Greener Pastures

The nation’s oldest gun-maker recently announced plans to shutter the factory in the company’s original home early next month, citing the steep cost of running the historic plant. Remington is consolidating its operations in Georgia, a state the company says is friendlier to the firearms industry. [More]

For a bit longer, anyway…

Back for Another Round

The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have once again petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to grant certiorari in their continuing challenge of Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons.” [More]

How much longer can they avoid the inevitable?

To Themselves and Their Posterity

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said Wednesday that the Democratic Party’s push for a path to citizenship in border legislation has failed the people they “care about most” in this country, “undocumented Americans.” [More]

Murphy and Hayes: Gaslighting liars and traitors.

Speaking of a Long Train of Abuses

Are We on The Doorstep of Another Civil War? [More]

Even the Founders recognized “Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

It certainly seems the Democrats are pulling out all the stops on making things insufferable.

[Via bondmen]

It’s Like They Won’t Follow the Rules or Something…

During a pre-trial assessment hearing, the judge told Friese he was not allowed to have a gun. [More]

A convicted murderer with an aggravated flight history?

What do you want to bet he didn’t even have an FOID card?

I’m starting to think the same rule should apply to anyone who can’t be trusted with a gavel.

[Via bondmen]

All Out Assault

I’ve never seen anything like this in all the years I have been lobbying for VCDL. 47 gun-control bills could all land on Governor Youngkin’s desk! [More]

Capt. Tracy explains.

Democrats mean to disarm us, and when they believe they have a critical mass of useful voting idiots indoctrinated, they will stop at nothing and will push, push, push…

[Via Mack H]

More Than a Ghost of a Chance

US Department of Justice filed main brief in US Supreme Court today asking the Court to hear the Vanderstock v. Garland case dealing with the constitutionality of the Biden “ghost gun” frame and receiver rules. [More]

Mark W. Smith thinks there’s a good chance they’ll hear it.

[Via Jess]

Baby Love, My Baby Love. I Need You, Oh How I Need You 

Trans-Identified Male Daycare Worker Escapes Prison Time After Pleading Guilty to Sexually Abusing a Baby – If Mark “Maria” Childers follows the conditions given to him during these six months, the charges will disappear from his criminal record. [More]

In fairness, the daycare director did give him a “write-up.”

[Via Michael G]

Inclusiveness Writ Large

“These fifty laws identified by the Attorney General constitute a long, embarrassing, disgusting, insidious, reprehensible list of examples of government tyranny towards our own people,” Benitez wrote — and such “repugnant historical examples of prejudice and bigotry will not be used to justify the State’s current infringement on the constitutional rights of citizens.” [More]

Yet that’s exactly what Rob Bonta and all Democrats– not just the California ones — are calling for, no matter how much they try to distance themselves with specious, self-serving excuses.

Using their “logic,” they can also use the whip as long as they do it to all of us.

What do we have a Second Amendment for, again…?

[Via Jess]

They’re Makin’ a List and Checkin’ It Twice…

Gun rights group urges senators to press Yellen over Treasury targeting gun transactions – Gun Owners of America alleges the Treasury Department is abusing gun owners’ privacy by monitoring firearms transactions [More]

By hook or by crook, they mean to amass a confiscation list.

[Via Jess]

An Authority Unto Themselves

F—in’ traitors. How is this not judicial insurrection?

In other words, they agree with Democrats and all the “commonsense gun safety law” groups.

Are there still any doubters?

Who aren’t morons or just lying about it…

[Via WiscoDave]

NMSSA Legislative Update 2/7

In the the Senate Judiciary Committee today, there was a committee substitute bill for HB129, the 7-day firearm purchase waiting period proposal… SB204 was postponed in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee and will be heard later this week or weekend. HB144 was also postponed in the House Judiciary Committee to be heard later this week or weekend… There are a lot of gun control bills waiting for votes on the House Floor, HB27 the red-flag law expansion, HB114 the firearm industry liability bill, HB127 the under 21 semiautomatic gun ban, and HB137 the semiautomatic firearm sales ban and registry. [More]

Are you a New Mexico gun owner?

Are you an involved New Mexico gun owner?

You Want Them On That Wall – You NEED Them On That Wall

The FBI used at least three undercover employees and untold other resources to investigate a Tennessee firearms and militia enthusiast for nearly the last year, only to arrest him Monday on a sole charge of having an unregistered silencer. But the FBI’s arrest of Tennessee man Paul Faye Sr. for having an unmarked silencer does reveal a bureau investigation into militias—specifically, those concerned with border security. [More]

Yeah, those border fanatics are almost as dangerous as Catholics!

Low-hanging fruit incriminating himself on TikTok and they still manage to f*** it up…

I’m just waiting for the real threats to do something catastrophic while these morons are pretending they’re doing something other than sucking up to management as “team players” and, most of all, staying safe.

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