Notes from the Democrat Freak Show

Spiritual adviser and bestselling self-help author Marianne Williamson is making a second straight run for the White House and taking aim at President Biden. [More]

“Why are we so violent?” she asks.


That’s an old grabber tactic, stumping for a totalitarian monopoly on arms by assigning collective guilt for the predations of an identifiable few.

What kind of cat lady/Demanding Mom/The View watcher would someone have to be to seek spiritual advice from this self-deluded charlatan? That question kind of answers itself…

If You Don’t Vote for Lori, You Ain’t Black

Lori plays the race card: Chicago mayor Lightfoot urges black voters to help her ‘keep the seat’ from falling to white or Hispanic challengers, despite crime spike – as local business leaders plot to oust her [More]

Whoever they elect, they’ll get just what they voted for — focus on effects instead of causes, because to do otherwise would be political suicide.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

We Can’t Wager for Trifles Like Quatloos

“Over half a million dollars is missing from the New Georgia Project, a discrepancy experts say is grounds for state and federal investigations into the Stacey Abrams-founded group and the woman Abrams tapped to run it. [More]

Jeez, if she can’t manage that, imagine what she’d do to the economy of the whole United Earth.

[Via bondmen]

Pander Much?

U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) led a group of 25 additional Senate colleagues in reintroducing the Hearing Protection Act (HPA). The HPA, S. 401, would reclassify suppressors to regulate them like a regular firearm. The measure would benefit Idaho’s recreational gun users and provide them better access to hearing protection equipment. [More]

Why? Where were you guys when you were the majority?

[Via Jess]


Figures NSSF “proudly welcomes” it.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

A Bill That Would Require Legislators to Know What the Hell They Are Talking About [Watch]

Nah. I see two basic problems:

I don’t want an ignorant enemy to know what they’re talking about because then they’ll be in a better position to anticipate a bill’s vulnerabilities and make it more bulletproof.

Besides, those pulling their strings know exactly what they’re talking about, and that citizen disarmament is not about guns, it’s about control.

[Via Jess]

The Incompetent Kleptocrat Getting Free Publicity Act of 2023

For this reason, I will be introducing the Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2023… [Watch]

If at first you don’t succeed, right, genius?

Democrat constituents do it to themselves– and not just politically.

The object is to not let them do it to the rest of us.

[Via Jess]

Pinning Down the Pinups

Why Some Members of Congress Are Wearing AR-15 Assault Rifle Pins [More]

Because theatrical gestures are accepted by shallow thinkers as substitutes for meaningful actions?

Forgive me if I read the name “George Santos” and wonder if self-serving motives trump sincerity and why anyone should believe a chronic and habitual liar.

And forgive me if I wonder why Rep. Anna Paulina Luna didn’t see fit to even mention the right to keep and bear arms in her campaign platform.

[Via Jim S]

From the Same People Who Claim Guns* Don’t Protect

Democrats claim walls don’t work and are racist, except when they think they need them. Ahead of Biden’s state of the union address on Tuesday night, the fence has gone back up at the Capitol Building. The same fencing Democrat put up after J6. [More]

I can’t find it now, but years ago I blue-skyed the premise for a television movie script titled State of the Union in which “terrorists” were going to destroy the Capitol with everybody who was anybody in the three branches and military inside (this was long before Designated Survivor). It was going to segue back and forth between investigators finding things out and perpetrators advancing as the climax approached.

There were two alternate endings, one where they succeeded and one where they were stopped, and it was up to the viewing audience during the final commercial break to call the corresponding toll-free number (yeah, this was before widespread internet) to “vote” on who “won.” I figured it would be kind of an interesting commentary on public sentiment with government where nothing got hurt except ruling class feelings of arrogance and invulnerability.

I didn’t have the juice to make it happen then and I don’t now. Still, if anybody who does wants to, I’d love to help.

[Via bondmen]

* I mean in private hands, of course, for those who feel compelled to remind me that guns are inanimate objects.


Looking at this in retrospect, if anybody ever tried making this now, I fear the motive would be to smear “seditious conspirators,” to show overwhelming support for our Democrat leaders, and to ID everyone who voted “wrong” for special scrutiny.

Look At Us, Everybody! We’re Posturing!

U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN), along with 43 of their Senate colleagues, today introduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow individuals with concealed carry privileges in their home state to exercise those rights in any other state that allows concealed carry, while still abiding by that state’s laws [More]

Yeah, well where the hell were the Republicans when there was a chance to actually pass it?

[Via Jess]

Much Ado About Nothing

This bill removes short-barreled rifles (barrels of less than 16 inches in length) from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act. [More]

Here’s a truth about every single “pro-gun” bill we see coming out of the House that we then see so many gun owners getting excited about: Without a Senate Republican majority and either a Republican president or enough votes to override a veto, they’ll all go nowhere.

And even so, that makes some big assumptions.

We can appreciate the sentiment, but I’d appreciate it more if they’d acted like this whenever they’ve been in a position to make it so.

[Via Jess]

A Billion Here, a Billion There…

Senator Cory Booker was questioned by viewers after claiming to have witnessed more deaths from gun violence in his lifetime than “all of our wars combined.” Booker made the specious claims during an appearance with “Morning Joe” on MSNBC. [More]

And “A-rated” Joe Scarborough didn’t correct him?

[Via Michael G]

Walking the Talk?

And despite a lot of these laws, gun ownership in the black community has been going up, because black people recognize that the government’s not going to be there to save them, it’s not going to protect them, and that they need to be able to defend themselves. [More]

Yeah, you can’t tell by this.

[Via Remarks]

A Chronic and Habitual LIAR!

Embattled U.S. Rep. Santos was drag queen in Brazil pageants, say associates [More]

And his Mom wasn’t at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

I see there is no shortage of Republican excuse-makers pointing out all the Democrat lies as if that somehow excuses this. It does not.

Relying on a proven liar is asking for catastrophe. This guy’s problematic record is showing him to be pathological, which is always dangerous to have around.

Sir Wilfrid explains.

And yeah, I realize the same could be said for plenty of other Republicans.

[Via Jess]

Exit, Stage Left

New Zealand leader Jacinda Ardern announces shock resignation before upcoming election [More]

I wonder what the real reason is.

In my experience, global socialists don’t willingly give up power.

I’m torn between whether she’s been instructed that it’s time to move over or else the clot shot is catching up with her.

[Via Jess]

Brace Yourselves

Congressman Bob Good (VA-05) introduced the Protecting Individual Sovereignty Through Our Laws Act, or PISTOL Act. This legislation would prevent the Biden Administration from regulating pistol braces by clarifying that what constitutes a “pistol” is not subject to bureaucratic interpretation, such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has wrongly done in their recently finalized rule. [More]

I don’t see it listed under his name on GovTrack yet but consider the bill’s passage prognosis pretty much “0” with a Democrat Senate and president.

[Via Jess]

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) says he is “suspicious” of the classified docs that were found at Biden’s home and office. He suggests they might have been “planted” there to take Biden down. This is the same guy who said Guam might tip over and capsize in the ocean from overpopulation. [More]

No doubt he’s stupid enough to say that. But who would be stupid enough to believe it?


[Via Michael G]

Stroke of the Pen, Law of the Land of Lincoln

With the stroke of his pen, Governor JB Pritzker made Illinois the ninth state to ban assault-style weapons. [More]

No surprise there.

So how soon until we see that challenge we’re told groups are “gearing up for“?

UPDATE (Via President Non_Fudd)

IL State Police sent this out to all IL FFL’s last night

And if you disobey, they’ll be happy to bring up to lethal force to bear to ensure that you comply.

Not all agree:

More at Mom-At-Arms.

Sounds Good on Paper

H.R.38 – To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State. [More]

I don’t see a prognosis yet, but without a Senate majority, consider the odds of passing 0%. As such, I’m not going to spend much time on this as there are other more pressing and more probable priorities to focus on.

I do note one Democrat co-sponsor, Maine’s Jared Golden, who will be up for reelection in ’24. My assessment, he’s trying to build some cred with the Fudds on something he knows can’t pass, and has the OK from the party because he’s a hundred-percenter with the abortionists. His ratings from the gun groups are pretty revealing — of them:

[Via Jess]

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