Die große Lüge

In court records, news reports, confessions of perps who promoted it, there never was any collusion between Mr. Trump, Vladimir Putin and our two nations. It was a lie. A big lie. Some people still believe the lie, probably always will, their fear and hatred so strong facts don’t matter. [More]

Who doesn’t see how this dovetails perfectly with what Drudge is pulling?

None Dare Call It Election Interference

Got the bastard, right?

So what does the story Drudge links to say?

Ransome claimed… She retracted all her claims… Ransome admitted to ‘inventing’ the tapes… No such footage has ever been publicly uncovered.

No matter, the damage has been done in screaming headlines on a site that boasts:


19,112,709 PAST 24 HOURS
529,187,702 PAST 31 DAYS
7,233,707,534 PAST YEAR

Remember when CNN told us he was a “conservative news mogul” ? Just like them, he’s always been a deep state tool.

I wonder if President Trump has learned his “Take the guns first, go through due process second” lesson yet.

Related UPDATE

And it’s not just Drudge.

Sure looks like collusion to me…

[Via Michael G]

Two-Minutes Hate Pregame Show

They will cross every red line and break every rule. They will deny it now and justify it later. No code of conduct, no oath, no ethic, no law, or truth will survive their power grab. They will debase everything this great country once stood for and feel no shame in doing so. [More]

And when he’s talking about Trump, remember who he’s really talking about.

[Via WiscoDave]

Some of the Best Damn Gaslighting I’ve Ever Seen

Trump Will Lose 2024 Because Americans Worry ‘He’s Going to Start a World War,’ Biden’s Deputy Campaign Manager Says [More]

Hat’s off, man– the guy’s a pro.

His premise is so stunningly, hypocritically outrageous on so many fronts, and there is so much to unpack, that a typical response will be to sputter.

That the DSM is spreading this tells us so much…

And that Fulks makes a point of lauding Hillary Clinton at the time Bill’s Epstein connections are being revealed tells us more.

Why, Indeed?

Why Raskin wants Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from potential Trump ruling [More]

Because he’s the legacy forwarding heir of a treasonous communist, of course…

Not that the statist apologists at USA Today (a Gannett Publication) will tell you that.

[Via Jess]

Let’s Hear It for Our ‘Sports Heroes’!

Make no mistake, the NFL still rules primetime, and that halo effect is real. Our ranker of the most-watched primetime telecasts in 2023 found that 56 slots went to sports — broken down by 45 NFL games, six for the NBA Finals, three for NCAA Basketball March Madness, and one each for college football and Fox’s “The OT” NFL postgame show. [More]

The fans just don’t care.

Kinda makes me realize whan an out-of-step misfit I am…

Parroting the Narrative

CNN’s Kayyem: Trump Is Utilizing ‘Threat of Violence’ to Rally His People [More]

Chris Matthewshoaxers

Never let a meme go to waste…

I mean, the DOJ and FBI have put a lot of effort into it…

So… no one’s interested in exploring eleciton interference…?

[Via bondmen]

He Wouldn’t Like Us Regardless

‘So angry’: Chris Matthews says dealing with rural Americans is like ‘fighting terrorism’ [More]

I guess we don’t give him a thrill up his leg

What is it about “Authorized Journalists” not knowing when to stop poking?

Are they really that stupid to believe equating us with ISIS before an election is going to calm anybody down?

[Via bondmen]

‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Video Shows Privileged Dishonesty of Astroturf Prohibitionists

Most “child gun deaths” don’t occur on privileged white estates with swimming pools. But the manipulators behind the video know their target (Democrat) audience and are counting on them having more sympathy for a stereotypical adorable little blonde girl than for who the real victims of criminal violence are apt to be. [More]

Once more the gun-grabbers show us that the best way to appeal to frustrated white Democrat hag empathy is to show something bad happening to a privileged “Aryan.”

Pooling Their Resources

Just throw a flotation dildo in for her. Problem solved.

Most urban gang “child gun deaths” don’t occur on privileged white estates with swimming pools, but I guess the racist manipulators that put these out know their Democrat audience and figure on stupid white suburban cat ladies having more sympathy for a little blonde girl.

What shameless whores these people are.

I wonder which slick NY ad agency they used.

[Via Jess]

The Ostalgie Factor

When the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was signed into law, it was a time of hope for common sense gun control. That time quickly ended. [More]

A time of hope for whom?

Anybody with a brain (and more than a bachelors degree in a major that didn’t require actual knowledge and a career in a privileged collectivist bubble) saw it for the unworkable and treasonous usurpation of undelegated power that it was.

But I’m sure anyone closed-enough to get their “news” from MSNBC is wailing over paradise lost…

[Via Dan Gifford]

Brought to You By…

I’m trying to figure out if it’s my cookies and browser history causing this or the subject matter of the videos I’m trying to access, but more and more every time I try to watch a gun influencer on YouTube, Mark Barden’s showing up first. Is this happening to any of you?

As with Manuel Oliver, as sympathetic as we may feel, his “solution” is antithetical to freedom and unacceptable, and his loss does not give him a claim against our rights.

Starting off the video with these ads undermines the presenter’s work, especially with people who may not be informed and may be otherwise receptive. So I have some questions, because I don’t know how YouTube ad policies work.

Is it intentional placement? Does the client request it? Does the YouTube account where the ad is being placed have any say? If so, do they allow it because monetization is monetization? If not, could they reject it?

Conversely, would a “gun rights” group be able to have their ads placed at the start of gungrab group videos? Has anbody ever seen that happen?

And is this a directed policy by Google/YouTube to deliberately muddle messages they want to suppress, and inject their own?

[Video link submitted via Jess]

Bullet Points

Army Ammunition Plant Is Tied to Mass Shootings Across the U.S. [More]

Tied by whom, Ben Dooley of The New York Times, the “D” part of the DSM? What was the purpose of writing this article?

I wonder if you compared all ammo sold by Lake City to the civilian market to the number of those rounds used in acts of violence what the abuse rate would be, and how many “0s” would follow the “.” to come up with a percentage…

[Via Dan Gifford]


She led the National School Walkout after the Parkland mass shooting. Then she left America [More]

And STAY out!

Meanwhile, CNN/Aol repeats the Big Lie:

Firearms are now the No. 1 killer of children and teens in America, surpassing motor vehicles accidents, which had been the leading cause of death among youth until 2020.

Got truth…?

[Via Jess]

Without a Trace

The Trace story quotes Byrna’s founder, president and chief executive officer, Bryan Ganz. However, on Friday, Ganz told the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project that he had never even heard of the Trace until the story appeared Thursday morning. The freelance writer who wrote the story claimed it would appear in a different publication. [More]

How can you be an industry leader and be so oblivious about the media environment you’re operating in?

If Truth Be Known

The Right to Bear Arms and Terrorize Your Partner [Listen]

Or don’t. Noting who is featured and by whom, starting out with a bald-faced lie makes me not want to waste my time being lied to.

[Via Michael G]

Related UPDATE

Here’s some truth. [Watch]

But we still don’t have a decision.

Let’s hope the storm crows are wrong.

[Via Jess]

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