Arizona, Take Off Your Rainbow Shades*

An Arizona grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyer Rudy Giuliani and 16 others in an election interference case related to the 2020 presidential vote [More]

Funny, how when they make accusations they’re suddenly not “baseless.”

Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed a bill aimed at strengthening the rights of homeowners looking to evict squatters from their property, despite the bill being passed in bipartisan fashion and as a wave of squatting cases continue to terrify homeowners across the country. [More]

Serves the selfish racists right.

And yes, of course communists Mayes and Hobbs want all the guns for themselves.

But how did Arizona get this way…?

And what’s that got to do with guns?

* (Earlier this month a WoG Correspondent asked me if some of the old “pop culture” stuff I reference would be lost on younger readers. I figure you can’t please everybody, and there’s not much I can do if someone doesn’t know something and is too incurious to look it up…)

An Age-Old Question

The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania has handed a significant victory to the Second Amendment Foundation and young adults in the 18-20-year age group, allowing them to apply for concealed carry licenses in the state, while enjoining the state from arresting any law-abiding citizens in that age group for openly carrying firearms during a state of emergency. [More]

If we’re going to go with text, history, and tradition, Pennsylvanian Tench Coxe would have gone down to 16… and no permit needed.

There’s an App for That

Lanore saw a problem and came up with the Gun Leash. Gun Leash is a recently patented device that uses a beacon attached to a firearm and paired to a mobile app. The mobile app runs silently and notifies the gun owner when their weapon is no longer with them. The beacon is a proximity sensor, not a GPS. After you download his Gun Leash app and stick the sensor on your gun, it will send a notification to your phone if you were to walk away and get a certain distance away from your gun. [More]

Here’s his website.

I’ve pretty much established myself over the past few decades as a hater of “smart guns.” This ain’t that.

As long as installing them is not mandated and it doesn’t allow guns to be tracked, I’m not seeing a downside — other than trusting a gadget to do what we should be doing ourselves. Perhaps someone with more technical qualifications than I have will see something I don’t, for instance, could the proximity signal’s signature “alert” anyone nearby who had a receiver?

It looks like not many have discovered them on X. I’m going to copy them when I send out this link, so at least WoG readers will know how to get comments to them. They don’t seem like antis trying to get a nose under the tent, and they seem like they’re sincere about trying to provide a solution to a problem, so I hope those sending opinions their way keep that in mind.

Gun owners on social advocacy media can be kind of… raw, much of the time with good cause, but I’m not seeing anything here that does not deserve respect. Me, I never post anonymously and I never say anything to a man online that I wouldn’t say to his face.

[Via Jess]

That is the Question


And will they overturn convictions that arise from corrupt state lawfare…?

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

NEW: Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted. On the left: What DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal. On the right: Now we know why. More proof of collaboration btw Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case. [More]

More like “collusion”…

[Via Len Savage]

Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad

Every day is Opposite Day with these totalitarian hive insects.


And this is known as “false authority.”

On top of that, he’s full of $h!+. His handwringing is no different than the “Dodge City! Blood in the streets!” hysteria the antis have been consistently proven wrong about on concealed carry.

The FASTER program for armed school staff is a proven success.

F-in’ leftist moron…

Thank God Almighty, We’re Free at Last!

This NSSF-supported law protects the privacy and sensitive financial information of people purchasing firearms and ammunition in Iowa. [More]

I sure am seeing a lot of breathless hyperbole over blocking Merchant Category Codes

So they’re switching from NICS to BIDS…?

And maybe change that to “law-abiding people.” Criminals already have those advantages.

[Via Jess]

All in All, You’re Just Another Brick in the Wall

Garland speaks with victims’ families as new exhibit highlights the faces of gun violence [More]

Quilts for disarmament!

They’re not gonna have another Tamerlan Tsarnaev Bloomberg Bus Brouhaha, are they?

I didn’t see a search function, so I hope my contribution isn’t redundant.

[Via Antigone]

Here’s the Set-Up

FBI director issues chilling warning about possible terror attack on U.S. soil similar to Russian concert hall massacre which left 144 people dead: ‘We are increasingly concerned’ [More]

Brought to you by rigorous admissions and open borders.

And these guys, through commission or omission…

So DEI Greg has his crack BDTs (Blood Dance Teams) ready to deploy and set more disarmament steps in motion. That’s a plan Chris will fully embrace and enforce, especially since his guys will have had the perps on their radar, if not with embedded assets on the payroll.

After such an invited event here, who can doubt establishment Republicans will fold like a cheap suit on “assault weapons”?

I Got Them Uniparty Blues

Bannon: House Republicans secretly want Trump to lose [More]

Remember what Prof. Quigley said:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”

And guess who took that to heart.

We’re the Only Ones Optional Enough

TFOs employed by a law enforcement agency that mandates the use of BWCs on federal task forces MAY wear and activate their recording equipment [emphasis added]… [More]

Which presupposes “may not” …

Gun Banning Democrat Charged with Burglary Could Become ‘Prohibited Person’

Perhaps it’s natural for people who know they can’t trust themselves to project their moral defects onto everybody else. [More]

Hoist with her own petard…

From the Tide Pod Challenge Generation

Columbine school shooters glorified by young followers: Inside the scary online obsession [More]

It’s like the crazy women who “fall in love” with serial killers.

When they say women are less safe with a gun in the home, a good part of the statistics are swayed by their choices in dangerous men.

[Via bondmen]

The Cover-Up Continues

Gifting the documents to the parents of the victims is odd. But for the parents of the victims to then assert that they hold some kind of “copyright” on those documents is twisted on its face and one cannot help but wonder what really is behind this enormous effort to withhold information about Audrey Hale. [More]

Why does every indicator say this is more than about their grief?

[Via bondmen]

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