No Worries

Americans oppose President Joe Biden’s lawless and wage-cutting mass migration because they are racist, not because of their economic worries, according to former President Barack Obama. [More]

And true to form, he embeds a lie within a lie so that he and his cabal aren’t the ones worrying.

The real agenda encompasses a hell of a lot more than pocketbook “worries.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have it on good authority there’s no need to worry.

[Via bondmen]

Inciting Mindless Mob Fury: There’s an App for That

New alert system launched to alert Black leaders about racially motivated crimes- New alert system for hate crimes [More]

Will they also get an alert to retract all the ones that turn out to be hoaxes?

“The FBI director has said the greatest domestic terrorist threat to the nation is white supremacists,” [Carl Snowden with the Caucus of African-American Leaders] said.

That’s because he’s a weaponized tool who Trump should have known better than to let The Swamp sucker him into nominating.

And you believe him, do you, tool-in-your-own-right Carl? When was the last time one shot up your neighborhood?

All you have to do is look to Google News, and all the prime hits are about one isolated incident committed four months ago by a lunatic who wrote in his manifesto “when I was 12, I was deep into communist ideology” and  “I’m not a conservative. Because conservatism is corporatism in disguise, and I want no part of that.”

Then look at the devastation to “the community” in just ONE city.  Now, look at the 12 Bloomberg/Democrat record-breakers.

How many “white supremacists” were involved, Carl? How many Republicans? How many NRA members? How many Oath Keepers and “Three Percenters”?

Get your head out of your @$$, Carl.

Or is it more lucrative and advantageous to your inflated sense of importance to keep it there, and the hell with the repercussions to those you posture to represent, and to your country?

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Replacement Theory

A third of vacancies within the city of Hanover will be reserved exclusively for migrant applicants, new proposals praised by the local Green party have revealed. [More]

I’m thinking this could end up worse than what was done to the German people after WWI, ending up with a similar “pushback” if the global elites make enough of them desperate and angry.

[Via Michael G]

Who Will Judge the Judge

The feds are moving to drop the charges in the case against Newton Judge Shelley Joseph, saying they’ve reached an agreement with the judge accused of letting an illegal immigrant out the back door to avoid ICE … Joseph has been suspended while still now being paid $207,855 a year.  [More]

Who says crime doesn’t pay? And well, if you’re in the Big Club?

[Via Michael G]

With Republicans Like These

The Federal Assault Weapons Licensing Act, debuted by U.S. Rep. Chris Jacobs (D-NY) on Monday, would create a scheme for any American seeking to legally purchase most new semi-auto rifles, shotguns, or pistols that would require the government to first sign off on the acquisition. [More]

Wrong, He’s an NRA-endorsed Republican and one of the usual suspects. And registration is just the first step toward this lying sack’s real goal.

He’s figured he can’t run again with this level of betrayal, so this is his parting shot at doing as much destruction as possible.  GovTrack doesn’t have a prognosis yet, but my guess is it has less than a 1% chance at passage if the GOP doesn’t blow the “red wave.”

Where does the party find subversive whores like this?

[Via Jess]

Adding to the Cultural Vibrancy

In just a 45 minute span in Naco, AZ, our team saw over a dozen illegal immigrants dressed in camouflage use a rope to scale the border wall, then run into AZ. None were caught, making them “gotaways”. There have been over 500,000 gotaways so far this year. [More]

And like Obama’s DHS honcho Jeh Johnson told the U.S. Conference of Mayors, they’ve “earned the right to be citizens.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority

It’s gotta still be true because I haven’t seen any positions change

Say, you don’t suppose any might be terro… wait, that’s unfair. There’s really no way of knowing.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

New illegal immigrants cost US $4B more than Trump’s wall [More]

Yeah, that’s part of the strategy.

[Via Michael G]

What If You Seized Power by Fraud and Nobody Minded?

The FBI Paid For Russian Disinformation To Frame Trump—And 7 Other Takeaways From Durham’s Latest Court Filing [More]

Funny. Not a word about this on CNN

That average Democrat voters don’t know and don’t care and won’t be persuaded to vote against those ordering and encouraging this pretty much tells us what we can expect.

Try it yourself. Tell one and see if their response isn’t one of subject-changing and counter-accusation.

[Via bondmen]

Maybe They Didn’t Hear Right

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday directed its attorneys to draft a series of ordinances aimed at regulating gun sales and possession in the county, including a ban on the sale of .50-caliber handguns and ammunition in unincorporated areas. Another proposed ordinance would require “buffer zones” between gun/ammunition dealers and “sensitive areas” such as schools, day care centers and parks in unincorporated areas. Another would ban the possession of firearms on all county property. [More]

SCOTUS said “historical understanding,” not “hysterical understanding”…

[Via Jess]

This is CNN

Neither one mentions the communist solidarity marchers behind Amalgamated. I wonder why they don’t think it important for people to know who our Democrat politicians and woke banks are listening to…

And the only one nominally on “our side” who is talking about it and who makes the Google News feed is Glenn Beck.

And We’re the Haters

How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America [More]

The useful idiots will be encouraged until such time as they’re redesignated useless eaters.

In the meantime, don’t delude yourself that such as these don’t hate you and want you dead, because what more do they have to say to convince you they do?

What gets me is how anyone can be surprised, especially since they told us years ago in no uncertain terms what their plans were.

[Via Michael G]

The War on Citizens

Under the new law, entire categories of crime, such as aggravated batteries, robberies, burglaries, hate crimes, aggravated DUIs, vehicular homicide, drug induced homicides, all drug offenses, including delivery of fentanyl and trafficking cases, are not eligible for detention no matter the severity of the crime or the defendant’s risk to a specific person or the community, unless the People prove by clear and convincing evidence the person has a “high likelihood of willful flight to avoid prosecution.” Additionally, in cases involving non-probationable forcible felonies, such as murder and armed robbery, judges may only detain a defendant under the new law if the prosecution proves by clear and convincing evidence the defendant “poses a real and present threat to the safety of a specific, identifiable person or persons.” [More]

Establishing Justice, insuring domestic Tranquility, providing for the common defence, promoting the general Welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, again, I see…

Y’know, any government that fails to do the above has given up any claim of legitimacy for the consent of the governed, and whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.

That’s probably why ruling Democrats want our guns.

[Via Jess]

He Has Erected a Multitude of New Offices, and Sent Hither Swarms of Officers to Harass Our People

I Destroyed My Trigger, But Don’t Have Any Proof. What Do I Do Now? [Watch]

Well, Captain Parker, if you refuse to cooperate we’re going to pay you a visit when you’re alone and we’re in force. Either that or you can sign this surrender decree, and Heaven help you if we find you’re lying…

[Via Jess]

She’s Got Hers

In celebration of New York’s new gun control law taking effect on September 1, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul claimed: “This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over.” [More]

I know someone who would not only disagree with that from personal experience, but in private he’d call her a name that rhymes with…

Funny. Her security team hasn’t disbanded.

[Via bondmen]

All Writs Now, Baby, It’s All Writs Now

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in the case of Jones v. Bonta, challenging a California law restricting the rights of young adults to purchase long guns, are asking the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for an “All Writ” enjoining the state from enforcing a new state law that penalizes plaintiffs in cases contesting state gun laws. [More]

Why should arrogant tyrants who ignore the Second Amendment with impunity have any respect for the First?

Bruen 2.0

Plaintiffs seek a declaration that New York’s limitations of and burdens on the right to carry firearms as enacted in Senate Bill 51001 (“SB51001”) and as otherwise detailed below are unconstitutional under the First, Second, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Plaintiffs also seek an injunction compelling Defendants to refrain from enforcing those invalid limitations. [More]

Unless and until the in-your-face stonewallers face personal consequences, they know they’ll have virtually limitless plunder resources to draw from. And if they can wait things out, the plan is for total control so that current legal decisions will no longer impede.

[Via Jess]

Notes from the Longest War

President Joe Biden charged in a prime-time address that the “extreme ideology” of Donald Trump and his adherents “threatens the very foundation of our republic,” as he summoned Americans of all stripes to help counter what he sketched as dark forces within the Republican Party trying to subvert democracy. [More]

Says the puppet “leader” of the party of citizen disarmament, open border cultural terraforming, communist infiltration, forced injections, pre-born torture and genocide, delusional gender dysphoria, censorship, struggle sessions, canceling, grooming…

How curious that they call it THE CONTINUED BATTLE FOR THE SOUL OF THE NATION, recalling that the Original Insurrection kicking the whole thing off was instigated by the Prince of Lies.


Understand that Joe Biden is trying to provoke conflict, he wants it, his handlers want it. They launched this campaign about a month ago. It’s calculated. [More]

Me, I’m with Vanderboegh: No Fort Sumters.  But you’d better believe the embedded provocateurs are working overtime on the low-hanging fruit. to do something stupid.

[Via Michael G]

Truth Social Exclusion Another Example of Google Censoring ‘Bad Thinking’

Does anyone see Google “moderating threats of violence” when they come from a regime that’s implementing radical social changes being pushed by the global elites? Does everyone see the way cultural conquerors are doing the censorship job that the government cannot get away with (yet)? And is no one concerned that these alien-minded punishers of “wrong thinking” and gatekeepers of “right thinking” feel confident enough to publicly drop the mask and distance themselves from the “Don’t be evil” pledge they initially found helpful in gaining public trust (and political concessions on “content providing,” with content denial conveniently left unaddressed)? [More]

What’s the opposite of “Don’t be evil”?

We are Controlling Transmission

The New Civil Liberties Alliance, the Attorney General of Missouri, and the Attorney General of Louisiana, have filed a lawsuit that blows the lid off a sprawling federal censorship regime that will shock the conscience of Americans. The joint statement on discovery disputes in the lawsuit, State of Missouri ex rel. Schmitt, et al. v. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., et al., reveals scores of federal officials across at least eleven federal agencies have secretly communicated with social-media platforms to censor and suppress private speech federal officials disfavor. This unlawful enterprise has been wildly successful. [More]

A Justice Department that wasn’t a prime violator would make this a top priority. That it won’t tells us much.

[Via Michael G]

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