Trump/NRA Mutual Love Fest: Long on Promises, Short on Memory

The former president and — legal challenges aside — presumed GOP contender for the office in November, knew just which buttons to push to stoke the boundless enthusiasm of the thousands of supporters. [More]

This is what we’ve got to work with. And work we must.

Guilt by Association

Treasury confirms terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump,’ Kamala,’ ‘Biden’ used in private bank transaction searches – A letter sent from the Treasury to Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., also confirms the searches push began under the Trump administration [More]

I’m wondering why I can still pass thought TSA and Secret Service checkpoints, and think I need to up my “Hate” game more…

[Via Antigone]

Coming Soon, to a Soft Target Near You

So I just finished Kurt Schlichter’s new novel, The Attack. It’s a fictionalized account of an October 7 style attack that takes place on a large scale in the United States. It’s also a warning. [More]

I guess some suburbs, but I’m thinking bang for the buck means high population areas without a lot of armed “right wingers.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” 

[Via Michael G]

The Bad Hands People

There are no places evil can’t go. Limited, though, are your choices to stand up against evil and stop it. Ideas are being discussed everywhere about how to protect our schools. The insurance companies have threatened to drop school coverage on schools that protect children and staff by exercising the right to self-defense with a firearm. [More]

Which insurance companies? Name names.

Are they the only ones, or the only ones the schools are doing business with? What about state rules saying if you want to do business here you can’t discriminate?

A Word of Caution

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a federal challenge of the Illinois ban on modern semi-auto firearms and “large-capacity magazines” have filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking certiorari in the case of Harrel v. Raoul. [More]

Be careful that you don’t turn “common use” into a precedential limitation.

Low-Hanging Fruit Proves Useful Idiot

In case you missed it: Newly surfaced footage shows a Donald Trump supporter (who later stabbed a man to death) firing a gun into the air outside the Capitol on Jan. 6. [More]

Did he also use rubber bullets?

We don’t really know anythin g about this “Trump supporter,” do we?

But DSM stalwarts are out there tarring all of MAGA with this as the “See? The insurrectionists were armed!” meme spreads.

Define ‘Win’

Republicans Would Rather Remain Beautiful Losers Than Win [More]

I’m wondering what not being able to get this through the Senate would have “won”…

And I thought Tom McClintock, who has been good on 2A, made some valid points.

I generally don’t find myself this out of step with “conservative” sentiment: What am I missing?

[Via bondmen]

Sporting Purposes

The NFL, NHL, NBA, and even NASCAR have written a letter to Congress in support of the reauthorization of the Undetectable Firearms Act. [More]

As long as American males prioritize watching these bread and circus fascists, they’ll continue to promulgate the elites’ agenda.

NASCOM certainly has turned into the antithesis of what it started out as.

Did any man dare sit or take a knee for the communist CRT anthem yesterday?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Taking Your Breath Away Enough

Man who was ticketed for shouting at police to turn on headlights can sue… R. Anthony Rupp III, a civil rights attorney, said he did not initially intend to sue over the incident, but changed his mind after learning the same officers were involved two months later in the arrest of an unarmed man who died of an asthma attack after struggling while being handcuffed. [More]

Back the blue-faced…?

[Via Michael G]

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