The Memory Hole

“You need to know about guns,” Dad had said. So, we took a thick board out back and leaned it against a tree. Dad pulled out this shiny pistol. “Here,” he said. “It’s not loaded.” I reached for the gun. With no warning, the thing went off with a huge bang and blasted a large hole in the board. I may have yelled an unpleasant word. Dad was just standing there, all calm and fatherly. “You said the gun wasn’t loaded!” I screamed. “Everyone says the gun’s not loaded,” Dad replied. [More]

What a dangerous, @$$hole thing to do to a kid.

[Via bondmen]

Lügenpresse Blues

Media Tailspin Continues As Public Trust In News Outlets Crumbles [More]

Now do one that shows how voting behaviors change because of it.

I wouldn’t be breaking out the champagne just yet. The programmed electorate is going to act on its biases, and just because they don’t trust a source means they’re motivated or able to divine the truth..

[Via bondmen]

Every Terrible Implement

M-16 Era Ends: Army’s 101st Airborne Division Receives Next-Gen Assault Rifles [More]

You and I can’t have those either, because they’re not “in common use.”

As long as we allow that to be defined by what’s popular for “self-defense” and sport as opposed to arms that soldiers bear, we’re giving the prohibitionists an out to screw us.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Bad Apple Dealing Enough

DC police dealt thousands of guns; ATF demands answers after concerning number found at crime scenes … So many guns recovered at crime scenes, in such a brief period, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives placed D.C. police into a program designed to give extra scrutiny to dealers with higher levels of so-called crime guns. [More]


So when are the grabbers gonna sue them?

[Via CP]

The Few, the Loud…

Democrat Ruben Gallego Would Prohibit Arizonans From Buying AR-15s … . “Carrying and using his M16 to defend himself and his fellow Marines in Iraq made it clear to Ruben that weapons of war have no place in civilian life”… [More]

Ah, the old familar lie of omission compounded with false authority!

Just because you were a Marine doesn’t mean you can’t be a domestic enemy.

Just ask Lee Harvey Oswald.

[Via bondmen]

Prohibitionists Gonna Prohibit

Groups representing minorities, like the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement and the nonprofit National Action Network, the latter which was founded by civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton, argue that banning menthol cigarettes while not restricting non-menthol cigarettes “puts a microscope on minority communities.” They say it could increase the probability of negative interactions between police and minorities. [More]

Off one who resists arrest and watch more than the contraband go up in smoke. And best of all, we can blame it on Democrats.

Y’know, you could draw a parallel between the ineffectual laws against cigarettes and other goods

And Now It’s Sick Day Time

Milking it for all it’s worth…

I felt like doing this earlier, but there’s no “i” in “quit.”

Yeah, I’m pretty muddle-headed right now. I picked up a cold or flu and am tired and feeling ‘blah,’ and I got my posts here caught up with all the emails received so far, so I’m gonna go lie down.

Hopefully I’ll feel alert and ambitious enough tomorrow to crank out another article.

DOJ Reconsiders Denial of Documents in Hunter Biden-Related NICS Permanent Entry Consent Suit

Does the DOJ have the power to create new classes of “prohibited persons” outside of what is statutorily defined? [More]

First they said they had no pages. Now they say they have 350. So what’s on those pages, and will any establish they are authorized to redefine”prohibited person” disqualifiers?

Unequal Protection

Democrat Judge Exempts NRA Members From New Gun Rule [More]

Well, I’ve got mine. The hell with the rest o’ youse.

Sorry — just practicing in case I ever become one of the elites. I keep telling the wife all she’s gotta do is pick six lousy numbers and she can’t even do that right.

Even though it’s temporary, I’ve never been a quasi-“Only One” before.

Playing the Percentages

However, the recent investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation revealed that 97Percent supports bans on “assault weapons,” standard-capacity magazines, and bump stocks and has called for permits to carry, purchase, and even possess firearms. It supports mandatory background checks and mandatory storage laws and claims the Second Amendment is “overprotected.” [More]

Welcome to the party, pals.

Are They Trusted to Walk Among Us?

Should non-violent felons have the ability to get their Second Amendmet rights back? Is this an issue that finally needs to be decided once and for all by the Supreme Court? Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, dicusses a case, which has not garnered a lot of attention, but which may be the perfect case for SCOTUS to decide this issue once and for all. There are thousands of Americans who need this issue resolved so that they too may exercise their inalienable right of self=preservation. [More]

You know my answer.

[Via Jess]

Follow the Money

Wisconsin voters approved two constitutional amendment proposals Tuesday that prohibit private money from being used to conduct elections and mandate only legally designated government officials may administer elections. This makes Wisconsin the 28th state to ban “Zuckbucks”-style electioneering and the second to do so by constitutional amendment. [More]

So, if they’re capable of being rational about elections, what the hell is this about?

Or am I making an assumption that ignores the same First Amendment abridgements that made McCain-Feingold so objectionable?

Feel free to edumacate me on similarities and differences.

[Via Michael G]

A Show of Solidarity

During a mandatory “structural racism” class at UCLA medical school, a pro-Hamas guest speaker led students in chants of “Free, Free Palestine” and demanded that they bow down to “mama earth” for a prayer. [More]

This is like telling Mao to hold your beer.

Forget the establishment clause. Now put down your fork and raise that fist — or else!

That there was compliance instead of an angry mass walkout tells us much. It figures the program is headed by a pediatrician.

[Via Michael G]

Stupid Card Tricks

I prefer this card.

This I gotta write up.

[Via Michael G]

Different Day, Same Old Schiff

Ties Between Judge Merchan’s “Child” and Adam Schiff Represent Major Conflict in Hush Money Trial – Loren Merchan’s firm was paid $4 million by Adam Schiff at the same time he conspired with Michael Cohen to take down Donald Trump. Cohen will be a witness in Judge Merchan’s courtroom next month. [More]

It’s in-your-face blatant. And it’s election interference.

There’s something especially disgusting about a lawyer who betrays attorney/client privilege that puts him in fitting company with Schiff and Merchan.

[Via Michael G]

Vichycons Gonna Vichycon

You are the reason there are court battles to stop Measure 114. Javadi and the Republican House Reps have done nothing to help in this battle and it’s disgraceful that they would try to use this vicious attack on your rights to hustle you. [More]

If Oregon Republicans aren’t going to fight, they can feel our pain.

It’s not like electing them makes a difference. And any money spent on them is money that won’t be available to fight the legal battles they should be leading in.

Crossing the Finnish Line

A 12-year-old student opens fire at a school in Finland, killing 1 and wounding 2 others [More]

But…but…but they have background checks and licensing and registration and everything

Coincidentally, I’ve been working on a Finland piece for Firearms News following the announcement that they were opening more ranges due to tensions with Russia — just consulted with an authority on the laws there and hope to have an article published soon.

[Via Jess]

It’s Our Big Club and You Ain’t In It

13 Democrat State Attorneys General Target Glock, Decry ‘Machine-Gun Glocks’ [More]

But they’re OK for their “Only Ones”…

Wake me when Glock decides to suspend sales and service to their enforcers.

Or when NSSF leads the way for the industry.

[Via bondmen]

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