Have a contemplative Patriots’ Day!
I got the above certificate along with a U.S. flag that had been flown over the Capitol back when I was still living in CA. It’s a constituent service that members of Congress provide for a nominal fee (20 bucks and up these days, depending on size and material). My dedication message read:
“In tribute to the Citizen Patriots of Lexington and Concord who resisted confiscation of their armaments on this date in 1775, and in continued defiance of all who would infringe on the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.”*
I did it because my “representative” was a big gun-grabber and refusing a pro-RKBA commemoration would have been a First Amendment violation.
With that in mind, there are plenty of other dedications antithetical to “woke” orthodoxy that could be submitted. To find out how to order one, go to your rep’s website and find the “Sevices” link.
* [And yes, I see the typo in the graphic. Think of it as my deference to Allah đ ]