“This may entail substantial changes to the American Constitution, or its interpretation, or wider weapons bans than the one that expired in 2004. [More]
Anti-gun agenda “science” = junk science.
Notes from the Resistance
“This may entail substantial changes to the American Constitution, or its interpretation, or wider weapons bans than the one that expired in 2004. [More]
Anti-gun agenda “science” = junk science.
The complaint was filed by attorney Stephen D. Stamboulieh on behalf of this correspondent to compel the Department to produce information regarding “consent to a permanent entry in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).” [More]
Expanding the rules without lawfully delegated authority and based just on their own say-so seems to be the way with these autocratic functionaries.
What’s harder to know is why any gun owner who believes in rights as articulated by the Founders would give defeatist and wrong-headed frauds the time of day, let alone be influenced by their equivocations. [More]
I wouldn’t look to these people for freedom.
They hate you. And they want you disarmed. [More]
These cultists give us some of the best reasons I can think of never to disarm.
Gonzales showed what kind of Republican he was back in 2005 when he told the Senate he wanted them to remove Patriot Act restrictions and that he supported Congress extending the expired “assault weapon” ban, pointing out that his brother was a Houston SWAT officer… [More]
It must be a “good” boot to the face if it has an “R” on it. Right…?
Baldwin has repeatedly insisted he never pulled the trigger. The reports say that’s not true. Was he lying? [More]
Who thinks they wouldn’t face charges if the tests refuted their testimony?
“I think we have to have some serious conversations about something that’s not popular. Everybody doesn’t need a gun.” [More]
Why would an arrogant official who thinks citizens don’t “need” a gun think they need any other rights?
Oakland officials not only don’t have a plan to fix anything but what they’re doing can only make things worse. [More]
What we have here are useful idiots who don’t have a clue being manipulated by power interests who know exactly what they’re doing.
Today’s SCOTUS vote putting a hold on O’Connor’s block shows a Bruen Second Amendment majority does not necessarily reflect across-the-board solidarity on the separate issue of regulatory authority. And at least one of the votes is no surprise. [More]
Think of one job you’ve applied for where you’d have gotten it if you decided to play coy with the hiring managers.
It’s tough enough with domestic “Only Ones” inclined to obey any orders without questioning their lawfulness. What kind of restraint can we expect from mercenaries who do not come from a Bill of Rights culture, but from despotic and impoverished areas of the world where a totalitarian government dictates what privileges it will recognize and what obedience it demands? [More]
Doing the jobs (most) Americans won’t do…?
JPFO publicizing Project Exile would have Zelman rolling over in his grave. [More]
It’s tough enough beating back citizen disarmament schemes without having to tell our ostensible leaders to stop advocating for them.
Addressed to the Office of the Attorney General, the request notes a commitment by Biden to “consent to a permanent entry in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System such that he will be denied via NICS if he attempts to legally purchase another firearm.” [More]
Separation of powers? We ain’t got no separation of powers. We don’t need no separation of powers. I don’t have to show you any stinking separation of powers.
After all, the first FOIA request was initially balked at by questioning my qualifications as a journalist, then claiming no records could be found, then saying they withdrew that, and finally declaring they shouldn’t have responded at all because Biden’s privacy interests made the requested documents none of the public’s business. Now they’re saying they can’t answer the second FOIA request because of “ongoing litigation.” [More]
ATF has more excuses than Joliet Jake.
How the new disarmament edicts will play with Brazil’s established “gun culture” will be instructive. Defiant Bolsonaro backers should not be surprised to find themselves smeared as extremists and conflated with criminal insurrectionists by highly-placed government officials and the media, just like here in the U.S. [More]
The parallels between there and here are numerous and disturbing. As are the tactics and goals of totalitarians demanding a monopoly of violence.
ATF Intimidating Another Home-Based Gun Dealer to Surrender FFL [More]
Because zero tolerance!
I wonder if Special Agent Loving and DIO Carlson dreamed of growing up to become fascist punks when they were kids…
Issue 1 supporters can’t count on getting a fair shake in the media, which increasingly portrays them as “a basket of deplorables” (and that’s being nice). As usual, it’s up to them to educate themselves and spread the word. [More]
If you’re an Ohio gun voter, the only way this will pass is if you get involved and help make it pass.
But forget mere errors. There’s real corruption and law-breaking… [More]
It’s like they’re too arrogant and stupid to realize there are no houses more fragile than glass ones.
What gun laws does he consider unconstitutional? What gun laws does he consider constitutional? [More]
Don’t just tell us you believe in the Second Amendment. Tell us how you believe in it and what you’re going to do about it. Be specific. Otherwise, all that fist-pounding is just noisemaking.
But no matter, because the messaging that will be the constant is that the problem is with guns (combined with systemic racism) and the solution is more prohibitions. [More]
Creating places for violence is the one thing these frauds are good at.
Ironically, the main impediment to any of this happening is what the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State,” an armed citizenry capable of organizing and repelling “enemies foreign and domestic,” the very people these myopic billionaires in their arrogance and hubris are helping to finance AstroTurf citizen disarmament edicts against. [More]
Cake isn’t what the collectivist mob intends to eat.
“What about injuries in Clay Target shooting? None. Since the High School Clay Target League’s inception in 2008, there have been no recorded injuries to athletes, coaches, or spectators. Ever.” [More]
It’s demonstrably the safest high school sport in the country. So leave it to the prohibitionists to stoke hoplophobia, with safety being the last thing on their minds.
The lawsuit follows. Readers are encouraged to set aside the time to go through it completely to understand the totality of events that happened and are still happening to a citizen attempting to comply with police orders, and to know if it can happen to Jason Kloepfer it can happen to any of us. [More]
That this story hasn’t been headline national news tells us much.
They’re not going to get a gun lock from a black-market dealer, are they? [More]
Besides, it’s not like the motivation is really about “gun safety”…
Because the DOJ has now made charges public, and because Biden’s attorney has acknowledged those charges, attorney Stephen Stamboulieh filed a new FOIA request Tuesday afternoon. [More]
The Biden administration’s enforcers want to gloss this over and are counting on the “real reporters” to let them. My sense is there’s more here to uncover and I want to keep digging and find out what they don’t want us to know.
Who wants to spend years and substantial effort to force a correction and not even be able to recover costs? Who has those kinds of resources? [More]
Here’s another huge advantage that rights deniers with unlimited state resources have over gun owners of limited means.
A 39-year-old South Florida man who is an ardent anti-gunner was sentenced last week to 15 months in federal prison and one year of probation for threatening U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado, in a series of social media posts that targeted the Congresswoman for her strong Second Amendment support. [More]
It’s almost like frustrated wannabe totalitarians aren’t rational or something…
That’s a version of the old and unfounded-in-reality “blood in the streets/Dodge City over fender benders” argument the gun prohibitionists used when railing against licensed concealed carry. And note his concern was not for “public safety” but for officer safety. [More]
Back the Blue when they don’t back you…?
“Curren Price is the latest member of the Los Angeles City Council to be arrested in recent years.” … “I am a firm believer in the control of guns, the restraint of guns, and the federal government’s proposal for the regulation of guns,” Curren told Our Weekly in 2013 in a report on the “Gun Culture on South L.A.” [More]
Projection much?