Michael Moore’s Proposed 2nd Amendment Repeal: As Impossible As It Is Evil

Make no mistake: His totalitarian position, and that’s exactly what it is, is “Surrender and obey or be destroyed.” His sick ego invites civil war and untold deaths unless his demands are met. [More]

As long as it’s somebody else taking the risks of enforcing the tyranny he demands…

Hinckley Epitomizes Criminal Lunacy of Citizen Disarmament Advocates

It’s the way they feel. And who better to endorse disarming you than a “prohibited person”? [More]

This is madness. But then again, anyone who is both informed and sane instinctively knows that.

And for the record, I thought this photo would be perfect to use, but it turns out there are copyright issues.

Gun Prohibitionist Abrams Spares No Expense on Own Security

People who must pay for their own security are private citizens, the ones to whom the Second Amendment was supposed to assure an uninfringed right to keep and bear arms. Most — including Abrams’ supporters — can’t afford to. That she would also deny them the means to protect themselves speaks of a swindled constituency with views manipulated by a subversive public education system, and a media politically hostile to guns in private hands. [More]

Only two kinds of people would vote for this self-serving hypocrite: Ignorant and manipulated citizenship malpractitioners or evil apparatchiks who know exactly what they’re doing and why.

An Open Dialog

Some Shortcomings of Open Carry [More]

He makes some good points.

So do some of his critics. The angry and rude hostility that comes out in some of the responses though, when people believe they are anonymous and therefore not accountable, makes me wonder how many behave like that face-to-face.

For the record: I have written to Mike DeWine and the two governors before him in my state, Ohio, to get the “Only Ones” trained to stop threatening and assaulting open carriers. But I don’t personally open carry for the same reason I won’t rack a shotgun slide to “scare away” an intruder.

Blacks Discriminated against on Guns, But Not by Rights Advocates

The slander that “conservative” gun owners are racist and want to deny rights to minorities is an old, tired talking point that’s been proven false many times over the years. [More]

The violence monopolists project their own pathetic, hate-filled paranoia on those who advocate the full exercise of rights by all peaceable people.

‘Private Assurances’ for SCOTUS Nominees Deny Transparency, Betray Public Trust

If real principles – or lack thereof – are only shared behind closed doors with select politicians trying to advance an agenda, the whole purpose of public hearings is exposed as fraudulent theater, a dishonest performance with the sole intent to manipulate the voting public. [More]

It’s rare to hear a public figure admit the hearings are just predetermined performances for show and the real quid pro quo agreements happen out of earshot.

Gun Owners Can Make an Example Out of GOP Turncoats

To utterly reject Lisa Murkowski and send her packing will send shock waves through the Swamp and let the rats who betrayed us know that we’re coming for them when it’s their turn in the barrel. [More]

Kelly Tshibaka appears to be a viable alternative to the wretched Lisa Murkowski around which gun owners can provide an object lesson to the GOP. I encourage you to check her out.

Washington Post Intentionally Conflating Lawful Defense with Criminal Violence

In the examples the influential paper chose to highlight, the posters were not calling on initiating violence against their political opponents. They were calling on supporters of churches and pregnancy centers to defend themselves against violent attackers with mayhem on their minds. [More]

One of the violence monopolists’ go-to lies is conflating self-defense with vigilantism.

Massachusetts Gun Prohibitionists Trashing What Their Ancestors Fought and Died For

One can only wonder what the Founders would have thought of these worthless heirs to the freedom of self-determination won for them with blood, powder, and steel. The men who did that sacrificed their all to bequeath the Blessings of Liberty to an ungrateful, cowardly, and weak Posterity. These latter-day Tories spit on their forebears’ memory, and on the memory of the Sons of Liberty. They would resurrect the arms confiscation plot that triggered the beginning of the War of the Rebellion at Lexington and Concord – as long as someone else is doing the disarming. [More]

That they long to be ruled is contemptible enough. That they demand it for the rest of us is intolerable.

CNN AR-15 Deception Recalls Previous Attempts to Spook the Uninformed

Here’s the conclusion they don’t want viewers to realize: If expended ammunition wasn’t capable of producing lethal destructive force on human bodies, it would be useless as a defensive deterrent. What should be the object of focus is not citizen disarmament, but armed citizens being able to minimize “success” by promptly dispatching child-slaughtering monsters to hell. [More]

More manipulation and lies from “the most busted name in news”…

‘First Step’ Admission Points to Chronic Gun Prohibitionist Tactic

So background checks aren’t enough. The prohibitionists want more. They’ll take what they can get now in increments, but once that beachhead has been secured, they’ll use it to launch their next attack into deeper territory. That’s forever been their M.O., something you’d think even an establishment Republican would be smart enough to realize before signing onto any more “bipartisan deals.” [More]

The first step for grabbers is to lie.

Hunter Biden’s ‘Naked Gun’ Suggests 2nd Felony Firearm Transfer Violation

The point, of course, is equality under the law and no special privileges for the elites and their relatives. [More]

More than one gun means more than one 4473.  Meanwhile, the “Authorized Journalists” and gun grab groups and politicians are doing a media blackout while “progressive” apparatchik trolls try to sabotage it on social media by changing the subject or attacking with transparent Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.

UPDATE: It appears I am contemptible for calling this to people’s attention.

USDA Using Tax Dollars to Pressure Employees on Citizen Disarmament

Might such overt pressure from the very top be construed as creating a hostile working environment for employees who hold different political views? Might expressing those views be reasonably considered career and advancement-limiting, and might not expressing any political views on the taxpayers’ dime, by either side, be considered inappropriate and unethical, especially when coming from management that controls employee reviews? [More]

It’s the moral equivalent of requiring a “bullet fee” from the family of the condemned, and those imposing it get off on that.


Why did the USDA buy submachine guns? [More]

“Weapons of war”? The better to kill you with, my dear!

McConnell Instruction to Cornyn Hints Where GOP May ‘Compromise’ on Guns

The devil being in the details, “due process” can mean different things, with not all “hearings” providing the same legal safeguards as a jury trial. And that raises questions of concern that haven’t been spelled out. [More]

Anybody who thinks that this squares with “Shall not be infringed” is nuts.

Self-Defense Not a ‘Choice’ Statists Allow People to Make for Themselves

“OK, you can have your guns, but you can’t have your AR-15. If you’re gonna get all in my business and tell me what my family can and cannot do, neither can you. They’re gonna come for those AR-15s and you better get ready to give them up!” [More]

Somehow, “nasty” doesn’t seem strong enough…

‘Doing Something’ in Wake of Uvalde Looks Like GOP ‘Moderates’ Caving on Red Flags

Democrats, we don’t need to concern ourselves with, at least for now—assume they’re all for whatever disarmament edicts they can get whenever they can get them. It’s the Republicans gun owners need to focus on, and there are few surprises here… [More]

Betraying gun owners and drowning the fire in their bellies will break up the anticipated wave before it hits the shore.

Senate Republicans Can Resist Emotion-Fueled Rush on ATF Nominee

Will they treat the Dettelbach nomination like the existential threat that it is, or will they play politics as usual and make just enough comments to claim plausible deniability on opposing him, without really doing anything concrete to upset a foregone conclusion? [More]

Will even one doer declare “You shall not pass!” and separate himself from the talkers? If he does, who will join him?

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