Doing the Job Government Can’t Do — Yet

They tell me that “your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page blah, blah, blah”. Whatever. [More]

I confess I know next to nothing about this blog– I saw a post about censorship over at WRSA and that caught my interest seeing as how that’s exactly the reason I had to go through all the hassle of abandoning my Blogspot home of 17 years and starting this continuation blog. I see he, too, is the victim of a new Google censorship focus, which means no matter what he does, there are no assurances that work he spends portions of his life on won’t be summarily removed with no warning and no recourse.

Fortunately, that most invaluable of resources, the Internet Archive/ Wayback Machine* had his back on this one. I don’t see what the problem was with it, but then again, I saw no problem with what I posted either.

I’ve been throwing some money their way once a year because I do find them so indispensable. Case in point: All my Examiner “Gunwalker” stuff would be gone from the net if not for them. And doesn’t that tell you just about everything you need to know about the DSM


I see the emails, social media messages and news tips are backed up from Friday night. After doing my Firearms News article promo, I’m just getting re-started here now because I spent the morning writing an AmmoLand piece on the “Republicans” who voted for the “assault weapon” ban I expect will be out before too long.

Oh, and first I had to deal with the aftermath of yesterday’s large family gathering we hosted. Where’d that crater in the backyard come from, and why are there bullet holes in the basement?

Bottom line– I’ll get to what I can. But I sure wouldn’t mind a slowdown on inputs.

Thank you to those of you who take the time out of your busy lives to reach out and guide me to interesting and important stories I might otherwise miss. I appreciate your understanding.

More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeypox

Gay Soros exec screws several men during Pride weekend, suffers excruciatingly, but blames Society [More]

So actions don’t have consequences? Just out of curiosity, has anyone heard Sebastian condemning the child infectors? And what is it Pride goeth before again…?

But no worries:

New York joins calls for the WHO to rename monkeypox over its ‘painful and racist history’

Change the name, change the perception!

I Hate You! Now Save Me!

We found, in our research, that you requested that the National Anthem not be played, at any sporting events. We find it odd that, now, you are requesting the citizens, of the United States, to pay for your release, from a jail, in Russia. [More]

I haven’t verified the authenticity of the purported authors behind this, but it makes for a good read to highlight the difference between normal Americans and the collectivist ingrates who hate them — like the indignant “progressives” saying anyone pointing out Brittney Griner’s militant hypocrisy has “gotta be a pretty big piece of s**t …”

[Via Robert J]


We’re coming up on the end of the week and I haven’t even gotten to news tips sent in yesterday morning yet. Sorry, but the article work that lets me do all this has to come first, and I’ve been up to my neck in that, with a pending article on Merchant Category Codes for Firearms News and the “Active Shooter” Alert bill for AmmoLand.

I’ll get to what I can but chances are I won’t get to most.

Thanks for understanding.

Those Who Can’t

As a teacher, I attended the National Education Association convention last week, and my worst fears were confirmed… From what I observed, the NEA’s goal is for public education to be a training ground for political activism, while demonizing anyone—including students and their families—who does not share those same political and sociological beliefs. [More]

Good grief. How long have you been a teacher? Because I’m not one and I could have told you that decades ago.

[Via Michael G]

The Company They Keep

Ron Paul Institute Hosts UN Weapons Inspector Who Was Jailed on Child Sex Charges [More]

Just because you rightly mistrust the West on its Ukraine assertions is no reason to unquestioningly embrace a Russian apologist:

Believe him and his adherents if you like, but some of us aren’t going to kneejerk swallow fantastic allegations without actual evidence, especially when they come from someone who helped the United Nations implement arms control treaties and who was later “found guilty of unlawful contact with a minor and five of six other charges after a three-day trial in Monroe County Court on charges stemming from an online sex sting.”

The Congressman might want to keep a closer eye on what and who is being promoted under his name.

In the Regulatory Scheme of Things…

Court records state store owner Jon Whitley told Berkely County Sheriff Deputies he bought a replica Glock BB gun and placed it among the other real firearms “with the intent of pranking his friend,” identified as 36-year-old Stefan Mrgan, an employee of the store. Whitley mistakenly picked up a real firearm instead of the replica, pointed it at the victim, and fired, the affidavit states. [More]

Inexcusable. And the moron is still in business?

Nonetheless, OSHA inserting itself into the equation recalls a warning from the past, which I’ll probably dredge up again soon.

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Inconsequential Enough

Two police officers who wrongly arrested a Coralville man for being an impaired driver without any evidence and locking him up in jail for nearly three months didn’t lose their jobs or face any consequences that were made public. [More]

It sounds like they’re not the “only ones” who need to be held accountable.

I hear stuff like this and my first thought is how could anyone so wrong another human being and not be consumed with guilt and a life priority to atone and make amends.

Then another voice says “Grow up. This is why people who don’t victimize others must never allow themselves to be disarmed.”

[Via Michael G]

The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

Somebody’s bot wants into “comments” here bad:

                                                                  Open in new tab to enlarge.

И тебе доброе утро, солнышко.

What I can’t tell is if this is just a routine criminal exploitation of opportunity attempt or if this is directed because I don’t buy Putin’s line of sh!+ any more than I buy the globalists’.

Until now, Russia has not been among the top 10 IPs or countries blocked (The U.S. leads by far: We’re Number One!).  Attack attempts so far have been mostly via malicious file uploads and known malicious user agents.

And not to be outdone, I just got a series of five warnings about this:

A user with IP address has been locked out from signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 20. The last username they tried to sign in with was: ‘admin’.
The duration of the lockout is 4 hours.
User IP:
User hostname:
User location: Istanbul, Turkey

You gotta wonder what kind of total @$$hole parasites dwell in such dark worlds, with a life purpose goal of helping themselves by hurting others.

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