
What can I say but “Chris Murphy”?

I should go back and retitle this Damned Lie/Truth.

Meritless First Circuit Abets RI Magazine Ban

We need go no further. Plaintiffs’ failure to demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits of their claims sinks their attempt to require the district court to issue a preliminary injunction… We therefore affirm the judgment of the district court, denying the request for a preliminary injunction. [More]

Snotty, arrogant, and imperious in their denial of fundamental rights, just like the Founders intended.

Mark W. Smith dissects.

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Circuit Courts could not give less of a shit that the Supreme Court said interest balancing analysis is not appropriate. They are doing it anyway, and blatantly. Will SCOTUS do anything about it? [More]

That they haven’t already speaks volumes.

[Via WiscoDave]

Madcap Campus Hijinx

Deaf Jewish Students at Gallaudet University Forced to Hide From Antisemitic Mob [More]

That badged lump with his hands in his pockets looks like quite the deterrent.

Still, I’m having a tough time getting outraged, except for over the obvious.

Me, I’m hoping that young haranguer in a hijab and thousands like her put on a show at the Democrat Convention. I’m also hoping for some lively antics at tonight’s State of the Union.

[Via Michael G]

That’s What You Get for Being Deplorable

Federal government created ‘profiles’ on Americans kept in a ‘secret portal’ shared with 650 companies to track ‘extremists’ who searched ‘MAGA,’ ‘guns,’ and ‘Biden’ say Republicans [More]

It’s all part of a multi-pronged plan.

Discussion here

[Via WiscoDave]

Too Smart By Half

It’s an after-market add-on to a firearm that utilizes fingerprint and other technology to remotely track and disable guns. [More]

Why wait until they’re stolen?

After hearing young Joey parrot the narrative fed to him by “adults,” I gotta wonder if he and Annika built this soap box derby racer all by themselves.

[Via JG]

It’s All the Rage

Our research was cited in a new book on “white rural rage.” But the authors got the research wrong. [More]

What does truth have to do with it?

Also backing up Merrick Garland’s/Chris Wray’s “Greatest Threat” malicious libel is Rob “My Precious Goo!” Reiner’s latest Leni Riefenstahl Award contender branding “Christian Nationalists” candidates for what is done with undesirables…

“Live and let live” will soon be used as an admission of guilt.

[Via Michael G]

For in the Day that Thou Eatest Thereof Thou Shalt Surely Die

NewsGuard announced last week it’s using AI to automatically prevent American citizens from seeing information online that challenges government and corporate media claims about elections ahead of the 2024 voting season. [More]

Who are you to question God?

[Via Michael G]

Lest Ye Be Judged

Judge Brian Lovell was indicted on eight counts of deadly conduct discharge of a firearm. He was arrested and charged after an incident in Austin, Texas in 2023. He was arrested for reportedly firing a gun at five cars, then ramming his SUV into the back of a woman’s car twice. [More]

I just spent several minutes trying to find out about his politics and came up empty. Anybody got relevant links?

[Via William T]

Room for ‘Improvement’

Six people, including four kids, were gunned down in a mass shooting inside a Canadian home overnight, cops said Thursday. [More]

Then there’s this:

Neither the identities of the victims nor the suspect have been made public.

What does that have to do with guns killing people, eh?

[Via Michael G]

Save Money with Self-Loathing!

Save 20% on Your Next North Face Purchase by Admitting Your Privilege [More]

Dang. Younger feral son Qusay bought me one of their warm winter jackets a couple years back for Christmas.

Now, binary gender role throwback that I am, I’m going to have to see if “the Mrs.” can sew a patch over the logo.

[Via Michael G]

A Mass Stupidity Democrat

“Banning mass casualty weapons is a commonsense measure that will prevent needless loss of life. In 2019, our community felt that loss with the horrific tragedy that took place in the Oregon district. There is no reason to have guns equipped with magazines that can hold 50, 70, or even 100 rounds. It’s time to take action and ban these weapons so that our communities can be safer,” said Rep. Blackshear. [More]

“Weapons”? So, basically every semiautomatic.

Y0u and every ignorant oath-breaking tyrant wannabe like you blaming the rest of us for your constituents is reason enough, moron.

Guaranteeing a Faster Response Time to Uvalde Results

“We take a snapshot in time that’ll go out to our 24/7 365 Manned Operations center that’s primarily staffed with former law enforcement and military veterans to make a very quick decision.” [More]

What, the same “experts” who call AR-15s “a weapon of war, the same gun that was issued to me as a member of [the] ATF SWAT team”…?

So I don’t get it– is the “real gun” call made by AI or by “Only Ones” sitting at computer screens? Metaphorically, it sounds like AI is just the Democrat rep that pulls the fire alarm. And how can they tell if an Airsoft gun is a real one or not if ATF can’t? (Internet Archive link may load very slowly)

And without an armed deterrent already on campus capable of repelling an intruder when seconds count, what difference does it make?

I may turn this one into a full-blown article.

Given No Quarters

Denver pleads with property owners to rent to migrant ‘newcomers’ [More]

Hey, they need a place to stay until they can vote to take it over.

They’re appealing to a different demographic than just “residents.”

I wonder how many “property owners” voted Democrat there, and why they shouldn’t just let the politicians’ evil folly get ludicrously worse for all the world to see.

Trump-Endorsed Moreno Laughing at Gun Owners Raises Legitimate Concerns

He doesn’t want to take away guns, but some are “out”? Which ones and why? That’s not “infringing”? Why does he sound like every anti-gunner in the world with the deer cracks? And no private sales? Does this guy even have a clue? [More]

Bernie? You got some ‘splainin’ to do. So does Donald, and JD, and Dave, and Ted, and Rand, and…

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