And It Continues?

Comment left under a post:

It would seem that your site has disappeared from my web browser. Had to go a very circuitous route to find you today. Thought I might have been in the public library in Cleveland, where your site is blocked by the libraries there………… Johny Gee

This after my weekend adventure?

I’ll check it out when I get better from this cold that I came down with. Hudson’s library is part of the CleveNet system, and if I can’t access it I may have a First Amendment claim.

Just Think of Them as Commiesense Influencer Safety Laws

As reported earlier today, the lawsuit challenging the state’s ban on firearm marketing to youth, known as Jr. Shooting Sports Magazines v. Bonta, got a boost with the announcement that the State’s request for an en banc panel review of our favorable ruling in a lower court was denied, thus securing our injunction win. [More]

Nobody thought totalitarians would just stop at the Second Amendment, did they?

It’s telling, the literature and imagery they DO want young people exposed to.

[Via Jess]

Sons of Akal Purakh

Turban-wearing Sikh motorcyclists would be free to ride helmet-free in California if Assembly Bill 2392, proposed by Fresno Assembly member Esmeralda Soria, becomes law this year. [More]

And that bit about making no law respecting the establishment of religion, or that other bit about equal protection under the law…? Precedent has been established with the kirpan.

Maybe people could start their own “faith” and claim the same “privilege”? Just not without the state claiming it alone has ther power to recognize “authorized religions” (just like in China!)

Then again, it’s hardly surprising that a “Gun Sense Candidate” views rights as things that can be given or withheld depending on what’s in it for her.

As an aside, I always thought Sons of Anarchy based in California was ridiculous, with the first thing you see with all these lawless OMG warriors is them showing unified submission to the law by wearing their helmets of obedience.

Our Own Public/Private Idaho

Senate Bill 1291 was introduced in the state Senate earlier this week. The measure would prohibit public contracts with individuals or companies that are boycotting those that engage in or support the manufacture, distribution, sale or use of firearms, and would also require companies that contract with the state to disclose if their policies discriminate against the firearms industry. [More]

I’m wondering how much of this is posturing and how much of it will withstand a legal challenge on First Amendment grounds.

[Via Jess]

Big Brother is Watching You

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation of First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. [More]

What’s that saying about 1984 being an instruction manual…?

Democrats are literally totalitarians.

Inextricably Bound

Gun owners are America’s fastest-growing criminal class. One state after another is enacting “Show us the gun and we’ll find the crime” laws. Judges and politicians are justifying mass disarmament in the name of “freedom from fear” — as if no one will be safe until government controls every trigger. Federal agencies consider all 20+ million marijuana users who own firearms to be felons (unless their last name is Biden). Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden both retroactively outlawed widely-owned firearm accessories, creating new legions of potential jailbirds. At the same time many federal agencies are stockpiling automatic weapons, Biden calls for banning semiautomatic pistols and rifles owned by 50 million Americans. [More]

And as you can see from the other Intolerable Acts presented, it’s not just about RKBA.

That’s the problem with the “single issue” cop-out. Because those doing it know damn well it’s not about guns, it’s about freedom.

[Via bondmen]


The city of Flagstaff, Ariz., banned all commercial advertising at the local airport after a gun-range owner threatened to sue the city for prohibiting his ad specifically from appearing on government property. [More]

The rights prohibitionists have no intention of stopping at the Second Amendement.

You tell me why a city with these demographics feels compelled to virtue signal this.

And this

If not cultual Marxism

[Via Jess]

For the Greater Good

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Tuesday proposed forcing social media users to verify their identities before posting, citing “national security” concerns. [More]

What could go wrong?

Publius was not available for comment.

Now that she’s let her inner fascist out, I don’t see her putting it back in …

Not Content to Eviscerate the Second Amendment, Gun-Grabbers Go After the First

What’s clear from both the Illinois and the California cases, is prohibitionist Democrats, thwarted by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, will leave no right unabridged in their totalitarian obsession with controlling everything. [More]

If freedom prohibitionists can take the guns, what’s to stop them from taking everything else?

We’re the Only Ones Sourcing Enough

This week, Sarah Fields, a journalist with The Publica Now, revealed on social media that FBI agents came to her home on October 17 unannounced. She claimed the agency demanded that she talk with them about her coverage of an alleged Hamas training camp on the US-Mexico border. In her posts, Fields claims that the FBI was trying to get her to reveal her sources. [More]

That way, if she does their work for them they can get back to the headline-making business of raiding J6 suspects

What do you want to bet they’re trying to keep a lid on a guy on the inside while they wait for a bigger headline-making event to explode in our faces?

And tangentially related, WTF, soulless GOP demons…?

[Via Michael G]

Welcome to ‘The Party,’ Pallys

Campus Reform went to the DC pro-Palestine rally. Activists tried to get us arrested. [More]

It’s not enough to be an “Authorized Journalist.”They require you to be their Authorized Promoter.

As an aside to all the useful idiot leftist “non-binaries”: Are you starting to realize your place in the Marxist food chain yet?

[Via Michael G]


Biden released an executive order aimed at regulating the artificial intelligence (AI) industry [yesterday], which includes a provision that AI must advance the goals of “civil rights” and “equity” — aka, the left’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework. [More]

Marxism in, Marxism out…

[Via Michael G]

Adding Fuel to the Fire

New York AG Tells Platforms to Disclose What They Are Doing About “Calls for Violence and Other Materials That May Incite Violence” [More]

That seems like an excellent way to encourage responses to state actors initiating violence.

Can you imagine Letitia James with unchecked power?

[Via Michael G]

New York 3D Printer Control Bill is Tyrannical, Unworkable and Un-American

When the bill predictably fails to reduce New York homicides (because it’s focused on all the wrong things, like not on the criminals), look for new hysterical and pointless demands, like banning out-of-state sales, banning “straw purchases” of printers, banning printer parts, and blaming “red” states with “lax printer laws.” And let’s not forget banning possession of 3D printers by prohibited persons, to be expanded to anyone under a restraining order, on a watchlist, or “red-flagged,” followed by “may issue” permits for anyone else who wants one. [More]

You can’t cite the Founders out of one side of your mouth and then undermine everything they stood for out of the other. Well, you could if you’re a New York Democrat bragging about your foreign values…

Highway Robbery

Thousands of drivers receiving speed camera tickets in small Summit County village… He said he is considering challenging the ticket, but the Stow Municipal Court requires that drivers who want to appeal the ticket pay $100. [More]

These $$holes are right next door to Hudson. You have to drive through there to get to most of my favorite walking trails.

If you took a look at the “solution” vs. the scope of the problem, it would be apparent this is all about revenue generation, and anyone who blurts out “public safety” is just mealy-mouthing an excuse to cover for this being a direct violation of the whole intent of Constitutional government to “secure the Blessings of Liberty.”

They also gouge you on parking. And requiring you to pay by phone seems discriminatory against technologically impaired older people who may struggle with Jitterbugs, acknowledged to be “designed to help older adults stay in touch with their loved ones” and that they only use for phone calls.

The other thing this is is an unconstitutional prior restraint on the First Amendment proscription to “make no law … prohibiting … the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It’s analogous to a poll tax. Or a gun permit fee.

And every bit as discriminatory.

That seems like a good opportunity for a class action lawsuit.

And if I were a “real reporter,” with the resources of a news organization behind me, I’d be going through city records to find out who got the traffic cam contract, and also doing a public records request for all communications, correspondence, phone records, work papers, calibration records, and all relevant documentation showing city official interactions with them.

Republican-Approved Democrat Judge Rules Against First AND Second Amendments

Federal Judge Rules Gun CAD Files are Not Protected Speech [More]

Yes, he’s an Obama appointee to be sure, but Mike Lee is the only Republican who voted against him.

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