What Did They Think was Going to Happen?

Outraged New Zealanders are planning major anti-government protests in coming weeks in response to the Ardern government’s handling of the pandemic, which after two long years of drastic policies, failed to keep the virus out, with the public now feeling the economic fallout. [More]

Yeah, well, until they’re outraged over her taking their guns, I gotta go with Tommy Lee on this.

[Via Michael G]

A Tempered Victory

…Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced a victory in its Campos v. Bonta lawsuit, which challenged policies and practices of California Attorney General Rob Bonta and his Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of Firearms that delayed firearm transactions beyond the statutory 10-day waiting period absent a legal basis. [More]

Who thinks these guys wait 10 days?

[Via Jess]

More Than a Feeling

“So, yes, I understand the Second Amendment. I understand, you know, bearing arms, but we also need to make sure that we can ensure that folks feel safe in their communities.” [More]

Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.

Seeing as how the ones doing the killings aren’t eligible to take advantage of the open carry law, I don’t suppose there are any, you know, individual choices your congregants could make that would have more of an effect…?

And that’s a pretty big “but” you’ve got there, pastor.

[Via Steve T]

File This Under ‘WTF?’

Hospital employee arrested after 39 guns, ammo found in office closet [More]

I can’t really find anything about the guy aside from this story, but the bottom line from what’s been reported is he’s facing years in prison, he hasn’t hurt anybody, and if the stuff was his, unless and until he abuses others with it, it’s his birthright to have

Could be he’s a lunatic. Without due process before disarmament, we can’t legitimately tell.  And New Jersey “Only Ones” aren’t exactly the benchmark to use…

[Via bondmen]

Shall Not Be Infringed EXCEPT

The Biden Administration Defends the Federal Ban on Gun Possession by Medical Marijuana Users [More]

What about crack smokers?

So when will Nikki Fried be prosecuted?

And, since they cite the historical precedents, when will the confiscation raids to disarm Indians and Catholics begin? They do realize both groups mostly vote Democrat?

[Via Jess]

Due to ‘Appallingly Weak Gun Laws,’ No Doubt

Nine killed in Kansas City metro last week, including five Sunday. Here’s what we know [More]

It’s a Bloomberg City run by anti-gun Democrats?

In fairness, Giffords gives them an “F,” so if it really is the guns like they say, you’d expect to see that reflected in higher Republican and NRA member violence rates, right?

Unless Democrats are lying, and their policies are what make this inevitable and predictable…

[Via bondmen]

On Whose Authority?

[T]he issue that was being examined is to what extent a regulatory agency, a part of the administrative branch of government, would adopt, interpret or establishment by rules or regulations policies which Congress did not adopt and which Congress did not clearly and specifically delegate to the agency to adopt. That question is at the core of the legal issues involving the ATF’s regulatory bans… [More]

Call me a naive dreamer, but I still hold on to a fleeting fantasy that someday, ATF will be forced to surrender my property back to me. That’s why I got a stock I had no use for except to claim and defend my right to own it.

[Via Jess]

The Genius That is Phil George

“By adopting this ordinance, the Borough Council will make it clear that our public buildings, such as our schools, our library and our community center, should be free from the dangers of unlicensed, poorly trained or troubled gun owners, while accepting our law enforcement officers who are doing their duty.” [More]

Because everyone’s safer with “Only Ones“!

And speaking of duty

[Via Jess]

Within Range

“To open up a gun range, literally within blocks and miles of dozens of schools, I think is completely irresponsible.” [More]

“Blocks and miles” basically means every gun range in the country would need to be shut down. Their version of “commonsense gun safety” means no one has a place to practice and learn. That’s because their version means no one but their beloved overlords will have arms.

At least they’re not indiscriminately demanding followers “snuff out” anybody. Yet.

And per colleague-in-arms President Non_Fudd:

This is the Elise Hauptman mentioned in the article. Shit literally helps “groom” young students to be gun control activists and has a position in the school system. She’s been doing it for years too

The hive minds never quit, do they?

Industry Turncoat Resorts to Tired Smears to Push Citizen Disarmament

What idiot prohibitionists can never seem to get in their heads about racism is that judging someone’s worth based on the group they were born into, instead of by their words and actions as individuals, is flat-out collectivism. The only people who do that are collectivists. And we see Busse trying to do that here. For a guy who is trying so hard to present himself as “woker than thou” and holding the moral high ground, that’s pretty contemptible. But at least the paycheck’s steady. [More]

It’s no surprise that those who aren’t particular about which trough they stick their snouts into project their own flaws onto those they’re being paid to destroy.

We’re the Only Ones Safe Enough

Madison County Sheriff Buddy Harwood recently unveiled his plan to put gun safes containing AR-15 rifles in schools so school resource officers can respond faster to a school shooter, rather than standing by and waiting for local police to respond to the scene. [More]

I don’t suppose one in every classroom for the actual “first responders” is in the cards…?

[Via Robert J]

And They Say There are No Stupid Questions

Will Richmond’s gun ‘buyback’ curb violent crime? [More]

No. Of course not. Any fool could see that it won’t.

Even the feds have admitted it.

But it gets headlines, giving kneejerk Democrat voters ignorant enough to give power to incompetent frauds like Stoney a false sense that they are “doing something.”

[Via Mack H]

As Long as We’re Talking AstroTurf…

The most high-profile effort has come from Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has emerged as one of the most prominent critics of what he describes as the corrupting influence of dark money on the court. He has proposed a bill that would treat amicus filers more like lobbyists, subjecting them to registration and financial reporting. [More]

While Sheldon gets to influence as a perk.

That’s pretty rich, considering the indignation is being stirred up by a Bloomberg Machine beneficiary. You know, the same machine that has for years been quietly setting up infrastructure in the states (that means with the media keeping mum) to make legal challenges to infringements necessary…

[Via Remarks]

Life in the ‘Gun-Free Zone’

The Mall of America shooting suspects showed ‘a complete lack of respect for human life,’ the Bloomington police chief said [More]

Not to mention a complete lack of respect for code of conduct rules:

“Guns are banned on these premises.”

So, curiously, are “Bulletproof vests or simulated bulletproof vests.”

I wonder why their patrons might need those

So much for “Always new.” And that makes me wonder at what point “knew or should have known” might be argued in a civil lawsuit…

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

So here we have it. The village knows the proposed ban is BS, but they have nothing to fear because it will be defended pro-bono by Everytown allied lawyers. Dirty dirty dirty, especially because they were keeping this from the public as admitted in the email [More]

“Grassroots” in action! And the attorneys are Democrat apparatchiks to boot!

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