Leonardo DiCaprio Testifies Obama Received Millions in Stolen CCP Cash From Fugees Founder ‘Pras’ Michel [More]
So the wrong former president is on trial for financial irregularities?
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
-against DONALD J. TRUMP,
Defendant. [More]
Everybody knows the judge is a foreign-born Joe Biden/Act Blue activist whose daughter worked for Kamala Harris, right?
In this case, a mentally ill woman suffering a psychotic break with reality was told by the media, doctors, therapists, academics that she was perfectly sane, was actually a man trapped in a woman’s body and was literally fighting against the genocide of people like her. [More]
And Democrats. Don’t forget Democrats.
[Via bondmen]
We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry. This is mind-control in its most sinister form. [More]
Is it any wonder weaker minds snap?
[Via bondmen]
That makes it fair to ask why Kevin McCarthy, the beneficiary of an A+ rating and endorsement from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund, is reportedly going out of his way to raise major bucks for someone who is undermining everything about the Second Amendment we’re told he believes in. [More]
At the very least, we ought to find out if the reports are true.
Grass Roots North Carolina and gun rights supporters made history today. Senate Bill 41 cleared its final hurdle and will become law after both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly voted to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto. SB 41 is the first override of a Cooper veto since 2018 and the first-ever override of a vetoed gun bill in North Carolina. [More]
Now on to the next step…
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee running for Houston mayor [More]
Just what they need: Lori Lightfoot-level competence. Look for homicides to soar.
Hey, maybe she’ll demand a name change!
On the bright side, consider this disaster containment. She won’t be in a position to threaten the greater Republic.
[Via Jess]
Second Amendment Champion Mark Robinson Expected to Announce Run for Governor of North Carolina [More]
It’d be nice not to have to do this.
[Via bondmen]
Grassroots North Carolina announces a rally they’re supporting.
Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance: ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough? [Watch]
For those of you who have five hours…
In a vacuum, ATF is neither inherently good or inherently bad… like all branches or forms of government, ATF is imbued with certain coercive powers that can be wielded either properly or improperly. [Watch}
I’ve heard enough.
Who picked her to speak for gun owners? 97percent?
[Via Mack H]
If this applies to you they need you. No one else will take your place.
Explain the consequences of not being needed, and worse, being perceived as a partner with the Democrats in oppression.
Senate Republicans introduce bill codifying right to bear arms ‘outside your home’ [More]
Which Lindsey knows doesn’t stand a chance in hell with a Dem majority and Biden in the White House. So why do this now? Maybe to distract from another betrayal?
The obvious Republican pandering to Pavlovian response gun owners is only one reason this caught my attention. The other is this, in comments:
Unclear on the concept, are we, fellas? That and the “enforce existing gun laws” faction…
GOP rep unveils bill to install weapons lockers so House employees can take guns to work in ‘crime-ridden DC’ [More]
So once more government workers will have an advantage not required by law for ordinary citizen workplaces?
No prognosis for passing yet. My guess is the percentage will be in the single digits.
Any podcast pundits calling this “Huge” yet?
[Via bondmen]
Sturtevant? The guy with the political courage and devotion to principle to conclude that being endorsed by as tepid a group as NRA was just too much for him to be associated with, so he colluded with them to have it taken down? Yeah, that’s a representative I want fighting the fight for me!
As for all of them, I wonder if anyone will ask them some unequivocal questions and not let them weasel out of things:
I’d also add a tangentially-related question, one not directly part of the “single issue,” but one that nonetheless is being used to undermine it:
[Via Mack H]
Here are the questions VCDL asks different-level candidates.
Senate Republicans Cave To Dem Propaganda About J6 Tapes [More]
And all the usual “leadership” suspects:
You gotta wonder, does someone have Dolly pix or are they just that corrupt? Or both?
They’re so entrenched they are bound and determined to side with the Democrats to sabotage “the Deplorables” and keep their places at the trough.
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
If it’s any consolation, Whoopi Goldberg agrees with them.
[Via Michael G]
Jeffries: ‘Serious Security Concerns’ over Releasing January 6 Video While Trump Still Pushing Extremism [More]
Says the communist citizen disarmament fanatic…
Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) reintroduced a bill which would require the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to destroy firearm purchase records in their database. [More]
What are the chances of it passing this time? Does Michael Cloud know that?
The guy’s got a pretty good record. Hollow patronizing does not improve it.
[Via bondmen]
Texas GOP votes to censure Rep. Tony Gonzales over votes on same-sex marriage, guns and border security [Watch]
The last two are the ones I care about.
So do the Texas GOP and the RNC help fund and promote his campaigns?
Today’s legislative action got off to a wild start when the governor threatened to hold a special session to focus on gun control if the legislature doesn’t pass her priority bills. [More]
Ask yourself why she wants them this badly, and if getting them will be enough for her.
Republican Texas Rep. Michael Cloud reintroduced a bill to require the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to destroy gun purchase records they have in their database as the agency cracks down on gun stores. [More]
Fine and good.
Wake me when there’s a Senate willing to pass it and a president willing to sign it.
Hemorrhaging losses, the Fed’s problems are now the taxpayer’s [More]
They always have been.
That those calling to audit the fed are either ridiculed or ignored should tell us everything we need to know about our “representatives” and the “watchdog press.”
Today, the Governor held a press conference to promote her anti-gun and anti-freedom agenda. But her displeasure at the tabling of SB171 yesterday was noticeable, so she is doubling down on pushing for her slate of anti-gun bills. As a result, two bills were scheduled late today for hearings tomorrow. [More]
Meaning today. Zoom links included.
A handful of House and Senate bills are beginning to work their way through the state’s legislative process, as the Ohio Legislature’s 135th General Assembly gets underway. The first three, as currently written, would reduce firearms regulations and expand Second Amendment rights. [More]
This week marks the halfway point in the 2023 legislative session. “Crossover” refers to the transfer of bills between the House of Representatives and the Senate. All House bills that have survived the committee process will now be considered by the Senate while all Senate bills that are still in play are headed to the House. Then the process starts all over again! [More]
Let’s hope support by gun owners isn’t half-hearted, especially with the swing to the Democrats in Arizona.
With about three weeks to go in the 2023 Legislative Session, none of the bills we are watching were heard in committee or were voted on in a floor session. However, that will change next week. [More]
Meaning this week, since I didn’t get this until I’d tucked the blog in for the weekend…
North Carolina House of Representatives Speaker Tim Moore, another state congressman, and Moore’s security were driving back to the state capital from an event when a vehicle repeatedly rammed into the back of them, the speaker’s spokeswoman said Thursday. [More]
Coincidentally, with quotation marks, if you like, this was the day after the House voted to repeal handgun purchase permits. In any case, it’s fair to question if this was garden variety ‘roid rage or if he was targeted
Check out the cheesy excuse Rep. Michael Wray gave for voting against the bill he originally sponsored– no doubt his earlier feigned support was to sucker the Fudds at election time. What a weasel.
Ultimately, there is no such thing as a “pro-gun Democrat.” Besides, it’s never been about guns anyway.
Alabama congressman’s bill would make AR-15 ‘the National Gun of America’ [More]
He knows it doesn’t have a chance in hell with a Democrat Senate and Biden, so forgive me if this feels like a self-serving and disingenuously patronizing headline ploy, which is unfortunate because it detracts from an otherwise pretty good record on RKBA and on the greatest political threat against it.
Spiritual adviser and bestselling self-help author Marianne Williamson is making a second straight run for the White House and taking aim at President Biden. [More]
“Why are we so violent?” she asks.
That’s an old grabber tactic, stumping for a totalitarian monopoly on arms by assigning collective guilt for the predations of an identifiable few.
What kind of cat lady/Demanding Mom/The View watcher would someone have to be to seek spiritual advice from this self-deluded charlatan? That question kind of answers itself…