do! So, according to this, there were no Founding-era laws saying a boy or girl couldn’t have a gun if the adults raising them wanted them to. [More]
Remove predators from society and leave our guns and our children alone? The parasites, control freaks, and groomers aren’t gonna like that one bit…
Reagan was well into Alzheimers when he supposedly made the AK-47 statement. I’ve always had a gut feeling that statement was made under instructions from Nancy after his brain was pretty well fogged.
(Comment under my recent article)
First of all, I addressed his Alzheimer’s in my poll results link. I’ve been hearing that desperate excuse-making for damn near 20 years now.
There’s no “supposedly” about it. Reagan made the statement in Feb. 1989 at the University of Southern California in a 78th-birthday event widely covered by the media (go to 43 minutes in). You tell me if he sounds senile. His official letter announcing he had “recently been told” he was afflicted with Alzheimer’s was written in Nov. 1994.
So why should California Republicans (and those from other states where they think they can get away with it) do anything more than give lip service to gun owners, assuming they even need to do that? After all, they’ve been getting away with serial betrayals for years. [More]
What incentives do they have to change if they continue to get away with it?
It’s confusing, though, if JP Morgan really did profit from Epstein’s escapades, why did it reportedly take such a blue-nosed approach during Operation Chokepoint and try to … uh … stiff porn stars? [More]
Not all perversions are sexual.
In the meantime, returning to the leftist playbook, look for Brazilians who question the election and defy tyrannical disarmament to be attacked and marginalized as extremists, criminals, racists, and “deplorables,” just like here. And just like here, they’re picking a fight to the finish with people who are proud of their heritage, vested in freedom, and not likely to grovelingly surrender their birthrights to their moral inferiors. [More]
History repeats itself. And in more ways than one.
I’m going to share some of them again here, in no particular order, in the hopes that one or more of them will apply to the particular talents, interests, and/or inclinations of everyone reading them. [More]
Feel free to add your own– just be sure to DO them. And Happy New Year.
In light of Bruen and its “historical understanding” benchmark, it’s difficult to see how an honest legal analysis could continue to support ATF’s vindictive vendetta against Albert Kwan. [More]
What a prolonged and tyrannical outrage. The question now is, does anyone besides a handful of us care?
In this case, with people dying, there’s no question police were desperately needed elsewhere. But it’s in these times of disaster when people left to protect themselves are most justified in doing just that against predators. [More]
When seconds count, you’re on your own.
Nice work if you can get it. The problem is, without a badge, you can’t, and therein lies the crux of police as “Only Ones.” [More]
Special exemptions make it easy to forget your place in the food chain.
“Paranoid” Media Matters founder David Brock had bodyguards and an “executive assistant [who] carried a handgun to public events,” including in Washington, D.C. At the time of the report, that was illegal, meaning he could not have been “lawfully carrying.” Evidently, “progressive” elites believe “gun laws” they demand for the rest of us do not apply to them. [More]
Legal bullying to chill exposing corruption doesn’t work on people who welcome the attempt to try.
That ongoing legal actions require evidence to be preserved and that ATF, the agency that stonewalled investigations and retaliated against whistleblowers now seeks to be the agent of its destruction, is a good circumstantial indicator that its priority remains one of covering up. [More]
There can be no “reform.” These corrupt bastards will never back down unless they are forced to.