Enemies Foreign and Domestic

A $10 billion lawsuit that Mexico’s government filed against American gun makers whose weapons it says are used by drug cartels can go ahead, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday. [More]

It’ll be overturned. But in the meantime, time, money, and effort that could have been better applied will be wasted on a lawsuit that should have resulted in sanctions.

This is the Obama-appointed subversive who wrote the panel opinion. He also denied a FOIA for abortion mill grant docs from HHS.

He was confirmed 88-12. Find the Republican traitors here.

Susan Collins literally gushed.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Despised by the Despicable

A shocking poll exposes the utter contempt the elite holds the general public in, with more than three quarters wanting to ration food and energy to combat ‘climate change’ and a majority wanting air travel for holidays banned. [More]

Snotty privileged Democtrats who want our guns think we’re deplorable?

A saying familiar to longtime readers comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

Let’s All Wring Our Hands and Make It Worse

“While walking with families through the building, I couldn’t help but ask God, ‘What do you want from me here? How can I take this horrible experience and do a fraction of what the families have done in the face of trauma and turn it into something that can help others?’” he added. [More]

For some reason the story that ends with “I sent you a Jeep, I sent you a boat, I sennt you a helicopter…” comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

Poor Little Rich Kid

Alex Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump! [More]

All the money in the world yet the twisted Nazi collaborator’s son has no idea what it means to create his own path, or to have a genuine friend, or a woman who loves him for himself.

Deep down he has to realize how dependent, ridiculous and weak he is.

Everyone else who matters does.

[Via bondmen]

Of Motes and Beams

Mexico demands investigation into US military-grade weapons being used by drug cartels [More]


Not really.

Here’s an idea: Require all U.S. arms supplied to Mexican government agencies to be accounted for on an annual basis. They do have lists of who they were assigned to, right?

And while you’re at it, close the border.

[Via Steve T]

Blind Pig Finds Acorn

Now, even Californians who have submitted to extensive background checks and participated in hours of training can’t legally carry their firearms without running afoul of the list of banned places — which, let’s be honest, are just about everywhere. [More]

So…Kismet: How do you vote?

And lest you think hell has frozen over and the LA Times has done an about-face on guns, read the last pararaph.

[Via Lawrence P]

Utah Alert

URGENT ACTION ITEM- SB 83 is a BAD BILL- Urge the Senate Committee to Vote NO on Gun Control- SB 83 by Senator Todd Weiler is another seriously flawed “Safe Storage” scheme. [More]

I don’t know Utah politics or if calling the Democrat on the list or Republican supportsrs of Mitt Romney is a waste of time, but if you’re from there and know the lay of the land, do what you think is best.

I see this Weiler putz is a Vichycon who also supports red flag due process violations.

How is it Utahns keep supporting such frauds?

The Finest Invaders Money Can Buy

United Nations to Hand Out Hundreds of Millions in Cash to U.S.-Bound Immigrants in 2023 – UN-organized ‘cash working groups’ are key to new White House border-management plan that pre-legalizes immigrants before they can jump the border [More]

Aren’t you glad to know your taxes help to pay for our fair share?

Oh, and look:

Host governments “continue to offer protection, humanitarian assistance and socio-economic integration opportunities to millions of refugees and migrants from Venezuela”, the document says.

How cool is that?

[Via Antigone]

We’re the Only Ones After the Fact Enough

Beginning Feb. 13, 2024, any person who lives with a minor or those who know reasonably that a minor will come into their home must store their firearms safely. [More]

There’s no way to enforce this, of course, except after the fact, and the potential that something might happen is hardly a deterrent to people whose entire life history seems based on bad decisions. Case in point:

The parents of a 5-year-old boy who fatally shot himself with an unsecured gun over the weekend have been charged, officials announced. [More]

If it hadn’t been a gun it could have been anything with morons like this:

…five children were left unsupervised in the house at the time of the shooting, including an 8-year-old, two 7-year-olds, a 4-year-old and the 5-year-old who shot himself.

And now we have a leading “commonsense gun safety law” spokesman!

Hey… any chance we could sue the manufacturer…?

We’re the Only Ones Triggered Enough

On-duty cop accidentally fired his gun outside Lori Lightfoot’s home: Chicago police [More]

And not just an “on duty cop.” A “veteran Chicago police officer”!

I see “The officer remains on active duty because the firearm discharge was accidental.”

So he’s keeping his gun.

Funny… if you or I had done that, not only would our names be publicized, the only way we’d be out is if we made bail. And you’d better believe there’d be a court order to surrender all weapons.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[H/T Wirecutter]

Invasion USA

This bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang has caused havoc in Latin America. Now it’s in Miami… “As of last year, we had been hearing reports that members of the gang had left Colombia, moving through the Darien Gap and walking all the way to the United States”… [More]

Did lying, treasonous Democrat scum inviting foreign predators in as they try to disarm their countrymen just say something about Miami…?

Self-Incriminate Much?

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, asks “what the hell are you thinking registering your firearms after the deadline?” New numbers from the Illinois State Police show that many of you decided to register after the deadline imposed by new Illinois law and that, is not a really bright move. Why? We’ll explain, so it’s time for you to learn more and arm yourself with education. [Watch]

Just put your head on this chopping block…

[Via Jess]

The BLM Giveth, the BLM Taketh Away

The proposed resource management plan amendment would make recreational target shooting available on 5,295 acres of the monument and unavailable on the remaining 480,496 acres. [More]

In other words, we’re taking away –what — over 90% of what’s currently available…? That’s top of my head math– feel free to pull out a calculator and tell me where I screwed up. I don’t bother because it’s racist.

And for you deplorables who have to question everything

[Via Bluesgal]

A Taxing Proposition

Ex-IRS Consultant Took Job With Intention Of Stealing Trump’s Tax Returns: DOJ [More]

How is it that a consultant can get carte blanche instead of controlled access to limited files pertaining to a contract with authorization safeguards?

And when are they going to prosecute the co-conspirator receivers of stolen information, like The New York Times and ProPublica?

[Via bondmen]

The Obvious Solution

A gas station, blamed by some citizens for violence, may be forced to shut down after a judge’s decision. [More]

Combat criminal activity by shutting down wealth generation by the “law-abiding” in a city that throws tax plunder at its problems– ingenious!

It’ll be nice to finally be able to feel safe in St. Louis again!

[Via bondmen]

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