How The Federal-Private Speech Police Operated In Election 2020: With Radar Highly Attuned To The Right [More]
See anybody in jail?
I mean, from their side…
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
“Let me just state unequivocally, the public health order has been in effect three months and it’s working,” the governor said at Monday’s press conference. [More]
So how many of those arrests were ordinary concealed carriers caught up in the order, as opposed to known troublemakers? And how many of the arrested will be back on the street for Christmas?
[Via Jess]
The Modified FISA-702 Reauthorization Bill (HR 6611) Has Passed the House – The Changes Have Expanded Federal Surveillance of Americans [More]
Thanks, Stupid Party!
You’ve made an avowed enemy very happy!
[Via bondmen]
The officer cussing at me would come off as someone with authority (and a weapon) feeling entitled to address me however they chose. It would also be a reminder of the weapon. It would be both hostile and demeaning. The schoolyard bully should not be the model for officers’ behavior. [More]
At least you can take on a schoolyard bully, even in front of others, and gain a newfound measure of stature with your peers if you prevail. Take on a cop and you’re taking on the power of the state.
[Via Michael G]
Republicans in Congress are threatening to cut off support for Ukraine unless they can force through their extreme partisan border policies. It’s political blackmail, pure and simple. The stakes are too high and the consequences are too significant for political brinksmanship. [More]
Speaking of “extreme partisan border policies“…
Any Democrat who does not see through this in-your-face gaslighting is either mentally incapable or willfully self-deluded. What does that say about those who do see through it and give their approval with their votes regardless?
So much for “the supreme Law of the Land”…
Immigrants who illegally cross the border into Arizona are being handed $5,000 in good-as-cash gift cards, along with cell phones and costly plane tickets, all of which are being paid for by the American taxpayer, according to Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb. [More]
Kind’a makes you want to ask “Why should I pay taxes?” and the answer being “Becauase if you don’t they’ll kidnap you and hoold you hostage in a gulag or kill you.”
You know, “securing the Blessin gs of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”…
[Via bondmen]
“Background checks” = Registration = Confiscation.
[Via Jess]
You misspelled “assault,” morons.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Hank Johnson reintroduce bill with emphasis on gun violence prevention [More]
Are you really ignorant enough to believe that’s what this will do, “real reporter” Jennifer Gerson?
“And I’s“…?
Here are the Democrat politicians who want us dead.
But no one’s talking about taking your guns.
“0% chance“…?
Now all we’ve got to do is see if the House Republicans are going to implode, because they’ve already got their share of gun-grabbing traitors.
[Via Jess]
Much like Missouri state lawmakers used a so-called trigger law to ban abortion, St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones has now signed a trigger law that could ban open carry of firearms in the city. [More]
In other words, it won’t change a thing.
Ain’t it just like Tishuara?
And did everyone catch Obama’s old “Chicago to Cheyenne” tactic?
[Via bondmen]
By signing the plea agreement, Van Aelstyn admitted he “knowingly, corruptly, and illegally” retained the guns, his plea deal states. Van Aelstyn faces a maximum of one year and a day in prison… [More]
I wonder what Wayne Fincher would have thought of that sentence…
[Via Jess]
Texas, The Daily Wire, & The Federalist Sue US State Dept For Conspiring With Newsguard To Censor American Media Companies [More]
While you’re at it, see if DOJ is still pulling that crap.
[Via Dan Gifford]
Attorney General Josh Kaul has joined a coalition of 19 other attorneys general in supporting the state of California’s efforts to restrict the capacity of firearms magazines within its borders. [More]
Time was, exploiting the mentally challenged was frowned upon and considered cruel.
[Via Mike F]
Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window – CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination [More]
And we all know Trump is an avatar.
[Via bondmen]
Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy – Despite nearly 30 years of demands for transparency, the DOJ’s law enforcement agencies release little data about whom they shoot, why and when, and they rarely use body cameras. [More]
They could tell us but then they’d have to kill us. Funny, how this kind of “gun violence” is fine with those who want to disarm you and me.
Anybody else get the feeling this is not what the Founders had in mind…?
[Via Steven H]
This week, I will put the Assault Weapons Ban on the Senate floor. [More]
What, is this Democrats whoring for headlines week…?
Question: Say the GOP blows ’24 or the election is stolen again, SCOTUS gets stacked, and this power pervert’s nocturnal emission comes true. Then say just 3% of us, and pray that’s all it is, reply “No, your move”…
Flesh out your plan, Schumer, you loathsome traitor. What needs to happen then, in detail, what will resistance to your bullshit tyranny look like, and you’re sure your enforcers are up for the response your hatred of men who believe unbendingly in the right to keep and bear arms will set off?
[Via Jess]
What Mao meant was only the Communist party should be allowed to have guns. For a Marxist revolution to succeed, the people must be disarmed. [More]
“¿Armas para Que?“ right?
These irresponsible grinning morons don’t won’t have a clue until it’s too late.
Denial of reality is a new lifestyle for those emerging from the Newthink mills of public education. [More]
This comment left under my latest AmmoLand article is concise and insightful, and well worth the moment of your time it will take to read the whole thing.
Realizing this is a critical part of a plan, what does that tell us about those cold intellects behind it?
FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated [More]
The warning signs were there to any who cared to look….
[Via bondmen]
And he’s not warning him against the “greatest threat.”
[Via bondmen]
Waiver of right of respondent Jay Robert Pritzker, et al. to respond filed. [More]
There’s some arrogance for ya. They figure they don’t have to answer for Illinois Supreme Court corruption. Let’s hope SCOTUS surprises them and decides to look into it.
I’m told there may be more action on this later in the week, and if so, will decide if I can address it here or if a longer article is needed.
[Via President Non_Fudd]
Biden’s DOJ to stop him in 3…2..1…
After all, the DSM tell us Operation Lone Star is “racist and murderous.”
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.
[Via Andy M]
Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels… UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’ [More]
Yeah, that’s part of the plan.
No worries though.
The bosses will still live large.
Woods on steroids… Paging Rosemary Woods on steroids…
This is what seditious conspiracy looks like.
Including the fact that it isn’t everybody’s front-page news.
The GOSAFE Act is an innovative bill that would regulate assault weapons & high-capacity magazines. Thank you @SenatorHeinrich, @SenAngusKing , @SenMarkKelly , and @SenatorBennet for championing it. Weapons of war don’t belong on our streets. Let’s get it done. [More]
Aside from some effete lump who reposts Taylor Swift tweets, it doesn’t sound like too many people are impressed…
As for Mark Kelly, he’s still got some questions to answer.
Narcotics detectives and patrol officers, some who called themselves the Goon Squad, barged into homes in the middle of the night, accusing people inside of dealing drugs. Then they handcuffed or held them at gunpoint and tortured them into confessing or providing information, according to dozens of people who say they endured or witnessed the assaults. [More]
I thought “we” sent terrorists to Gitmo…?
And the sheriff’s excuse is he’s oblivious?
Looks like Facebook comments are causing them to deactivate content.
[Via bondmen]
Once the comment period has ended, the ATF will consider the public comments before deciding whether to adopt the rule, modify it, or drop it. [More]
Y’know, I was nodding along with you right until this last line. Does anyone seriously believe the decision wasn’t made before the required rule was posted for comment?
The only reason I submitted one was to show my solidarity with those making their refusal to bow down a matter of record. That’s why I urge you to come and stand with us, regardless of the coordinated Astroturf campaign.
I just wish I could believe the poor showing from “our side” is because most consider it a useless effort and believe Bruen will save us, instead of what “experience hath shown” to generally be the case.
[Via Dan Gifford]