New Biden Rule Makes ‘Buybacks’ Potential Seller Traps

An email I sent out this morning to my “small cadre” of advisors: “The definition of ‘to predominantly earn a profit’ now focuses only on whether the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining pecuniary gain… ’ to define the terms ‘purchase’ and ‘sale’ as they apply to … Continue reading “New Biden Rule Makes ‘Buybacks’ Potential Seller Traps”

Sleight of Mind

Chuck Schumer Says ‘Impeachment Should Never be Used to Settle Policy Disagreements’ [More] While everyone is focused on his hypocrisy, the bigger lie getting less notice is that invasion-facilitating treason is a “policy disagreement.” Always be mindful of red herrings and wrong questions. [Via Michael G]

That’s the SECOND Biggest Problem

“The biggest problem in GOP fundraising is that we don’t treat donors well”- It rings true to me. We’ve endured three years of abusive Republican text and email solicititations after a single donation through WinRed. [More] Donate through WinRed and money gets apportioned out to this. And this. And… [Via Michael G]

Clearing the Board

The Governor vetoed 30 gun-control bills, modified 6 other gun-control bills so that they no longer pose a threat to Virginia’s lawful gun-owners, and he signed 4 bills that had been modified in the General Assembly changing VCDL’s position from Oppose to Neutral. There are no more gun-control bills left. [More] And making lemonade out … Continue reading “Clearing the Board”

Make Sure to Leave Holes You Could Drive a Truck Through and Tie It In With Foreign Aid or No Deal

Exclusive: U.S. Must Move ‘Decisively’ to Avert ‘Extinction-Level’ Threat From AI, Government-Commissioned Report Says [More] So it doesn’t just want us to serve and worship it? Maybe the Republican “leadership” can work out the same kind of “bipartisan” arrangement with Biden as they got on the border.

The Nothing Will Happen But Maybe Gun Owners Will Forget My Previous Treachery Act

Ernst Works to Protect Lawful Gun Dealers from ATF [More] Prognosis: 1% chance of being enacted Let’s see what the odds will be should election dreams come true. And if anyone’s still interested. Sorry not sorry to be so cynical, but this is the same “solidly pro-gun candidate” who voted with Chuck Schumer on that “bipartisan” infringement bill … Continue reading “The Nothing Will Happen But Maybe Gun Owners Will Forget My Previous Treachery Act”


Hackers Could Use ChatGPT to Target 2024 Elections [More] Ansd don’t foreget pens! How do you hack paper in-person with valid ID and bipartisan validator ballots? Related UPDATE The Theory That Mail-in Voting Is Secure Just Died a Horrible Death [More] Like I said… But…but…but racist disenfranchisement… And yes. And yes. Exceptions should be exceptional, … Continue reading “GIGO”

So Much for Being Neutral

The Berger Action Fund, one arm of liberal Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss’ philanthropic empire, gave tens of millions to one of America’s most prolific Democrat-aligned dark money groups. [More] Remember when John McCain shilled for “bipartisan campaign finance reform” to keep citizens from pooling their resources to make their voices heard? [Via Michael G]

Gabby’s Favorite Insurrectionist

We are proud to endorse former Congressman @Tom_Suozziin the critical special election for NY-03! From helping pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to working to get dangerous weapons off the streets of his community, Congressman Suozzi is a proven leader on gun safety. [More] Just to be clear: They support a politican disarming you who … Continue reading “Gabby’s Favorite Insurrectionist”

On This We Can Agree

It is fully within our power to stop this epidemic. [More] Absolutely. Just not by doing anything this evil dotard’s handlers are lying to us about… Starting with, it’s not an “epidemic.” Wake me when the “school to grave pipeline” is plugged. [Via Antigone]

Infringin’ with Larry

That last bit goes to this: “It has bipartisan support. There should be reporting of mental health issues. I don’t think there’s too much disagreement about that.” So you know that they can’t be trusted without a custodian, and you know most criminals get their guns “illegally,” and this is your “solution”? Way to read … Continue reading “Infringin’ with Larry”

The Ban It All and Kick Off CW2 Act

You misspelled “assault,” morons. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Hank Johnson reintroduce bill with emphasis on gun violence prevention [More] Are you really ignorant enough to believe that’s what this will do, “real reporter” Jennifer Gerson? “And I’s“…? Here are the Democrat politicians who want us dead. But no one’s talking about taking your guns. … Continue reading “The Ban It All and Kick Off CW2 Act”

Just Like She Knows What She’s Talking About

Sen. Gillibrand said Monday that new federal gun legislation has allowed authorities to prosecute hundreds of gun traffickers. [More] Is it out of line to ask what “allows” the legislation? Here’s the tax-funded propaganda the “real reporter” parroted from. And here’s the “report,” which on first glance appears to unintentionally confirm John Lott’s conclusions that … Continue reading “Just Like She Knows What She’s Talking About”

NMSSA Update September 21, 2023

First, our lawsuit and the Temporary Restraining Order are still in place. The governor has amended her public health order, but we have not withdrawn our lawsuit and the hearing on October 3rd for the injunction is still scheduled to happen. We commissioned a poll through a professional polling firm on how the New Mexico … Continue reading “NMSSA Update September 21, 2023”

The Importance of Being Ernst

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) is asking the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to explain the surge in revoked Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) and suggesting it has overstepped the boundaries of the law. [More] “Suggesting”…? Is that finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing? This is the same … Continue reading “The Importance of Being Ernst”

It’s a Feature, Not a Bug

It should be more than obvious that the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that credulous GOP Senator John Cornyn shepherded into law along with Connecticut’s Chris Murphy was nothing but a stalking horse for expanding the federal government’s regulation of firearms. [More] Is “folly” the right word here? [Via JR]

Advance to the Rear!

The BSCA was passed last summer over the NRA’s objections, with proponents congratulating themselves on their “bi-partisan” achievement. [More] So how many “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” are you goin g to down-rate? And posturing now only obscures the fact that when the asteroid was still in nudging distance, you weasels were giving cover … Continue reading “Advance to the Rear!”

Evil Party Once More Makes Stupid Party Their B!tches

Biden’s DOJ Illegally Bribing States To Pass Gun Confiscation Laws [More] And they couldn’t have done it without these Vichycon stool samples, doing their dead elephant best to demoralize principled constituents and hand ’24 to the Democrats. [Via bondmen]

And Thank You for Your Service

Last night, the House voted on the Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act, which passed 228-206. [More] Guess who the lone Republican “Noe” came from. Go on, guess. As long as there’s a Democrat Senate and President, this bill’s going nowhere. Still, it may be useful to clue in voting veterans who aren’t kneejerk Democrats. [Via Jess]

I See Your True Colors Shining Through

Kennedy said that he would get behind a bipartisan assault weapons ban, which the overwhelming majority of Democrats support, but has little chance of getting through Capitol Hill given widespread GOP opposition. “If we can get a consensus on it, if Republicans and Democrats agree to it and it passes Congress, I would sign it,” … Continue reading “I See Your True Colors Shining Through”

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