
As predicted by the Four Boxes Diner, in a 2-1 decision the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit— via a opinion by judges Wood and Easterbrook— have upheld Illinois’s “assault weapon” ban. However there is a strong dissent here. This decision is no shock to Four Boxes Diner viewers because as I explained before, in my view, Judge Wood and Judge Easterbrook are unserious jurists on 2A issues and this was a given outcome (unfortunate and frustrating, yes, but entirely predictable). [More]

Meanwhile, over in Fantasy Land

Semantic Gymnastics?

ATF Director Calls for Universal Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban at Harvard IOP Forum [More]

Then there’s this:

And then we scan them, right? But as far as I know, we are the only customer of Adobe Acrobat that actually pays extra money to have search capability taken out of that software.

I see some influencers treating this like a newly admitted database violation “Gotcha.” I must not be grokking something because this has been out there for years:

How can a database be “non-searchable”? Trick question: The system can’t really be considered a database. (There is a reason the ATF uses the phrase “data systems” instead). There is no ability to search the text of a file, and no effort is made to tag files with identifiers that could later be used to sort and search. “We compare it to an electronic card catalog system, where records are digitally imaged, but not optimized for character recognition,” ATF spokesman Corey Ray says.

Am I completely missing a point?

[Via William T]

A ‘Pro-Gun’ Democrat

Golden: I have opposed efforts to ban deadly weapons of war like the assault rifle he used to carry out this crime. The time has now come for me to take responsibility for this failure. Which is why I now call on the United States congress to ban assault rifles [Watch]

I wonder who he b**w over at NSSF:

[Via Jess]

Delay of Game

California’s assault weapons ban will remain in effect while a court considers whether the 30-year-old law is unconstitutional. [More]

That a court thinks there’s anything to consider is our first clue that the game is rigged.

I think we all know that the Ninth Circuit is going to side with citizen disarmament and it’ll take SCOTUS strapping ’em on to get a proper ruling–provided the Republicans don’t blow ’24 and the composition of the High Court changes while the clock is running.

Not that that would settle it…

[Via Jess]

Plus They’re as Heavy as 10 Boxes!

I prefer to use a .50 and cook mine from the inside.

The stupid, ignorant, and belligerent are leading the stupid, ignorant, and belligerent.

[Via Jess]

The Takeaway

According to the bulletin, citing law enforcement, Card recently reported mental health issues, which included hearing voices and threats to shoot up the National Guard base in Maine. The person of interest was allegedly committed to a mental health facility for two weeks during the summer of 2023. [More]

So who decided someone this abnormally dangerously disturbed was safe to unleash on the rest of us after two weeks?


Your typical right wing hate machine. [More]

Looks like a “progressive” dream come true… but with his accounts taken down, we’ll just have to take their word for it.


[Via bondmen]

Collective Guilt

“He is unequivocally mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar and prone to violence,” Romney said, per the book. “There is simply no rational argument that could lead me to vote for someone with those characteristics. I believe your endorsement of him severely diminishes you morally … and that you must withdraw that support to preserve your integrity and character.” [More]

And remember: Trump is just an avatar.

That’s what My Man Mitthead and the Swamp Vichycons think about anyone who votes for the MAGA agenda.

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Repelled Enough

Security video shows three masked men carrying guns shout “Seattle Police” while each trying to kick in the door. The homeowner grabbed a gun and fired multiple shots through the door at the intruders. [More]

Ah, the old Joe Biden Defense worked this time!

Except from the sound of it he may have had one of those guns not suitable for self-defense and made only for killing people…

As always, be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files, because the day may come when you’ll need a “He was being such a scary thug I did not believe he was a real cop” defense.

[Via bondmen]

The Same Except They’re Different

The argument that commercially available, AR-type firearms are somehow less dangerous or lethal simply because they fire only in semi-automatic mode is misleading. They retain the identical performance capabilities and characteristics (save full-automatic capability) as initially intended for use in combat. [More]

Oh, is that all? Spread that lie under oath!

Also from the linked Exhibit:

As mentioned previously in this report, many of the firearms prohibited by the Ordinances directly trace their origins to those developed for use in combat. As such, these firearms were never initially intended for general distribution or sale to the public.

Except if we’re talking ARs, and of course he is, guess which one came first:

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Tell me this Yurgealitis trough feeder isn’t cognizant of Founding intent and is incentivized by those who fear that and obscure it through gaslighting.

And tangentially related:

As predicted, they’re taking full advantage of Scalia’s critical error.

In re later “Bowie knives” edicts and the like, does anyone have a record of such laws ever being challenged on Second Amendment grounds and such bans being upheld and/or appealed to a higher court?

A Temporary Respite

The Second Amendment Foundation is celebrating a victory in California as a U.S. District Court judge has declared the state’s decades-old ban on so-called “assault weapons” to be unconstitutional. [More]

Ninth Circuit to f*** it up in 3…2…1…

Scientific American Still More About Political Propaganda Than Objective Truth

“This may entail substantial changes to the American Constitution, or its interpretation, or wider weapons bans than the one that expired in 2004. [More]

Anti-gun agenda “science” = junk science.

About That Pittsburgh Armed Maniac…

Pittsburgh ‘active shooter situation’ reported, police say ‘hundreds of rounds were fired’ – Police reportedly arrived to the scene to serve an eviction notice, leading to gunfire [More]

While literately nothing else is known at this point, look for a narrative-forced emphasis on “assault weapons.”


Once more facts come out and the rest of the preferred narrative doesn’t materialize, look for other factors that aren’t as exploitable to be downplayed and ignored.

Bush AG Gonzales’ Proves Authoritarian Swamp Republicans No Different From Democrats

Gonzales showed what kind of Republican he was back in 2005 when he told the Senate he wanted them to remove Patriot Act restrictions and that he supported Congress extending the expired “assault weapon” ban, pointing out that his brother was a Houston SWAT officer… [More]

It must be a “good” boot to the face if it has an “R” on it. Right…?

More ‘Child Gun Deaths’

Two of the robbery suspects — 19-year-old Anthony Lee and 18-year-old Martavious Henderson — were struck by gunfire and ultimately succumbed to their injuries. [More]

Lost to gun violence” and “Lost to gun violence.”

I see plenty of virtual candles lit for both, but for some reason, nothing on “occupation” or “workplace”…

I do wonder why the customers took off, because that won’t work out well for them when identified. Still, they did demonstrate that when it comes to stopping multiple predators, a “weapon of war” sure does the trick.

[Via WiscoDave]

Conflict of Interest? What Conflict of Interest?

Elizabeth Rochford, the judge who pushed Illinois’ “assault weapon” ban over the top, is a demonstrably allied with and beholden to the gun-grabbers and did not recuse herself. [More]

This is the real story, about in-your-face corrupt tyranny, deserving of screaming headlines.

Instead, not a single “#real reporter” working for the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media) is reporting on this, and like so many stories of import to freedom, we have to learn about it from rights advocates followed by limited niche interests. Meanwhile, as planned and controlled, the general voting public remains blissfully ignorant of what’s being done to them by apparatchiks, deceivers, and those who pull their strings.

An honest “progressive” would object to this. Guess what it means that none has.

Free people cannot coexist with this.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Darren Bailey—a Republican who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2022 and who is now running for Congress—threatened to end his own life if cops come to seize his assault rifles after the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the state’s assault weapons ban on Friday. [More]

That’s not what he said, Caitlan Cruz of Jezebel and Yahoo! News, you liars.

That said, the guy needs to channel him some Patton.

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