Felon Proves ‘Safe Storage’ Laws Don’t Protect Lives

A Michigan man was charged Tuesday under the state’s new law requiring safe storage of guns after his 2-year-old daughter shot herself in the head with his revolver the day after the law took effect. [More]

I’d think a responsible j0urnalist would put the part about him being a prohibted person felon right up in the headline. Of COURSE he doesn’t obey any “gun laws.”

Care to tell us more about him– and why he was out?

And why the photo of the everyman-looking professor instead of the idiot “dad”?

Safe storage practices are done by the responsible. Safe storage laws don’t change that.

[Via bondmen]

Trump Wouldn’t Be So Good at Firing People If He Was Better at Hiring Them

Trump was asked about half a dozen potential running mate choices: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, multimillionaire biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a Democrat turned independent. [More]

I see two who are problematic right off the bat:

Tim Scott picked Lisa Murkowski over Kelly Tshibaka. That and he’s a lying prior restraint/no real due process gun-grabber.

And Tulsi’s a totalitarian on guns.

All it takes is a missed heartbeat.

We don’t need the crowd going wild. We need adults with his ear telling him that once more, it’s his to blow with gun owners.

You Can’t Stop the Signal

Governments are on the wrong path. The United Nation’s attempt to control weapons only incentivizes the ingenuity of those who want them. [More]

True, but never mistake their motives for wanting to protect public safety.

As always, Alan Chwick, Joanne D Eisen, and Gary Mauser are doing importan t work we ought to know about and share.

[Via DDS]

Thank You, Captain Obvious

There’s Just One Problem With Gun Buybacks – They don’t work. [More]

You don’t say.

Now what other “commonsense gun safety laws” would you like to admit the truth about?

To protect all Americans, the federal government has passed many laws to restrict and limit firearm purchases. The offenders in this research, however, stated that none of these laws or statutes deterred them.

This is one of the problems when old stuff is disappeared off the net. Even though some if it may be archived, it still requires those of us who remember it to be around to find it and reintroduce it.

[Via Jess]

Now It’s In for the Kill

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said Wednesday his office has reached a settlement with Polymer80, one of the largest makers of ghost gun kits and parts in the nation, that will prevent the company from advertising and selling its firearms in Maryland. The company will also pay $1.2 million in damages. [More]

Throw a scrap of flesh to one circling hyena and what do you think the others will do?

[Via Antigone]

The Company Gungrabbers Keep

“My generation is the generation of mass shootings in our country,” said Democratic Rep. Tim Hernández of Denver, one of the main sponsors of House Bill 1292. At age 26, he’s currently the state’s youngest lawmaker, and he’s just months into his term after being appointed to fill a vacancy. [More]

Tim, of course, is an open borders race-hustling communist subversive who laughed at dead Israeli babies.

And no surprise, he got the exact wrong message out of A Bug’s Life:

Do you let one ant stand up to us then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life. It’s not about food, it’s about keeping those ants in line.

We get that. And we will not disarm.

[Via Tacticool Memes]

News from the Hive Mind

According to Alex Mena, an IRS official with the criminal investigations unit in New York, who met with O’Keefe Media Group’s undercover journalist, the IRS uses artificial intelligence technology to spy on American citizens and company bank accounts without a warrant or evidence to uncover what they consider fraud. According to the source, the IRS is “going after the small people” and “destroying people’s lives.” All of the agents are “like robots,” said Mena. [More]

Or termites…

Hey, gotta pay for those illegals, “forgive” college loans, fund foreign wars and fight Texas and gun owners in court…

[Via Michael G]


Hackers Could Use ChatGPT to Target 2024 Elections [More]

Ansd don’t foreget pens!

How do you hack paper in-person with valid ID and bipartisan validator ballots?

Related UPDATE

The Theory That Mail-in Voting Is Secure Just Died a Horrible Death [More]

Like I said…

But…but…but racist disenfranchisement…

And yes. And yes.

Exceptions should be exceptional, and with exceptional controls.

[Via Michael G]

Down Memory Lane

When Rep. Bennie Thompson goes home to Mississippi on weekends, he tries to get time in the woods for a hunt. A lot of his hunting partners and neighbors are conservatives, yet Thompson, the state’s only Democrat in Washington, knows how to find common ground. [More]

What kind of Fudds would they have to be?

Some of us will remember, Bennie. Our biggest obstacle is Swamp Vichycons who find it to their advantage to partner with the Democrats.

Dial 911 and Die

“Attention all AT&T customers. Please be advised that all AT&T lines are DOWN and that ALL texts and calls to non-emergency and emergency lines ARE NOT GOING THROUGH. Please seek alternatives.” [More]

So, in this situation, what do you say to an intruder?

And is this just a system breakdown due to oversight/maintenance failures, or a series of external infrastructure probes and tests?


Even if it was a solar flare, it just shows how unprepared and vulnerable most people are. Now imagine grid down for a day, for a week, for…

Potential Charges Over Child’s Toy Gun in School Zoom Class

It turns out all too often that teachers and administrators are the biggest bullies of all… [More]

Agenda pushers subject millions of children to psychological manipulation, denial of reality, and insane overcontrol, and is it any wonder that the weaker links sometimes snap?

‘Paramilitary Ban’ Just Another Democrat Plot to Secure Monopoly of Violence

The issue as far as Raskin and Markey’s latest affront to liberty goes, is that nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government delegated authority to ban paramilitary activities. They are usurping power – or trying to. And though Raskin cites authority including the Supreme Court’s admission in Heller “that the Second Amendment ‘does not prevent the prohibition of private paramilitary organizations,’” it would be interesting to see how that would hold up against the more recent Bruen standard of the understanding at the time of the Founding. Especially noting historical examples like Allen, or more to the point, Capt. John Parker at Lexington Green… [More]

“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials,” George Mason asked and answered. Curious, how public officials are bent on destroying that…

At Least He Admits It

Get rid of the guns. In Kansas, Missouri, everywhere. Amend the Constitution and protect our kids. [More]

But no one’s talking about… uh…

Just here for the ratio

Still, I wonder what Clay Wirestone would be able to do to protect his husband and son if needed. I’d never forgive myself if my loved ones were in danger and all I could do was watch.

[Via Jess]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Peers’ Is

Justice Alito worries about improperly removing jurors with ‘traditional religious beliefs’ [More]

And if you think that’s a disqualifier, try going through voir dire on a gun case and admitting you’re an NRA member…

[Via Michael G]

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