Wayne LaPierre announces resignation as NRA chief – LaPierre’s resignation takes effect Jan. 31 [More]
I have to wonder what deal he cut to cover his legal costs and induce him to loosen his fingers.
Notes from the Resistance
Wayne LaPierre announces resignation as NRA chief – LaPierre’s resignation takes effect Jan. 31 [More]
I have to wonder what deal he cut to cover his legal costs and induce him to loosen his fingers.
School shootings increase NRA donations [More]
Not “prohibitionist feeding frenzies”…?
But never let that get in the way of “agenda science.”
[Via Antigone]
LaPierre, Longtime N.R.A. Leader, Faces Trial That Could End His Reign [More]
And separate him from legal defense funds.
That’s why he’s been hanging on for dear life.
[Via Dan Gifford]
“[b]ased on questions received from the public, [the “public” was AmmoLand News’ David Codrea] [More]
I appreciate the editorial insert.
I never could get those folks to acknowledge my stuff on their own.
Sen. Whitney Westerfield, R-Fruit Hill, will introduce the Crisis Aversion and Rights Retention Orders bill, or CARR, in the 2024 legislative session… [More]
“Fruit Hill“…
Another Never Trumper Vichycon…
[Via Jess]
NRA Foundation Feeling The Legal Hurt, Too [More]
I’m wondering what the tax implications of funneling from a 501(c)3 to a 501(c)4 are and if anything could blow back on the donors…
Maybe it’s a dumb question, but if the tax code was easy to understand I wouldn’t have to ask it.
In a case of politics making strange bedfellows, the National Rifle Association will be represented by frequent nemesis the American Civil Liberties Union in an appeal before the U.S. Supreme Court. [More]
So naturally, a Demanding Mom implies NRA is worse than KKK.
[Via Jess]
NRA has done something good, so it won’t hurt us to recognize that. Spreading this video far and wide can help promote RKBA and challenge prohibitionist lies. That includes throwing it in the faces of gun-grabbing Democrats in reply to their idiotic social media posts.
It needs to be followed up with a strong “Now Stop Voting for Democrats!” message, because that needs to change not just anecdotally, but dramatically.
[Via Andy M]
Sen. Gillibrand said Monday that new federal gun legislation has allowed authorities to prosecute hundreds of gun traffickers. [More]
Is it out of line to ask what “allows” the legislation?
Here’s the tax-funded propaganda the “real reporter” parroted from. And here’s the “report,” which on first glance appears to unintentionally confirm John Lott’s conclusions that concentrated Democrat crime areas do not justify blanket citizen disarmament.
And is Kirsten ever going to show us the answers she gave NRA when she was lying to them for an endorsement?
[Via Jess]
New York Gun Law: NRA Wins Compensation in Supreme Court Ruling [More]
How do you read the full story? I only see a headline, a clickbait slideshow and a summary description.
I had the same problem with another link someone sent me.
I guess the answer is just avoid MSN, and in this case, it looks like they’re riffing off almost two-month-old news.
Judge Phil Journey, Rocky Marshall, Dennis Fusaro, and [myself] Jeff Knox have all secured enough petition signatures from NRA Voting Members to have our names on the ballot in the 2024 Director Election… [More]
So, which one of you guys want to either provide responsive answers to my challenge or admit the “single issue” connection and tell us what you’re going to do about it?
As the NRA fades, a more zealous US pro-gun group rises as a lobbying power [More]
Well, that’s what happens when you keep pushing.
Look now for the violence monopolists to try and destroy GOA leaders.
They’re probably too stupid to realize that will just motivate even more zealous gun owners.
[Via Jess]
The Supreme Court Should Not Let Bureaucrats Invent Crimes by Rewriting the Law – The Trump administration’s unilateral ban on bump stocks turned owners of those rifle accessories into felons. [More]
Let’s not forget the role Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox played in paving the way (and good luck finding their joint statement on the NRA website anymore).
Pointing all that out and more seems to make some people uncomfortable. One angry reader canceled his subscription over it.
You know the type.
[Via Michael G]
An Updated Analysis Of The NRA’s Finances [More]
And it looks like Wayne is renting a U-Haul.
[Via cydl]
Ohio: Gun Owner Credit Card Privacy Bill Being Heard in Committee Tomorrow [More]
If you’re an Ohio gun owner and a regular around here, I shouldn’t need to explain why your voice is needed.
Supreme Court to Consider Allegations of Free Speech Violations by New York Official in NRA Case [More]
Who thought Democrats would be content to stop at the Second Amendment?
Even Vox grudgingly calls Vullo’s actions “incomprehensibly stupid” and says “NRA poised to win big.”
“He is unequivocally mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar and prone to violence,” Romney said, per the book. “There is simply no rational argument that could lead me to vote for someone with those characteristics. I believe your endorsement of him severely diminishes you morally … and that you must withdraw that support to preserve your integrity and character.” [More]
And remember: Trump is just an avatar.
That’s what My Man Mitthead and the Swamp Vichycons think about anyone who votes for the MAGA agenda.
The Cartels Have Been Sent to Kill Us – They are allied with Corporate Fascists, Greens, the Hard Left and the CCP. The Following is the Future of Your City, Town or County. Guaranteed. [More]
Nonsense. Give ’em a year and they’ll all be NRA Wine Club members.
[Via bondmen]
We, the undersigned groups and individuals, strongly object to H.R. 3599, an ill-advised bipartisan immigration bill with Republican cosponsors that would establish pathways to citizenship and otherwise facilitate illegal immigration. [More]
In spite of NRA giving happy talk cover.
So how can others sign?
Hispanics and the Second Amendment [More]
Funny he goes so light on this.
All kinds of anecdotes and happy talk allow the “gun lobby leaders” to hide from having to acknowledge what the Democrats are counting on.
Take the challenge, Raul.
[Via Andy M]
The National Rifle Association acted as a “foreign asset” for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. [More]
This communist stool sample never saw a gun he didn’t want to ban. This is just his way of throwing out an accusation that gets a lot of shallow publicity to help gin up outrage among anyone stupid enough to support their own disarmament and vote for a Democrat, and NRA makes a convenient, self-deflating punching bag.
[Via Jim S]
Catalytic converter stolen from Oscar Mayer Wienermobile in Las Vegas [More]
Hey, they needed parts.
[Via Steve T]
The NRA Has Lost Over a Million Members Since Corruption Allegations Surfaced [More]
Don’t look for what it will take to reverse that to happen because the main objection has no choice but to hang on for dear life.
And don’t look for a Board of Directors armed with rubber stamps to play the role of the Roman Senate.
Over the past three years, Annual Membership in the National Rifle Association appears to have declined by some 40% or more, while revenues have been effectively cut in half. Meanwhile, the NRA is spending the lion’s share of what money remains on a single law firm fighting, not for Second Amendment rights, but to keep top-level executives out of jail and in control in the face of credible allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds, while simultaneously cutting back on core services that constitute the Association’s reason for existence. [More]
But the important thing is, for a limited time you can pay a lot more for a heater if you get the NRA logo engraved than if you just buy it direct…
LaPierre will take them down with him because he doesn’t dare let go.
Now ask me who I want on the board.
Several readers have asked who I think deserves consideration.
Based on the real reforms I see the current crop of offerings willing and capable of bringing about, I’m calling on a frequent WarOnGuns spokesman to clearly and unequivocally articulate my position.