I’m Goin’ Down to the River Jordan

Critics lash out at Biden after attack kills 3 US service members in Jordan: ‘Hit Iran now’ [More]

But…but Lloyd said…

McConnell and Graham and Bill Kristol are champing at the bit.

Border security, not so much.

Who’s willing to die for this? Explain what “winning” looks like and what that will take.

One of Their Own

Schumer-aligned super PAC meddling in GOP primary of key Senate race… As Democrats grip onto their slim Senate majority in 2024, they are honing in on the Montana Senate race, which sees Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., attempting to hold onto the only statewide blue seat in the state. [More]

Spread the word.

Baldwin Indictment is Karma for Gun Prohibitionist Who Made a Point of Being Obnoxious About It

With a history of personal nastiness combined with repeated demands to lay claim to the rights of his countrymen, it’s natural that the targets of Baldwin’s obsession would see the humor in his becoming victim of his own hubris. [More]

Or as Shakespeare wrote, “Hoist with his own petard…”

Helpless, Helpless, Helpless

My wife and I play these scenarios over in our head all the time. We’ve practiced going out through the back seat to get our kids out of our car if we are carjacked. [More]

And if the people who don’t obey the citizen disarmament edicts you demand decide not to let you…?

What kind of non-man admits to the world he leaves the safety of his wife and children, to the mercies of predators?

And what about Fang Fang?

Educate Yourselves

Firefly is a decentralized, blockchain-based education ecosystem designed to support the worldwide homeschool community, teachers, and content creators, by providing a digital marketplace to buy and sell quality education content and services outside of the government-run system and away from its destructive policies. [More]

Long time readers will remember musician Jordan Page, an artist I think created one of the most inspiring RKBA songs I’ve ever heard, “Arm Yourselves”:

He and his wife have started a homeschooling education resource those of you with children ought to look at. The link takes you to an email I just got from him that I copied and pasted on my WOG Placeholder site.

To learn more, check out the Firefly Education Network and join the Firefly Community.

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

Proud Boy Marc Bru sent to prison tells court he’d storm Capitol again [More]

I guess he felt he had to lose, but I’m wondering if his lawyer advised him on what parole boards look at.

And I couldn’t help but notice:

Trump falsely told his followers the election had somehow been rigged against him…

Y0u’re quite the “real reporter,” aren’t you, Brian Niemietz…?

I guess knowing the tone set by the Daily News, he’s hoping there’ll still be a placwe for him after the dust settles.

Empty Threat?

President Trump Calls on ‘All Willing States’ to Deploy Their National Guards to Texas to Defend U.S-Mexico Border as Red State Alliance Grows to 25 [More]

While the rest of his statement plays well with MAGA voters, calling for that and not having checked to see if anyone would do it seems like more of the same impulsiveness that is one of his most vulnerable flaws, and can’t serve well in his current legal cases.

[Via bondmen]

News You Can Wipe With

The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office says a fugitive and firearms investigation led to the discovery of the RPG, in addition to two handguns, one of which was modified with an extended magazine to make it fully automatic… [More]

“Real reporters.”

Is it any wonder that we love them so?

[Via bondmen]

Because Nothing Says ‘Safer’ than Giving Totalitarian Control Freaks More Power Over You!

California Sen. Scott Wiener is introducing a new set of bills to make streets safer across the state, including one that would change how you drive. [More]

Well parroted, “real reporters” Tony Cabrera and Lena Howland!

The rest of you, bend to his demands or else!

And say, if we mandate inhibitors on cars

[Via Michael G]

Slow Going Ahead

Just back from an EGD, a follow-up to a procedure I had last year. Things are looking good, but they did have to put me under and, in addition to getting a late start today, I’m not 100% in terms of energy and ambition.

Right now I’ve got to finalize a draft article and I’ll probably have another one to publicize later today. And there are dozens of email news tips waiting for attention, which I may not get to all of.

Anyway, please hold off on sending more. As regulars know, I don’t post on weekends except to publicize any articles that may post, so I’ll do what I can for today and otherwise be back on Monday.

The Definition of Insanity

For seven years, this initiative has allowed public officials to hear about the real issues impacting the community from the residents themselves. [More]

So how many more years will they carry on this farce before they realize what they’re doing isn’t working? Or more likely, they know, but going through the motions is more personally career-enhancing than admitting they’re clueless.

[Via bondmen]

Through a Glass, Darkly

Murphy has filed a lawsuit against Sunglass Hut’s parent company after a store’s facial recognition program falsely identified him as a robber. As a result, he was arrested and jailed, which led to him being sexually assaulted. [More]

How is it the state can assume custodial control of someone but not assume a duty to protect with attendant liability — and no qualified immunity?

[Via bondmen]

Conspicuously Absent

GOP Governors Support Texas Gov. Abbott’s Efforts to Secure Border [More]

Well, not ALL GOP governors

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially Related UPDATE:

Evidently he’s got other priorities to explain his lack of b@lls, which the Ohio legislature just kicked him in…

[Via Bill M]


Joe Biden Faces Growing Calls to Federalize Texas National Guard [More]

Notice every Democrat calling for CW2 also wants out guns…?

[Via Jess]


Agents ‘Absolutely’ Don’t Want To Cut Greg Abbott’s Razor Wire, Border Patrol Union President Says [More]

I’m sure there were Germans who didn’t want to round up Holocaust victims and guard camps.

So… how many of these reluctant agents will just follow orders and abet treason, anyway?

[Via bondmen]

What Better Way to Expose the Fraud of ‘Gun Control’?

America’s Stolen Guns: A Silent Contributor to Gun Crimes in the U.S. (2024) [More]

I get two takeaways from this:

  • “Gun-free zones” make things more dangerous because, aside from leaving “law-abiding” gun owners defenseless, they require them to leave their property unattended and vulnerable to theft. And lock box/safe “solutions” are defeatable, even the best ones if the whole car is stolen.
  • The numbers put the lie to needing serial numbers to trace guns recovered from crime scenes to the guilty party, and if you think about it, the whole “background check” scam.

So naturally, the grabbers will use this to demand more prohibitions.

The Squeaky Wheel

The state canceled a class on how to clean your AR guns after a handful of people complained to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that it was inappropriate in light of the mass shooting in Lewiston, according to a department spokesman. [More]

Because wanting to keep people ignorant about that is just “commonsense gun safety.”

Besides, any resultant “accidents” will only hurt “those people,” and can be exploited to blood dance in!

I was going to tweet this to them but I have an idea… lemme look into it before I say more.

[Via Steve T]

Kapos Help Camp Guards

NSSF, ATF, DOJ Emphasize ‘Don’t Lie for the Other GuyTM’ [More]

Just like the Founders intended!

I wonder how many SHOT attendees drooling over hardware are loudly taking these rope-selling Quislings to task and protesting it’s not about guns, it’s about freedom…?

About as many as manufacturers refusing to sell to or service the confiscators…?

Much Ado About What, Exactly?

BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Releases “DC BLACKMAIL EXPOSED PART 1” – Congressional Intern Reveals Blackmail and Extortion Scheme After Affairs & Sex Parties: “Cawthorn Wasn’t Lying Neither” (EXPLOSIVE VIDEO) [More]

I’m getting sick and tired of all the click bait innuendo without actual proof or consequences. Just weeks ago, everyone was coaxed to be on edge about game-changing Epstein revelations and I still haven’t seen one top U.S. power player exposed and frog marched out nude with a ball gag still in his mouth, let alone the top tier of political elites.

Like Mulder, I want to believe. But just like with the ever-flaccid Kraken, where the hell’s the beef? Or the truly “explosive” video…?

That’s what “they” want us to believe? Look, if anonymous comment posters are really going to start hanging elite pedophiles from lamposts without due process, any one of us could fall victim to incentivized Reign of Terror lynch mob provocateur accusations.

I wish I could say things will change if the Republicans don’t blow the election and control DOJ.

[Via Michael G]

Foreign Enemies

New anti-gun group hopes foreign lawsuits will increase domestic gun control [More]

These @$$holes

Some if us consider foreign nationals undermining what the Founders considered “necessary to the security of a free State” to be an act of war, and U.S. collaborators to be the basest of traitors.

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