A Woman’s Touch

Will Men Organize to End Gun Violence? [More]

It’s unclear what the author and the magazine would be prepared to do if someone introduced them to knife violence, blunt instrument violence, or fist violence…

And not to stray too far afield, but how do “progressives” define “man” these days…?

Cashing in On Loyalty Rewards

CNN is promoting the journalist Natasha Bertrand, who wrote the 2020 Politico report on intel officials who called the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation. In other words, instead of paying a price for pushing disinformation, she is being rewarded for it. [More]

Well, yeah, because otherwise, she wouldn’t have been a team player.

This is CNN.

[Via Michael G]

That’s Why They Call It ‘Selective Prosecution’

Times Square shooting suspect faces no added charges for being in a ‘gun-free zone’ [More]

No, of course not.

It’s purpose is to deter self-defense carriers, not criminals.

Why do you think that is?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Indemnified Enough

Donald Trump’s promise to “restore law and order” by indemnifying police officers “against any and all liability” appeals to that sentiment, even as it underestimates the difficulty of successfully suing police officers and overlooks the fact that cops already are routinely indemnified against damages when plaintiffs manage to overcome the barrier created by qualified immunity. [More]

Yet much of the non-critical thinking audience practically orgasmed when he announced it.


[Via Michael G]


Mayor Brandon Johnson announced Tuesday that he won’t renew the city’s controversial contract with ShotSpotter, making good on a key campaign promise to do away with the gunshot detection system that has come under heavy fire for allegedly being overly costly and ineffective. [More]

Kinda like what David Chipman would have brought to ATF

Man, when even Chi-Town Democrats get it

Your Guns and Money (That’s What We Want)

This flushing of taxpayer money will come at a time that the Democrats are simultaneously declaring that Oregon is awash in cash* and they need massive new taxes. Meanwhile Republicans have once again joined Democrats to add to Oregon’s massive employee retirement debt with another bill you and your grandchildren will have to pay for. [More]

Hey, you can’t expect tyrants to persecute you for free…

We’re the Only Ones Blasting Away Enough

Video shows Houston-area deputies repeatedly shooting a woman in her friend’s apartment [More]

Good thing for her they’re highly trained law enforcement!

Now maybe the NBC News “real reporter” can explain what a “legally registered gun” in Texas is…

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Commiesense Gun Laws

The bulk of Saturday night’s debate was over three failed amendments introduced by Republicans which sought to circumvent the waiting period for active duty military, people who have obtained a family violence protection order and those who pass a background check before the waiting period is over. [More]

So basically, thank you for your service, listen better to your man next time, and f*** you.

[Via Jess]

We’ll Show YOU!

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has drafted plans to release thousands of immigrants and slash its capacity to hold detainees after the failure of a Senate border bill that would have erased a $700 million budget shortfall, according to four officials at ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. [More]

No worries. The Senate Vichycons are doing everything they can to see our foreign dependents are funded.

As House Republicans take a meaningless vote they know will go nowhere in the Senate. Kinda like talking big on guns UNTIL they get a majority…

Don’t ask me where “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” comes in on all this…

Feeding the Destroyers

In all, cops pinned two carjackings and six gunpoint robberies or attempted robberies on Navas when he was finally nabbed while allegedly shoplifting at a Macy’s department store in Yonkers on Dec. 17 — all pulled off within the previous five months, the sources said… “Nasty as they come,” one law enforcement source said of Navas, who was living in a taxpayer-funded city shelter after arriving in New York City last year. [More]

The traitors inflicting these invaders on us do not have my consent to govern me. I don’t care how many useful idiots they’ve brainwashed or incentivized to “vote” for them.

[Via Michael G]

Enter the Dragon

The only thing clear and certain is that traitors in our government are enabling this.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” 

[Via Michael G]

A Package Deal

Texas Lt Gov says it’s clear ‘Democratic deep state run by Obama’ taking Biden down [More]

That package I’m referring to is Big Mike’s, although with Democrats these days, that’s a plus.

Swamp spokesman Karl Rove says “it’s lunacy”…?

Well, he should know

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Listing Enough

Aidan Johnston, Gun Owners of America’s director of federal affairs, told POLITICO the group “is closely tracking the FISA loophole allowing federal law enforcement to buy lists of gun owners and concealed carry permit holders without a warrant or regard for the Second and Fourth Amendments.” [More]

The oath-breakers are bound and determined to build that confiscation database.

Banking on Disarmament

American Express, Visa, Mastercard move ahead with code to track gun store purchases in California [More]

The moneyed elites pulling the strings want your guns confiscated.

Remember that if the day ever comes when you might think they could use some help.

[Via WiscoDave]

A Right Delayed

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discuses the three pieces of huge news where three separate petitions to the United States Supreme Court have been filed asking for review of Illinois’ assault weapon and magazine bans. This, added to the other petition filed last week in the matter of Bianchi v. Brown, means that there is now four separate peititions before SCOTUS to settle this once and for all. [Watch]

You can’t put it off any longer, SCOTUS.

Make your decision.

Some of us have already made ours.

[Via Jess]

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

Researchers found that the average firearm mortality homicide rate for Black people of all ages was 21.05 per 100,000 people, compared with 1.93 per 100,000 for non-Hispanic white people. [More]

Tell us again why it’s Swiss gun laws that make the difference.

[Via Dan Gifford]

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