The Poll Tax Workaround

Maryland is among the states looking to follow California in taxing the gun industry to support hospitals, violence intervention programs, and services for victims of gun violence. [More]

All the best totalitarian regimes do it!

It’s not like Democrats are going to penalize the real cuprits: Their constituents and themselves.

Here’s the video of the hearing. Too bad it doesn’t have a transcript to allow homing in on specific “data” lies, and exposing those at the committee level is something funded “gun groups” ought to be putting resources into.

I did get one laugh out of this:

Chip is a reporter at The Trace…

Good one!

[Via Antigone]

We Need Them on That Wall?

“My sweet Dave, thanks for the valuable information,” and “you are my secret informant love!” the contact sent in other messages. [More]

If this were a movie, I’d turn it off because it just seems too unbelievable. Are such losers really “our first line of defense”?

Now if it were an obnoxious Democrat congressthing, on the other hand…

[Via Steve T]

Assisted Suicide

Bogus “Suicide” Bill Passes. Republicans Help. [More]

Now look at how the Democrats portray “Christine Drazan, who did more to damage the House Republican Caucus than anyone in recent memory”:

A new report released today exposes Christine Drazan for accepting a $10,000 campaign contribution from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) — an extreme and powerful pro-gun lobby group, where the CEO of “Daniel Defense — which made the gun used in the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in May” sits on the board of directors.

How desperate and stupid would you have to be to believe that compromising with totalitarians will earn you any more gratitude and respect from them than they would give to a toilet?

Related UPDATE

As you would expect, today’s “informational hearing” on Extreme Risk Protection Orders was actually a far left, gun grabbing, propaganda festival. [More]

Don’t forget to thank turncoat Brian Boquist.

The Nothing Will Happen But Maybe Gun Owners Will Forget My Previous Treachery Act

Ernst Works to Protect Lawful Gun Dealers from ATF [More]


1% chance of being enacted

Let’s see what the odds will be should election dreams come true. And if anyone’s still interested.

Sorry not sorry to be so cynical, but this is the same “solidly pro-gun candidate” who voted with Chuck Schumer on that “bipartisan” infringement bill the administration is now trying to sodomize us with,

Besides, all this really does is “legitimize” the whole power usurpation scheme. We all have the right to be “lawful gun dealers.”

[Via Jess]

FBI and DSM Pre-ID Fall Guys

“If Trump and Pompeo are not tried in a fair court for the criminal act of assassinating General Soleimani, Muslims will take our martyr’s revenge,” Raisi said, according to Reuters. [More]

What a coincidence, that this was released right after the Supreme Court ruled he would stay on the ballot.

Why were “individuals for various operations in the United States”allowed in? And curious, Tehran has been given built-in plausible deniability, eliminating the need for retaliatory actions that could get people asking questions.

Paranoid to even suggest this? Why?

[Via WiscoDave]

Sore Loser

I am disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision stripping states of the authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment for federal candidates. Colorado should be able to bar oath-breaking insurrections from our ballot. [More]

What you ought to be is embarrassed that even your own side proves you to be a childish and incompetent partisan hack tampering with adult things you don’t understand.

But then, we already knew that.

‘Commonsense Gun Safety Law Paradise’ Haiti Continues Descent into Hell

Why are Haitians who want to live their lives in peace at the mercy of the merciless? [More]

So the real problem is, and always has been, guns only in the hands of tyrants and predators…?

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime?

A Lincoln man will spend the next two decades behind bars for possessing a machine gun and marijuana. [More]

Just like the Founders intended.

Meanwhile, a Satanic thrill killer who has shown no remorse is out after 14, thanks to the same Democrats who want to disarm you.

And Hunter Biden, of course…

[Via Steve T]

Ever the Deutsch Bag

Donny Deutsch Lays Out Biden’s Path To Victory: ‘Scare The Sh*t Out Of People’ [More]

What does he think their whole “gun control” strategy has been, and here we are, still armed.

Trotting out a gaggle of oath-breaking Benedict Arnolds is nothing we haven’t seen before either.

I think Donny’s a blustering pu$$y and he’s the one who’s afraid.

[Via Jess]

Can We All Get Along?

Woman Who Sent Photo of Young Girl’s Mutilated Body To 2020 GOP Election Official and Threatened The Life of Her 14-Yr-Old Daughter, FINALLY Receives Sentence—And It’s SHOCKING! [More]

Low-hanging fruit is easy to find. Still-followed Ned Staebler and Abraham Aiyash are no different than lynch mob inciters of old.

Leftists are really ugly, frustrated people, and they’ll never have enough control to change that.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough

Los Angeles Hires And Arms Foreign Criminals To Police U.S. Citizens [More]

With Foreign Nationals Empowered to Disarm Americans, Who Needs Blue Helmets?

Yet to be unexplained is how a foreign national can credibly take the Article VI required oath — not that LAPD ever paid it no nevermind anyhow…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via bondmen]

A Male and a Female

Two suspects in custody after DC Housing Authority officer shot in broad daylight [More]

Without knowing any more about this than that, who wants to cover my bet that they’re not Christian nationalists, and for how much?

Oh, I forgot: We’re not supposed to do that. It makes Vichycons squishes who don’t realize they’ll be painted as Nazis regardless afraid that they’ll look bad.

[Via bondmen]

What’s in a Title?

WANTED: CEO for America’s Oldest & Largest Civil Rights Organization. Only Qualified Applicants Need Apply [More]

I couldn’t find a royalty-free photo of a street hooker in a tube top and leopard print hotpants to include with this post. But smart @$$ery aside, what’s with “CEO”?

I’ve been seeing it for years and it’s always confused me.

It’s not just how others refer to him, it’s how NRA refers to him, case in point, on official tax documents they file with the government.

The reason I’m confused is because per the Bylaws, Article V, Section 1 (a):

“The officers of the Association shall be a President, one or more Vice Presidents, an Executive Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association General Operations, and an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action.”

Then you get to (b) and it says (in boldface type):

“The Board may not abolish said offices nor create any other offices.”

That seems pretty specific and there for a reason. Anybody who knows what the deal is, please feel free to educate via comments.

Look On Our Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) “LGBTQIA + ally training” includes the “gender unicorn” and “transgender terminology index,” internal documents reveal. [More]

I can’t figure out who’s more intimidated and with a newfound sense of respect: Russia or China.

And I’ll bet the Grand Ayatollahs are shaking in their slippers.

[Via Michael G]

SCOTUS: Trump Stays on Ballot

The Supreme Court on Monday tossed out a Colorado court ruling that barred Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s Republican presidential primary ballot. The ruling means that no other state can bar Trump, or any other candidate, from a presidential ballot by invoking the insurrection clause in the Constitution. [More]

Plea to Pres. Trump: As all the treasonous lawfare has shown, these people will stop at nothing. Now that this door has been slammed shut, some are no doubt plotting more extreme measures of exclusion. Double your security and most of all, LISTEN TO THEM.

Trouble in Paradise

In January, Hawaii Republicans dumped caucus locations for Lahaina, Captain Cook, Lanai, Hana, and Molokai. Now they are cancelling four Oahu caucus locations due to their inability to find anybody to staff them. [More]

In case you were wondering how Democrats keep getting away with stupid $h!+ that’s offensive to freedom— wherever they take over and ruin.

We’re the Only Ones Taking Your Breath Away Enough

Ryohei Akima blew a 0.02 on the test, but it was mistakenly read by the Fowlerville officer as 0.22 — nearly three times over Michigan’s blood-alcohol limit for driving. Caitlyn Peca, who was a rookie officer, told a colleague over the radio, “I have no idea what I’m doing,” according to a summary of the case. [More]

And knowing that — and being able to observe his appearance and behavior — she opted to try and destroy a man’s life anyway?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones On Call Enough

From the state that banned such guns for you. At least now we have our answer to “If they’re ‘weapons of war,’ why do the police have them?”

To be enforcers for Democrats.

“Back the Blue,” right…?

[Via Jess]

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