Achtung, Mitglieder der Hausbesitzervereinigung

Our homeowners’ association is considering banning guns everywhere in the community, including in the residents’ homes. Many of the residents are upset about this, while others are in favor of it. Is the association even able to enact this rule? [More]

Tyranny starts small, and always offers “justification.”

I always wondered what ever happened to Witless and Titless.

[Via Jess]

Highway Robbery

Thousands of drivers receiving speed camera tickets in small Summit County village… He said he is considering challenging the ticket, but the Stow Municipal Court requires that drivers who want to appeal the ticket pay $100. [More]

These $$holes are right next door to Hudson. You have to drive through there to get to most of my favorite walking trails.

If you took a look at the “solution” vs. the scope of the problem, it would be apparent this is all about revenue generation, and anyone who blurts out “public safety” is just mealy-mouthing an excuse to cover for this being a direct violation of the whole intent of Constitutional government to “secure the Blessings of Liberty.”

They also gouge you on parking. And requiring you to pay by phone seems discriminatory against technologically impaired older people who may struggle with Jitterbugs, acknowledged to be “designed to help older adults stay in touch with their loved ones” and that they only use for phone calls.

The other thing this is is an unconstitutional prior restraint on the First Amendment proscription to “make no law … prohibiting … the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It’s analogous to a poll tax. Or a gun permit fee.

And every bit as discriminatory.

That seems like a good opportunity for a class action lawsuit.

And if I were a “real reporter,” with the resources of a news organization behind me, I’d be going through city records to find out who got the traffic cam contract, and also doing a public records request for all communications, correspondence, phone records, work papers, calibration records, and all relevant documentation showing city official interactions with them.

Says the Would-Be Tyrant Who Wants Our Guns

Hillary Clinton: “There Needs To Be A Formal Deprogramming” Of The Trump Cult Members [More]

Assuming the struggle sessions don’t work, that’s a lot of people to Arkancide…

I see foreign national (British/Iranian) Christiane Amanpour continues nailing the subversive role that pleases her masters so well.

What have I been saying all along about Trump being an avatar for the citizens who believe in the agenda he campaigned on?

Thing is, Hillary knows this will enrage millions. She’s hoping some low-hanging fruit goes off the deep end and does something horrific, knowing full well most “conservatives” who end up smeared by conflation will continue to behave peaceably. If Trump said this about Democrats they’d throw him in the hole.

This is dangerous and the lowest form of politics. And it’s part of a DOJ/media-coordinated narrative plan leading for the elections and beyond, that is, it’s that seditious conspiracy they project onto their opponents.

Thank God the Founders, in their prescient wisdom, ensured the Second Amendment would be there for Posterity to call upon when any form of government bec[ame] destructive to [Liberty’s] ends…

Police State

If I were going to be paranoid I’d say this is a great way for the regime to identify its hardcore informed political opposition via online credit transactions, plus, where it’s playing in my area, gather them in gun-free zones that don’t allow facial recognition concealment

So yeah, I’ll probably go. It’s not like I’ll be a surprise.

I wonder if Antifa protestors will show up…

William Tell Overture

Swiss writer who called journalist ‘fat lesbian’ sentenced to 60 days in prison, LGBTQ groups applaud decision [More]

Latter-day Swiss betray their forebears and once more bow to the tyrant’s cap.

It’s gone from civil rights to civil rule. At least when it all blows up we’ll know “progressives” side with the totalitarians.

Judicial Skulduggery

So the Ninth Circuit has immediately declared they’re going to handle this case en banc without allowing a three judge panel to hear it first… [Watch]

The only real question: Will the Supreme Court let 9th Circuit Democrat apparatchiks get away with how they’ve signaled they intend to rule?

[Via Jess]

Once More Unto the Breach

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed several gun-control measures on Tuesday, including a bill that tightens the state’s concealed-carry rules and another that imposes a new tax on firearm and ammunition sales. [More]

If they’re already rated “A,” and since he’s still trying for even more, what further proof is needed that it will never be enough for these totalitarian freaks?

Of course, they’re talking about taking your guns.

[Via several of you]

Related UPDATE

“Unless we enshrine a Right to Safety in the Constitution, we are at the mercy of ideologues like Judge Benitez… This is exactly why I’ve called for a Constitutional amendment, and this is why I’ll keep fighting to defend our right to protect ourselves from gun violence.” [More]

How do YOU do it, liar, if not with guns?

[Via Scott J]

From the Party of Intolerant Fascists

Nearly Half of Democrats Believe Free Speech Should Be Legal ‘Only Under Certain Circumstances’- “A bare majority of Democrats (53%) say speech should be legal under any circumstances, while 47% say it should be legal ‘only under certain circumstances.’” [More]

I wonder what kind of compromise Republicans could offer…?

[Via Michael G]

Lottery Winners for Totalitarian Overlords

Billie Eilish, Sheryl Crow, Niles Rogers, Bootsy Collins, and other famous musicians released a video under the banner of “Artist for Action to Prevent Gun Violence” in hopes of securing more gun control. [More]

Pop musicians: Can there be a better group to take moral guidance from?

YouTube viewers — the few they can attract — aren’t buying it.

[Via Roger J]

What’s with ‘Czar’ Again?

Conservatives congratulate VP Harris for new role as gun czar after ‘bang up job with the border’ [More]

How come they never call them führers?

Jeez, is she sucking up to “community leaders” or what? Stick with what you know, I guess…

And living free from gun violence is a right — of nonaggressors. That’s why anything that makes us less free from it needs to be repelled with all force necessary.

The Grappling Hook

U.S. President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has grappled with record numbers of migrants attempting to cross illegally since he took office in 2021… [More]

Oh no, he has not. He’s doing his treasonous bit for the plan.

Democrats are going to keep it up until their hold on power is electorally incontestible.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Casus Belli

The state was appealing the lower court’s decision against Governor Kathy Hochul’s quarantine camp law. The law granted power to the state to seal anyone in an apartment or take them to a camp without evidence of infection or exposure, without due process, and with no termination date. In other words, the law was totalitarian. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist seditious conspirator would oppose that…?

It does help clarify who the SAFE Act is supposed to help keep safe…

[Via GP]

All the Finest Tyrannies Do It

The federal government argued in a criminal case today that England’s disarming of Catholics provides historical support for modern laws disarming felons [More]

The same tyranny that was met with gunfire when they tried disarmament here, which ultimately inspired the Second Amendment…

Nothing like using bigotry to make your case…

Can you imagine being Sean P. Costello and Scott A. Gray?

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