It’s My Party and I’ll Leave If I Want To

It was a party that fought for civil liberties and rights, remembering how neighbors and friends were thrown in Japanese internment camps during World War II, their freedoms taken away in an instant. It was a party inspired by JFK and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who showed us what is possible when we as Americans come together. [More]

It was the party that threw those citizens into the camps and led the filibuster against the Civil Rights Act.

I welcome the noises she’s making but I still don’t trust her.

Roger That

He claims that he pointed his gun at his wife’s chest and it “went off,” the document shows. When his wife fell down, Hanks said, his daughter “went into a rage” and “came at him” – so he pointed the gun at her chest and it “went off” again… Hanks added that he frequently shoots at competition and is the “best of the best” when it comes to marksmanship. [More]

Alec Baldwin, hold his beer.

In a rational world, the evil SOB would be tried and convicted within a month, have it upheld on appeal in two, and hanged in three.

The collectivists, of course, will use this as an indictment against all of us.

Moms Demand Action AG Backs Laws That Enabled Criminal Brother Arrested for Rapes

But coming from a career criminal family, with authorities at one time calling her father the “leading black organized crime figure in New England,” there are personal incentives to blame the system instead of the individual… [More]

Otherwise, some woman rejecting his “advances” might have added his name to the “Gun Violence Archive”…

That’s Debatable

Contorting, lol. And I never said, or even suggested, any of that. The 3% just objectively proves you were wrong about A+ meaning you always have to be right–it doesn’t imply anything about subjective weights of infringements. [More]

I’m moving the “debate” here because it’s bad form to hijack another man’s post with an argument, because it doesn’t limit me to 280 characters, and because I basically use “advocacy media” to promote my work, so as long as I’m doing it, why limit eyeballs?

The thread with the back-and-forths starts here. My response to this latest:

Not “wrong,” just not expecting you to argue a formal academic scale instead of one of principle. My assumption was you were saying helping Gonzales return to power only counted 3% against a grade of 100. I just didn’t realize what you were talking about because it struck me as so off-topic.

My mistake was accepting your distracting from the real issue with non sequiturs about 3% and age and four terms. It’s simple: Abbot is enabling a Quisling who sold us out to Biden’s tyranny and will predictably do so again. And you’re excusing him and doing so helps the establishment GOP exclude new and principled contenders, with no disincentives. So from my point of view, the one who “always has to be right” is the one evading that reality to instead try and score an irrelevant “gotcha.”

To me, real 2A fidelity means 100%, kind of like the reverse of you can’t be a little bit pregnant. Maybe it means something different to you.

And the “Bipartisan bill” did more than create new opportunities for ATF to destroy lives and kill your fellow gun owners on private sales. They’re extending the net for all it’s worth.


LOL, no. You are welcome to write what you want wherever you want, but I’m under no obligation to obey your unilateral dictates. Have fun with that, though.

With ‘Republicans’ Like These, Who Needs Clowns?

When we checked, the only candidate whose website listed this group as “endorsing” them was Goodwin. Two candidates we contacted had never heard of them and had not requested, and were unaware of, the endorsements. Hilariously, the website twice misquoted the Second Amendment as “the right to bear and keep arms.” [More]

But Democrats are the only ones laughing.

The Men Behind the Curtain

Tennessee, Georgia, Adopt 2A Privacy Acts to Bar Data Collection on Firearm Sales [More]

Everyone realizes who is behind Merchant Category Codes?

Amalgamated, majority owned by Workers United, “has aggressively carved out a position as the left’s private banker, leveraging deep connections with the Democratic establishment.” Workers United, in turn, is a Service Employees International Union (SEIU) affiliate, which, per The Washington Free Beacon, “rakes in millions from Dem campaigns, liberal orgs.”And the SEIU, in turn, has organized rallies and marched in solidarity with communists.

It’s all about Marx for our Lives.

Always has been.

[Via bondmen]

So Whats the Difference Between a Bombshell and a Kraken?

This is a true BOMBSHELL. Everyone who wants to hear the truth about this witch hunt, to get President Trump, must listen to this video by Julie Kelly explaining what Judge Canon released yesterday. Jack Smith is cornered. [More]

So the entire Deep State is now just gonna give up?

Don’t get me wrong– my cynicism is not directed toward people revealing truths. It’s that this isn’t screaming headlines everywhere, and will be suppressed from all who don’t follow “alternative media.”

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

PJ Media has more.

[Via Michael G]

Flip or Flop

Flipping a gun for a price higher than one paid now may turn anyone into a dealer, making any such sale unlawful if it does not involve all the licensing and paperwork that govern gun dealers. [More]

Brought to you by every Republican who joined with Democrats on Biden’s “bipartisan” tyranny.

[Via bondmen]

The Spirit of Aloha?

This bill would legalize the open carry of all non-firearm weapons… [More]

Then there’s:

…despite containing some anti-gun measures…

What are they? And I guess a “parade to celebrate the bill’s passage” has to be viewed as any improvement being better than what they had before, but somehow, marching with a spear emphasizes a different message for me.

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