The Grabbers Wanted More Than Hope and Prayers

The mother prayed and her children recited scripture even as they heard Goss kicking in the doors inside their home. He eventually found them hiding in the closet that was designated as the family’s safe room. The mother shot him as he entered the closet still holding the knife. Goss then fled the scene. [More]

Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence would rather they had been butchered than armed.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Pornographic Enough

In some instances, these scammers will demand the victims send photos and videos of them having sex with someone to prove they do not have drugs. [More]

Wait, you mean that was…? Ah, jeez, I haven’t felt this ripped off since I sent my PIN to Mr. Franky Samora

How is anyone really this stupid?

[Via bondmen]

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones and County Executive Sam Page have introduced the Regional Anti-Violence Collaborative, which is aiming to reduce violent crime, grow the economy, stabilize neighborhoods, and give residents access to more safe and affordable homes. [More]

In other words, they’re going to buy votes with money that’s not theirs, and the only impact on crime will be it will go up because no one charged to fight it has a clue.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones More or Less Enough

The FBI is reducing hiring standards to the point where it is considering overweight applicants and hiring barely literate agents, a group of current and former FBI agents and analysts allege. [More]

On the one hand, tnat makes them more dangerous.

On the other hand, that makes them less dangerous.

[Via bondmen]

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Starbucks fires heroic barista who subdued and protected a co-worker from robbers after getting pistol-whipped in the head. [More]

Ask me when’s the last time I’ve been to a Starbucks…

And what are the priorities of Americans who regularly shell out this kind of money for a cup, plus tip…?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Working Around Enough

“The US government should not be funding and legitimizing a shady industry whose flagrant violations of Americans’ privacy are not just unethical but illegal,” Wyden said in a letter to Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines. “To that end, I request that you adopt a policy that, going forward,” intelligence agencies “may only purchase data about Americans that meets the standard for legal data sales established by the FTC.” [More]


In a world where it didn’t mean arresting themselves, the “official” criminals participating in this conspiracy to deprive citizens of rights under color of authority would be behind bars…

[Via Michael G]

The New Black Codes

Maryland bill would force gun owners to get $300K liability insurance to wear or carry… As the bill is currently written, local and state law enforcement officers are not exempt from the insurance requirement. [More]

There is no new thing under the sun.

Democrats wold rather see you dead than armed.

And an ignorant constituency that will be most infringed on by this will continue to vote for Terri Hill in droves.

[Via Jess]

Crazy Like a Fox

Crazy news out of California. the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit: A three- judge panel has decided that they are going to literally, literally do nothing, do nothing for likely over a year when it comes to the case of Miller vs. Bonta… [Watch]

The robed traitors are waiting for the fix to come in on the elections so Democrats can reshape SCOTUS and reverse Bruen

[Via Jess]

Chris Megerian and Darlene Superville, ‘Real Reporters’

Jill Biden tells school principals ‘enough is enough’ while promoting a gun safety initiative – Guns are the leading cause of death for American children. [More]

Who cares if the narrative’s a demonstrable lie?

They’re desperate to prove they’re team players

Especially since AI can propagandize cheaper, and it’s not exacly like most “Authorized Journalists” know how to do anything useful…

[Via Jess]

So Look for the Union Label

SAG-AFTRA Defends Alec Baldwin: ‘An Actor’s Job Is Not to Be a Firearms Expert’ [More]

Sounds like a self-covering admission of ignorance to me…

Thise are generally the people with the strongest opinions.

You don’t have to be an expert. Just knowledgeable enough to bring a gun to a “buyback”

A Token Gesture

The United States temporarily paused “additional” funding for the key United Nations agency in the Gaza Strip over allegations that some of its members were “involved” in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel. [More]

I guess permanently cutting off all funding for the entire subversive conclave of kleptocrats, communists and perverts isn’t in anybody’s cards…?

A Magic Bullet

Who do they think they are? AFP/Yahoo! News…?

Or the University Daily Kansan…?

At least they’re not Ryan J. Reilly… who earned his own special Fauxtoshop

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