Republican Holdouts on Pistol Brace Vote Point to Larger GOP Problem

With this being SOP for the GOP, it’s no wonder lesser luminaries like Fitzpatrick and Kean feel like they can do anything they want, and “lesser of two evils” gun voters won’t have a choice but to keep rewarding them with power. [More]

If the turncoats will betray gun owners on something as clear-cut as this, what won’t they betray them on?

Democrats Pressuring House Republicans into Caving on Guns

Whether any of the Vichycon Republicans are actually gutless and dumb enough to believe that the prudent play is to listen to the commies and betray their base remains to be seen. While the urge to believe they won’t be is strong, we’ve seen “moderates” snatch defeat from the jaws of victory before. While they might not cave on everything, their baffling propensity to give up “something” and showcase an aptitude for “bipartisan compromise” is a factor that can’t be ignored. [More]

They only need five turncoats in the House, and those aren’t that hard to find.

DOJ Prosecutes Black Mother On 4473 Drug Denial While Giving Passes to Democrats

That said, it’s also entirely appropriate to show how the so-called “justice system” treats the president’s son and a highly connected Democrat apparatchik differently than it does people of modest means and people of color FOR THE SAME CHARGE. [More]

It’s a big club Hunter Biden and Nikki Fried belong to, and unconnected black people ain’t in it.

Newsom Goes Full Orwell with 28th Amendment to Gut 2nd

In other words, they’ll be able to enact any damn ban they want to, up to and including a total prohibition on “civilians” owning guns… [More]

But “no one’s talking about taking your guns,” right?

‘White Women’ Prove Claim That ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ is a Lie

And that’s what these stupid, sheltered white women have been swindled into believing they want – an executive order that “includes a total ban on all guns and a comprehensive, mandatory buyback program.” You don’t have to read any more of the proposal after that—you got the crux of it. [More]

Thanks to impatient radicals coming right out and saying it, no one can any longer deny that “common sense gun safety” is code for “Ban and confiscate all guns.” Well, they can, but they’ll demonstrably be lying.

New York ‘Gun Violence’ Medicaid Bill a Wealth Redistribution Boondoggle

“Under the proposal, a Medicaid beneficiary who has been involved in or injured by community violence and has received a health care referral would be eligible,” the report recounts, noting “California, Connecticut and Illinois have been granted similar approval to use Medicaid for violence prevention programs.” [More]

That more citizens don’t recognize what utter clownish frauds anti-gun Democrats are is one more indicator of this being the Age of Madness.

Fetterman Aide Unwittingly Refutes ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ Lie

Fetterman’s own public statements show his aide understands his position well. [More]

The end game is a monopoly of violence. Anyone who tries to tell you differently is a useful idiot, a damned liar, or both.

‘In Common Use’ Can Ultimately be Used to Make the Second Amendment a Moot Point

Because what was in common use in the past is not what is in common use today, nor what will be in common use tomorrow. At least by the military and by law enforcement. [More]

Withhold technological developments from We the People based on “common use” and at what point in the future does planned obsolescence kick in? Also, as an aside, I don’t know why the editors replaced my photo with one that’s irrelevant to the topic and the caption I wrote.

Biden’s New Gun Actions Could Not Have Happened Without Republican Help

And helping them do that this time out were the usual suspects from the Vichycon wing of the GOP, the useful idiot/self-serving swamp creatures who continually prove themselves adept at turning coats and stabbing backs. [More]

Nothing like seeing a “staunch supporter of the Second Amendment” carry the Democrats’ water for them…

Media Doesn’t Mention Its ‘Responsible’ Gun Owner is a Democrat Apparatchik

NBC Dallas/Fort Worth made sure to identify him as “a gun owner” in its report. Now This News calls him “a Second Amendment supporter.” And not to be left behind, in between emoting for the camera, CNN’s Poppy Harlow acknowledged Spainhouer’s (disingenuous) “pro-Second Amendment” bona fides as he rattled off a laundry list of infringements straight off the Giffords/Everytown/Brady wish list … [More]

What’s being a Democrat activist stumping on national TV for the party’s citizen disarmament agenda got to do with his credibility as a “Second Amendment supporter”?

The Founders Knew About and Had No Problem with ‘Stabilizing Braces’

In light of the Bruen decision, where “text, history, and tradition” of the Second Amendment at the time it was written is what informs us as to what the Founders understood the right to protect, I couldn’t turn to the Borchardt – that would play right into the hands of the gun prohibitionists, who, unable to identify Founding-Era infringements have tried turning to later laws, including post-Civil War edicts intended to keep freed blacks disarmed. [More]

Looking back even further in time, we find plenty of examples from the time the Bill of Rights was ratified proving the people of the Founding Era included pistols with shoulder stocks into the broader category of “arms.”

There’s No Reason for Indiana Statehouse Campus to be a ‘Gun-Free Zone’

That leads to the logical question of why the politicians would be safe when outnumbered by gun owners on one side of an artificial property line, and wouldn’t be if those same gun owners took one step over it, where they would find themselves in violation of the law? [More]

So the right of the government to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

Good for the … What Were We Talking About?

Woman Who Lied About Drugs During Gun Purchase Sent To Prison: What about Hunter? [More]

The way comments are dominated by redirection to take the focus off the article followed by interminable petty squabbles and name-calling sure works in ATF’s favor here.

See my sidebar “Comment House Rules.” I won’t allow that here.

Anybody doesn’t like it can have all their money back.

Democrats Focus on the Gun Rather than A Weak Border After Texas Executions

Another logical question, considering the suspect has repeatedly been described as “Mexican,” that is, a foreign national, would be “Is he an illegal alien, or if not, what is his immigration status?” That’s because ATF includes among its categories of people prohibited from possessing a gun and ammunition: “a person who … Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States or an alien admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa;” [More]

Forget that he’s an illegal deported multiple times and forbidden by law to have a gun. The grabtards are screaming “Ban assault weapons!” and blaming NRA.

Deceptive Petition: Falsely Claiming Gun Owner Support for Infringements

For any gullible gun owner lured in through 97Percent’s slick presentation, ask some questions and you’ll see how hollow their assertions are. Because if you buy into their rights swindle, you’re really just being bare naked in the town square conned by apparatchiks, useful idiots, and Judas goats. [More]

If you know what to look for, the signs of a scam in the making are unmistakable.

House Oversight Could Press Stonewalling FBI to Testify on Nashville Shooter Manifesto

Readers who agree can join in calling on House Oversight to summon FBI Director Christopher Wray to explain his agency’s stonewalling and pressure him to stop suppressing information Americans have a right to know. [More]

But nothing will happen if the only person they hear from is me.

Every Terrible Implement of the Soldier

Review: The History of Bans on Types of Arms Before 1900 [More]

In short, if the grabbers are looking for something from the Founding Era to support “historical context” to justify an “assault weapon” ban, they’re not going to find it.

It figures that the lame argument that no one considered the Second Amendment to be an individual right until recently proves to be the exact opposite of the truth. That’s because all the citizen disarmament zealots have are lies.

Gillum Trial Highlights Ethics of Gun Prohibitionists & the Company They Keep

Curiously, he was not arrested, as anyone of lesser connections would expect to be, but was allowed to return home and later go through the motions of “entering rehab.” [More]

I’d like to say “Imagine what the law would do to us if you or I were found passed out in a hotel with stained sheets, a gay escort, and meth and other controlled substances,” but candidly, I don’t know anyone who would ever find themselves in that situation, including being immune to prosecution thereafter. Curious, though, that this gun-grabbing degenerate’s Democrat political supporters say we’re the ones who can’t be trusted…

Laws She Demands Should Apply to ‘Gun Sense Candidate’ Porter

“The allegations against Porter include claims that she dumped hot potatoes on her then-husband’s head and smashed a glass that led to him being cut by flying shards.” [More]

We can end potato violence!

Cherokee Indians Tribal Council Votes for Car/Bodycam Exemption after SWAT Shooting

Cherokee Indians Tribal Council Votes for Car/Bodycam Exemption after SWAT Shooting [More]

Bodycam videos? We ain’t got no bodycam videos. We don’t need no bodycam videos. I don’t have to show you any stinking bodycam videos!

Wrong House Raid Highlights Continuing Danger to Public from Police Responders

That leaves open the question of how police got the address wrong in the first place. What checklist procedures are in place to preclude an armed response and the assumptions that go with one until a positive identification has been established? Were those procedures followed? [More]

You don’t need to look very far to find plenty of headlines showing outrageously lethal raids like this happening again and again and again.

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